Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fish Street

Maine, 1916

Miss Staples from South Portland is boarding at Maple Rock farm for a short time.

Ross Day, who was the recent guest of Mr. Farrington and family, returned to Massachusetts Monday morning.

Mrs. Abbie Farrington is the guest of Mrs. M. M. Smart.

Mrs. Kate Eastman and daughter Arline are visiting in Berlin, N. H.

Mrs. Hubert Quincy, daughter Helen and son William went to Boston Monday.

Florence, Joseph and Margaret Quincy are with their grandparents during their mother's absence.

M. M. Smart, Thomas Dresser and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bradley motored to Lewiston on Friday to hear Chas. E. Hughes, Republican candidate for President. George Anderson took them in his car.

On Saturday D. A. Bradley and wife, Miss Elizabeth Hall and Rev. A. W. Barnland took a trip through the mountains as far as Fabyans, visiting Diana's Baths and Echo Lake on their return trip. The day was ideal. The hours passed rapidly as new phases of natural beauty were continually presented and the slowly descending sun warned us all too soon of the distance which must be covered ere home was reached. The beauty and grandeur which this trip affords must be seen to get any idea of it. Words cannot paint it. Neither can canvas portray it.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Beedy, Mrs. M. M. Smart and Mrs. Abbie Farrington were the dinner guests of Mrs. D. A. Bradley Monday.

Gertrude Howard is on the sick list.

Mrs. Clarence Kimball and daughter were at church Sunday.

We were glad to see Mrs. Kimball out to church Sunday.

Rev. A. W. Barnland leaves for the West today to continue his evangelistic work.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 12, 1916, p. 2.

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