Sunday, August 3, 2008

Bowling Alley on Fire

New York, 1895

Woodhaven and Ozone Park News.

The bowling alley in the hotel formerly occupied by Anton Ballin took fire on Tuesday, about noon, from some unknown cause, and burned about four feet of the outside boarding. The fire was extinguished by a couple of Americus boys without sending in an alarm.

The funeral services of ex-Postmaster E. H. McArthur took place at his late residence on Friday afternoon. The Rev. F. W. Cutler delivered the sermon and offered prayer. There was a large gathering of friends of the deceased. The remains were taken to Stuyvesant, N. Y., for interment.

While attempting to get out of the way of a reckless driver Sunday, on Broadway, a young man ran his bicycle into the show window of Robinson Brothers' store, breaking the glass and severely cutting his face. Another wheelman was knocked from his wheel on the railroad crossing and came near being run over. His wheel was wrecked.

Sunday afternoon there was some very reckless driving on Broadway. After witnessing it for a time, some citizens made up their minds to have some one arrested. One John Madden, who was beastly drunk and driving a crippled horse up and down on a run, lashing him at every jump. At last one of the town officers jumped into the wagon and put him under arrest. There was a struggle until Deputy Sheriff Peterson arrived and put handcuffs on the fellow. He was taken to Jamaica and locked up. Monday morning Justice Lott fined Madden $10, which he paid.

The body of the Frenchman who was found in the woods near Maple Grove Cemetery was buried on Monday. The remains were interred in Maple Grove Cemetery. Coroner Nutt adjourned the inquest, which was commenced Monday night, until next Monday. Dutch Louis and his wife, near whose hut the body was found, swore that there were only five men in their hut Monday night. Henry Krause testified that there were seven, and a man named Young corroborated him. A hunt will be made for the men who were in the hut. Before Undertaker Ruoff buried the body he had the face sketched and also preserved the clothing. Two men looked at the body Monday but were unable to identify it.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 31, 1895, p. 8.

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