Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bride Braves Flames for Another's Babes


Alone, She Invades Smoke-filled Rooms on Fifth Floor.

NEW YORK, N. Y. — Thru blinding, gagging smoke, Mrs. Marie Kearney, 20 years old, groped for two children supposedly left behind in the burning five-story house in the Bronx, until she collapsed. She was found unconscious and brought to safety by other women.

Mrs. Kearney, a bride of two months and a former yeomanette, was on the roof of her home when the frantic appeals of a mother who believed her two children were in a top-floor apartment of the imperiled tenement reached her from the street.

Alone, she crossed the roofs and climbed down thru the suffocating smoke, entering all four smoke-filled apartments on the top floor in a vain search for the youngsters. Mrs. Kearney then continued to the next floor, where she met a man who told her the children were safe.

—The Saturday Blade, Chicago, Aug. 7, 1920, p. 1.

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