An English Journal Says That They Are a Delusion and a Snare.
Vegetarians will resent the imputations contained in a late issue of the Pall Mall Gazette in regard to a purely leguminous dinner recently given in England. It was a private dinner offered in the inner sanctuary of a home and was a genuine tribute to the resources of the vegetable world. The meal consisted of 20 courses, each in its way pronounced perfect, from the purees of tomato, the ragouts of mushroom, the lettuce and asparagus to the finest fruits of the country.
The Gazette asserts that vegetables are perfidious and criminal when they attempt to satisfy; that they can only fill, and that a people fed upon them might grow fat, but so in proportion would they become flabby and feeble. It apostrophizes pig as food upon which to feed wrestlers and all who work hard and exercise with violence and declares that meat is needed to prepare weak and strong alike to fight the battle of life.
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