Saturday, May 31, 2008

Some Wonderful Figures


Figures on the light and heat of the sun are the most startling that can possibly be presented. The astronomers measure the amount of heat and light emitted by the sun by estimating that the earth intercepts about the two billion three hundred millionth part of it. Thus it is found that in every second of time the sun emits as much heat as would result from the sudden combustion of 11,600,000,000,000 tons of pure coal! It may be interesting to the reader to know that each portion of the sun's surface as large as this earth emits as much heat per second as would result from the combustion of 1,000,000,000 tons of the best anthracite fuel. — St. Louis Republic.

An Awkward Compliment

Lady — The feet of your women are compressed!
Japanese Attache — Beg your pardon, madame, that is a Chinese custom. As for ourselves, we allow the feet of our women to attain their natural dimensions without for a moment pretending that they can come up to the size of yours, madame. — Progres Illustre.


The fixed Christian. feasts are All Saints, Nov. 1; All Souls, Nov. 2; Candlemas, Feb. 2; Christmas, Dec. 25; Circumcision, Jan. 1; Epiphany, Jan. 6; Innocents, Dec. 28.

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