I've gotten some miscellaneous clippings from a Kansas newspaper, The Ellis Review-Headlight of Ellis, Kansas. Not everything is dated, but the date I've seen is 1911. So I assume they're all that vintage unless I come across something different.
I'm going to be posting some of these clippings, articles, whatever there is, for a while.
The paper was published every Friday at that time, and the publisher's name was W.H. Snyder.
How I format these things goes something like this, word for word except obvious misspellings, which I correct unless I think it's a particular spelling for the period, an ethnic spelling, or there's some other particular situation. For initials, like W.H. Snyder, I drop the space between them whereas they're usually spaced in old newspapers. I put an extra space between paragraphs, as I can't figure out how to indent HTML, plus it looks better on the screen. And the capitalization of headlines isn't precisely what is on a clipping.
One last thing, some clippings don't have headlines but a blog needs a headline, so I'll put something.
If you still have the clippings would you be willing to post them again. I currently live in Ellis, Kansas and I love reading up on the old days of Ellis. Thanks. Jason