Monday, April 28, 2008

London Summary


London, Sept. 11 — Armies of the five Nations have begun to turn back the German-Bulgar invasion of Greek territory. The British have crossed the Struma and driven their enemy toward Kavala in severe fighting. Under Serbian pressure on the other flank the Bulgarians have retreated toward Monastir, and the French, in the center, have let loose the full power of their artillery, pulverizing Bulgaria's defenses.

Greece is on the verge of war. A Ministerial crisis is imminent, and it is believed Premier Zaimis has already tendered his resignation, reports Reuter's correspondent at Athens. The Greeks, fired by the surrender of the whole provinces to the Bulgars without a blow, are flocking to the Allies for arms and a chance to drive out their bitterest foes.

While Russia is pouring troops into Southeastern Rumania, where the German-Bulgar army has conquered most of the Dobudja, it is claimed, the Rumanian forces are still advancing in Transylvania and overcoming vigorous Austrian resistance.

Vienna declares Russian attacks on Halics in Galicia and along the Kovel front in Russia have been brought to a standstill.

German counter-attacks against the British and French on the Somme front last night and today broke down without regaining any lost ground.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 12, 1916, p. 7.

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