Atlanta, Georgia, 1906
"Uncle Billy" -- Philosopher.
"Yes, sir," said old "Uncle" Billy, who comes in occasionally with country produce, via the East Point road, "I shore do see wonders in the sky these cool November nights. Only last night I seen sixteen stars fall -- all at one time, an' one of 'em come so clost to me my hat wuz knocked one-sided, an' a hole burnt in the brim. Night before that, whilst I wuz a-surveyin' of the heavens -- so to speak -- I seen a perfect pictur' of a sword, just 'bout where the moon would 'a' ben at that time, ef she hadn't been late; then there wuz a big crack in the sky, like a winder-shutter suddenly throwed wide open, an' I hearn sweet singin', an' harp-playin', most distinct. Oh, there's wonderful things goin' on above you that you don't know nuthin' about -- I tell you! An' there's trouble in store fer this ol' country, shore's you're born. You'd better hold yer cotton fer 10 cents an' better. An' do you want any fresh eggs this mornin', at 30 cents?"
--The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, November 9, 1906, page 6.
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