Saturday, May 3, 2008

Wife Says Spouse Is "Kissing Her to Death"


NEW YORK, N. Y. — Magistrate James T. O'Neill, in Brooklyn police court, committed Edward A. Stoddart, 30, veteran of the 165th Infantry, to the observation ward at Kings County Hospital because his wife complained he kissed her too much.

"Your honor," she said to Magistrate O'Neill, "he was killing me with kisses and love. He kissed me on the street, in church, at home. I counted 300 kisses last Monday, and the good Lord only knows how many on Sunday.

"He kissed me until I felt I was dying from kisses, and then he wanted me to smile."

Mrs. Stoddart said her husband was gassed and wounded in France and she feared his mind was affected. They have been married ten years and have a daughter 8 years old.

—The Saturday Blade, Chicago, Aug. 7, 1920, p. 4.

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