Saturday, May 3, 2008

Cockroaches Large As Mice


Woman Catches Them With Mousetrap — May Try Cat.

TOPEKA, Kansas. — One Topeka housewife is offering a reward for some way to rid her house of cockroaches. She is wondering if any breed of cats will catch these pests. They have grown so large that she is catching them in mousetraps.

The other night she heard a suspicious noise in her kitchen. She set a trap. Next morning she found a cockroach which tried to steal the bait and met disaster. Thinking it was just a mistake on the part of the roach, she tried again, hoping to catch the mouse that had been keeping her awake.

The same thing happened, only the roach was twice as big — the size of a full-grown mouse.

—The Saturday Blade, Chicago, Aug. 7, 1920, p. 4.

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