The editor of the Pumpkinville Pumpkin was buried in thought and a pile of bills when a visitor entered.
"I've got a funny item for your paper," he said, coming to the point at once.
"Yes," replied the editor wearily. "Yes?"
"What is it?"
"A paid up subscription for a year," and with a dollar the visitor healed the wound of his sarcasm. — Detroit Free Press.
Four Great Men
The manager of a French press clipping agency, who deals in newspapers of the entire world, made a calculation as to who is oftenest mentioned as a public character. Napoleon I stands first. Then comes the emperor of Germany, then Prince Bismarck, and in the fourth place, Mr. Gladstone.
An Explanation
The Boston Transcript tells a story of a large mission school for negroes in Georgia. Every day some laughable incident takes place, particularly in the primary room. One which occurred recently must be related. The teacher is a bright, wide awake, down east Yankee girl. She had a class of dozen or more little black skinned urchins out on the floor, whom for several days she had been teaching the words "dog" and "cat." She had written the words on the board, and had used them in connection with the picture of a house, and had had the children write the words and draw houses. This day, to vary the exercise, she drew the picture of a tree. In the top of the tree she placed the cat, and at the foot the dog. Then at the bottom she wrote, "The dog has run the cat up a tree." "Now," she said, "can any one tell me any word that they know here?" Up went a little black hand, shaking with excitement, in the air. "Well, Sidney," said the teacher, "you may tell me." At the top of his voice the little fellow shouted out, "The dog's done treed a possum!"
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