The latest rule is that a man's necktie should match the gown of the woman with whom he walks or drives. Nat Goodwin would have to carry a suit case of ties with him day and night. -- K.S.A.C. Industrialist.
Men squander money in different ways. Dr. D.K. Pearson, the philanthropist, gave away his final $300,000 a few days ago. Frank Munsey, magazine magnate, is to establish a string of newspapers. -- K.S.A.C. Industrialist.
Strange, isn't it, that women who shiver and look horrified at the mention of some actresses puff up like pouter pigeons and smile as if they'd found a nickel when you tell them they resemble the said beautiful actress. -- K.S.A.C. Industrialist.
After my wife had scolded me for making so many mistakes and after meekly asking her, "But didn't you ever make a mistake?" she gave me a look that I shall never forget and remarked, "I made a sad mistake -- once." There remained a dead silence for a half hour and I imagined I could hear the wedding bells of long ago -- and I understood. -- Bill Huff.
A query from the Hiawatha World:
A farmer finds a one-dollar bill, and appropriates it, by right of discovery, to himself. He goes to town and pays it to a newspaper man on what he owed him; the newspaper man hands it over to a merchant to settle his account; the merchant pays his meat bill with it; and the butcher pays it back to the original finder to finish paying for a calf he had bought, after which the farmer takes it to the bank and discovers it to be counterfeit, and on the ensuing Sunday puts it into the missionary collection. Query: Are all these debts canceled by the spurious one dollar?
Advertise your own state. Don't run column after column about other states' advantages. Not that you love Canada or Colorado less, but you love Kansas more. -- K.S.A.C. Industrialist.
--The Ellis Review-Headlight, Ellis, Kansas, April 14, 1911
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