Friday, June 6, 2008

The Firemen Couldn't Save It

New York, 1895

Fire broke out in the barber shop of Lewis Block, at Bay Shore, on Tuesday morning, and in spite of the efforts of the firemen the building was completely gutted. The loss is about $2,000.

The Robbins Potato Digger

The celebrated Robbins Potato Digger is necessary to successful farm work. It is the best made. Arrender Smith, of Rockville Center, is agent for the digger. Go see it, or he will call upon you.

Fire at Lindenhurst

Shortly before midnight Sunday night the dwelling of Isaac Taylor, at Lindenhurst, was destroyed by fire, with its contents. The loss will aggregate $2,000. The origin of the fire is a mystery.

Mrs. Ramming Gets a Divorce

A decree of absolute divorce was granted Tuesday morning to Rosa Ramming by Justice Gaynor, at a special term of the supreme court at Long Island City. The husband made no defense.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, March 8, 1895, p. 4.

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