Thursday, July 5, 2007

What German Soldiers Want for Christmas


The Berliner Tageblatt has published the replies of the various German armies to its inquiry of what the soldier boys would like to have sent them for Christmas.

Following is a summary of what the soldiers ask for:

Army of the Crown Prince: Red wine, cigars, cigarettes, smoking tobacco, canned milk, sewing materials, chocolate and cheese.

Army of Von Hindenburg: Honey cakes, herring, preserves, mitts, mufflers, ladies' muffs, sewing material, chocolates, mouth harmonicas, pocketknives.

Army of Mackensen: Sausage, lard or butter, dried fruits, chocolates, smoked fish, accordions or harmonicas. No woolen goods.

Army of Gallwitz: Cigars, cigarettes, chocolates, soap, sardines, fish, preserves, sewing materials, darning needles and wool, any kind of musical instrument, picture books and comic papers.

Army of Loewenfeld: Cigars, cigarettes, smoking tobacco, chocolates, stockings, handkerchiefs, canned milk.

Army of Von Kooster: Stockings, mitts, mufflers, towels, handkerchiefs, soap, chocolates, pickled meats, wine, beer, electric pocket lamps, pocketknives, funny papers.

The list offers variety for all tastes and purses.

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