Friday, June 6, 2008

Color Line in the Schools

New York, 1895

The Board of Education has decided that it will be unable to admit the children of the colored parents to the new school-house at Amityville without the consent of the citizens. Charles Devine Brewster, a wealthy colored man, sent his son to the new school when it opened last Monday. The child was refused admission and sent to the colored school.

They Want Higher Pay

A strike among the riveters and rivet heaters on the big gasometer of the East River gas company, in Ravenswood, is in progress. The strikers number about seventy. The riveters were receiving $2.50 a day and asked $2.75. The heaters got $1.50 and want $1.75. The men are required to work at a height of 205 feet and claim that the demand is justified on account of the extra risk to life and limb.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, March 8, 1895, p. 1.

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