An old couple fell ill of old age together. The husband died, but the wife had more vitality. On the day following her husband's death she was better, and the doctor was congratulating himself on the success of his treatment. But the woman's point of view was different. She complained bitterly, for, as she forcibly pointed out, "Ef ee'd lat me alone, one funeral 'ud a done for us two, an look what it'll cost now berrying two of us separately!" — Westminster Budget.
The average yield of wheat in Russia is 500 pounds to each 100 pounds of seed; in Great Britain, Holland and the United States, 900; in Italy, 1,000.
A Little Dangerous.
He (designingly) — What a terrible thing it would be if some rascal should marry you for your money!
She (discouragingly) — It would be for him — if I found it out. — New York Weekly.
Rice is not mentioned in the Old Testament and only once or twice in the Talmud. It is not found in Egyptian tombs at a date prior to B. C. 500.
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