The invention of bullet-proof shields is enlarging, and the patent office will soon, if it goes on at the present rate, be compelled to establish a special subdepartment for the exposition of devices in this direction. A point is laid down by a New York engineer, which is that the outer surface of such material should be of soft, yielding material. This breaks the blow, and then the resisting material is apt to ward off effectually the force of the projectile. If the outer surface is hard and unyielding, the blow is sometimes so great as to overpower the recipient of the shock, and instances are on record that men on the battlefield have actually been killed by this shock. The whole subject is an intricate one, and the progress made in it is not such as to deter the inventor from thinking out new devices. — Hardware.
Wheat Harvest
There is no month in the year in which a wheat harvest is not going on in some quarter of the globe.
Ellis Island
Ellis island has also been called Oyster, Bucket and Gibbet island.
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