New Hampshire/Maine, 1916
A very pleasing entertainment was given at the chapel Tuesday evening by the young ladies of the summer colony, ably assisted by the few young gentlemen. Tableaux, singing, charades and finally the pinning of the Donkey's tail by the children all gave much amusement. Ice cream, cake, home-made candy, pop corn balls and peanuts were sold which with 10 cents admission netted the church $35.
Mr. T. P. Ivy has a new automobile and Will Jackson is his chauffeur.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cook are also enjoying a new Ford automobile.
Mr. John Legere lost a nice young horse last week, tetanus caused by stepping on a rusty nail being the disease. Dr. Lord was sent for, but too late.
Mrs. Abbie Blood and daughter of Franklin, N. H., visited at A. E. Davidson's last week.
Miss Persis Davidson came home from Pendexter's Mansion last Wednesday.
Mr. John Potter and family called on friends in this place Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stewart visited at J. M. Hatch's Sunday.
—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 12, 1916, p. 3.
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