Saturday, April 26, 2008

New Hampshire Neighbors — Brownfield

New Hampshire/Maine, 1916

Mrs. Alvan Smith and son, Percy, have been in town for awhile.

Mrs. Benjamin Howard is entertaining her daughter, Eva.

Miss Winnifield Jones has returned to her home in Eaton, N. H.

Sherman McDonald came home, Sunday.

Fred Files came up from Cornish Saturday evening.

Mrs. A. S. Lynch has been entertaining Miss Rachel Weston of Fryeburg.

Miss Ruth Peckham was in Portland Saturday and visited the Longfellow mansion.

Mrs. Lucian Snow of Portland has been a guest at Spring farm.

Rev. L. F. McDonald, Mrs. McDonald and children have returned from their vacation which they spent in camp.

Merlin Butterfield is in Denmark employed in the corn factory.

EdWin Poore has had extensive improvements made on his house.

Miss Mary Peckham is teaching in Eaton, N. H.

Eugene Poore, Fred Poore and the Misses Leola Butterfield and Clair Rowe are engaged in the corn shop.

On account of the critical illness of Mr. Hawe's mother, High school will not open for two weeks. All other schools began Monday.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 12, 1916, p. 3.

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