Saturday, May 3, 2008

Kansas "Goat Gland Specialist" Missing


Wife Tells Sheriff She Has Come to "Close the Deal."

MILFORD, Kan. — Indications are that the "bubble" formed here when Dr. John R. Brinkley, "goat gland specialist," put this small village "on the map" by his famous "discovery," which he claimed would restore youth to the aged thru gland grafting, has burst.

The "bubble" showed signs of weakening when Brinkley departed for parts unknown two months ago, followed shortly by thousands who had swarmed into Milford, seeking the "fountain of youth."

Following the arrival of the "specialist's" wife here with the announcement that she had come to "close up a deal," the sheriff of Geary County was called upon to take steps to block any move looking to the removal of the "gland hospital's" equipment.

—The Saturday Blade, Chicago, Aug. 7, 1920, p. 4.

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