Saturday, March 31, 2007

Grocer Swindled by Small Boy

San Antonio, Texas, 1906

Lad Worked on Groceryman's Sympathies and Got a Loaf of Bread.

A small boy about seven years old went into Earnest Broggie's grocery store on South Laredo street the other day. The lad was crying in a strangled sort of way, and, when asked what was the matter, he said that he had a pin in his throat.

The groceryman started to phone for a doctor, but the boy wouldn't hear of that. He said that if he could get something soft to swallow, it would be all right. The scared groceryman gave the lad a cake, but that didn't seem to remove the pin.

By this time the boy seemed in a bad way, but he managed to gasp out for some bread and a little oil. The excited groceryman rushed around and procured the bread and oil, in haste to relieve the boy, who was a son of one of his customers. When the loaf of bread and bottle of oil was given the boy he promptly removed the pin -- and himself, also, from the store, and gave the laugh at the kind groceryman.

Mr. Broggi, the groceryman, now ponders often on the wisdom of the young.

--The San Antonio Daily Light, San Antonio, Texas, June 28, 1906, page 8.

Comment: The grocer's name is given both as Broggi and Broggie. In the original article the boy manages "to kasp out," which doesn't sound right.

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