Friday, January 25, 2008

Boys Compete for Title of King Cuckoo

Idaho, 1955

Something new in king titles will be bestowed on a Pocatello High school boy Wednesday at the annual Girls Coed dance.

Seven boys are competing for the coveted honor of being "King Cuckoo" at this "girl ask boy” dance under sponsorship of the Girls Council.

Candidates have been nominated also for "King Cuckoo's" court of honor.

The co-chairmen of the dance explained that the girls created the "King Cuckoo" title in keeping with the clock theme of the dance. The decorations are being planned around the song, "Rock Around the Clock."

The dance, which is semi-formal, will begin at 8:15 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. Two hundred fifty couples are expected, and the music will be furnished by Bill Liday's orchestra.

—Idaho Journal, Pocatello, ID, Nov. 20, 1955, p. 16. There's more to this article, including the names of the various candidates, the co-chairmen, etc.

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