Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Suggestions to the Wakeful


If you are nervous and wakeful in temperament, don't overtax your memory, but if you have anything on your mind make a note of it. It will pay better to use a paper tablet than to exhaust your brain.

Do no mental work whatever after the evening meal. Use the evening entirely for relaxation, amusement, but not excitement.

When you go to bed stop thinking, or let the mind rest very lightly on some pleasant or even childish subject.

A hot foot-bath before getting into bed soothes the tired nerves, draws the blood from the brain and is one of the best sleep inducers.

Relax. Lie as limply on your bed as though you were a year-old babe. You cannot have repose of mind without repose of muscle.

The salt rub will be found highly beneficial with the bath. First wet the body with warm water, then rub hard all over with handfuls of damp salt, rinse and rub dry. — American Queen.

Note: This advice is from 1902.

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