Monday, May 26, 2008

The Scots Grays


A Regiment of Dragoons Famous Since the Time of Charles II.

"Second to none" is the proud motto of the gallant and famous regiment, the Second Dragoon guards, or "Royal Scots Grays." It is a happily chosen motto, for the fame of the regiment is worldwide. Its brilliant achievements on the field of battle during two centuries, its striking and historic name, its grand and imposing uniform have made the Royal Scots Grays, as an individual corps, there is no gainsaying, the most widely known and familiar of all the regiments of the British army.

Since the regiment was raised in the reign of the second Charles the dragoons have borne themselves well in many a famous field, but want of space forbids us to note the exploits until "earth shaking" Waterloo came on the glory roll of the gallant Grays. Here, with the English "Royals" and Irish "Inniskillings," they formed the famous "Union brigade," which made the never to be forgotten picture of the "Fight For the Standard." That widely known picture shows a man of the Grays, Sergeant Ewart, capturing the eagle of a very famous French corps, the "Forty-fifth of the line." Sergeant Ewart himself has told the story in a letter to his father. — Scottish American.

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