Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Not To Be Open Sundays

New York, 1895

The younger element in the Jamaica Club want the club-house open on Sunday. The older members do not. The younger members wanted to pass the tedious Sunday hours at the club-house in reading and conversation. The old fellows thought it might lead to abuses. The youngsters claimed that when the old fellows went to Newport, Saratoga, and Lake George, in the Summer, they were not so particular how they spent their Sundays. It was a pretty hot contest. It requires a two-third vote to change the by-laws, A vote was taken Saturday night, and the youngsters were beaten, but by only a few votes, and they expect to carry their point later on. If they don't they threaten to join the Chub Club, which is always open.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, Feb. 8, 1895, p. 12.

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