Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Valuable Old Meadow


An ancient document was recorded in the register's office in New York the other day which will tend to show the rapid growth of the city and the advance in the price of real estate. The document in question is a conveyance executed July 15, 1817, by Samuel Watkins of the city of New York, physician, to Isaac and Michael Dyckman, sons of Jacobus Dyckman of Kingsbridge, and conveys a piece of land, being salt meadow near Kings bridge, containing five acres, adjoining land of John Nagle and Blazo Moore, Jr., for the sum of $56.25. As now laid out the property is bounded by Academy street, Harlem river, Sherman avenue and Dyckman street, and comprises six full blocks in section 8 on the land map of the city of New York. The present value of this property must be between $300,000 and $500,000.

A Domestic Conversation

Her Father — So you have had a proposal, my daughter?
Herself — Yes, papa, several. An iceman proposed to me.
Her Father (breathlessly) — Did you accept him, my dear?
Herself — Nay, nay, papa.
Her Father — Ingrate!
Herself — After him a plumber proposed to me, dear papa.
Her Father (excitedly) — And him — did you accept him?
Herself — Not for jewels and precious stones, papa mine.
Her Father — Fool! Idiot!
Herself — I had a third proposal, papa. The gentleman is an iceman in the summer time and a plumber in the winter.
Her Father (on the verge of apoplexy) — Madeline —
Herself (calmly) — I accepted him, father.
Her Father — Fall on my neck, my angel child. You are the rarest rose of them all. — Milwaukee Sentinel.

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