Saturday, May 31, 2008

Monday as a "Fatal" Day


A statistician in the employ of the German government has come to the rescue of those who do not share in the widespread superstition that Friday is the most "unlucky" day of the week. Three years ago this particular man of figures, and of great resources for accurate deductions, determined to make a scientific investigation of the Friday superstition. As a result of his exhaustive labors he has given the world a book of queer tables and figures, which proves that it is Monday, and not Friday, that is the most fatal or unfortunate day of the week.

A Recitation In Logic

"And now, Mr. Jones, will you please explain the theory of the sequence of ideas?"
"Sequence? Some call 'em 'straights.' That's where you have ace, king, que — er — that is, I sat up with a sick man last night, professor, and I'm shy on this — not prepared, I mean." — New York Recorder.


A professional philanthropist once circulated a subscription list to enable a poor woman to pay her house rent. He owned the house. — New Orleans Picayune.

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