Saturday, May 31, 2008

Just For a Change


"The doctor has ordered me to try change for awhile," said Mrs. Gabb.
"Then if I were you I would go to a photographer's and have my picture taken," said Mr. Gabb.
"Why should I do that?" asked the lady as she brought her teeth together with a click.
"Because the photographer will tell you to look pleasant, and if you obey him it will be the greatest change that you could possibly experience." — New York Mail and Express.

Small Wounds

Do not neglect wounds, no matter how slight, from dull or rusty instruments that might produce lockjaw. They should be immediately soaked in hot brine, and the smoke from burning woolen rags will also prove beneficial.


Keys of bronze and iron have been found in Greece and Italy dating from at least the seventh century before Christ.

Manitou is an Indian word, meaning "spirit."

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