Thursday, April 3, 2008

Says Man, 85, Broke Up Home


Cult Leader is Named in a California Divorce Case.

(By the Associated Press)

CHICAGO, Feb. 25. — An 85-year-old leader of a health and religious cult in Los Angeles was blamed today for breaking up the home of Herman R. Huber, architectural draftsman, who filed suit for divorce from Mrs. Anna C. Huber, 50, a follower of the cult.

The aged man was described as "Ottoman, czar of Adusht, master mind Hanisch of the Mazdazans," whose temple is at 1159 S. Norton avenue, in Los Angeles.

Huber, in his suit, said his wife had become "fanatical, idiotical, and unreasonable by following the repugnant rituals of moaning, raving and silly actions of the cult." He said the power that the "master mind" held over women made them think more of his teachings than they did of their homes and families.

—The Kansas City Star, Feb. 25, 1930, p. 5.

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