Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fired Twice at an Intruder

New York, 1895

Search is being made at Port Jefferson for a man who, it is thought, was wounded Thursday night by two charges of duck shot, which were fired at him by George James, who was gunning for ducks in the harbor. James had just brought down two duck when an unknown gunner shoved out from shore and made toward the dead game. James called upon him to halt, but he paid no attention to the command. Throwing down his oars James raised his gun and threatened to shoot, but the stranger kept on his course.

True to his threat, James pulled both triggers. The man gave a cry of pain and quickly pulled back to shore, where he deserted the boat and made his escape. James picked up his ducks and then tried to find the stranger, but without success.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, N.Y., Jan. 18, 1895, p. 1.

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