Sunday, May 18, 2008

Miss Walters Assaulted

New York, 1895

Saved Herself By Biting a Finger of Her Assailant.

Miss Annie Walters, residing near Kissena Lake, Flushing, is confined to her bed from nervous prostration as the result of an assault made upon her Sunday night. She was returning home from church about 8.30 o'clock and was passing through Queens avenue.

She had just passed Henderson's greenhouses when a burly, roughly dressed man grabbed her by the arm and threw her upon the ground. He placed his hand over her mouth while he attempted to drag her into a clump of bushes.

In the struggle she succeeded in getting her mouth free, and screamed with all her might.

Dealing her a powerful blow with his fist, the ruffian then released her and ran away.

She managed to get to her feet and went to Thomas Doughty's house. Mr. Doughty went out at once and made a search for her assailant, but was unable to find him.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, Feb. 1, 1895, p. 12.

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