Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mind Your Own Business

Pleasure and Business
The man who makes his business a pleasure is likely to live a good deal longer and get a good deal farther than the man who makes his pleasure a business.
The Consultation
First Physician - "Can you make anything out of the patient's trouble?"
Second Ditto - "I think if we manage right we can make about five hundred apiece out of it."
More Work For Dad
A local dentist is a father for a second time. His older child gazed at the new one for a few minutes and said, gravely: "Papa, here's some bridge work you'll have to do free."
No Chance for Fraud
The German postal authorities have decreed that in the future, whenever an employee asks for a blue pencil, he must first present the stump of the old one, as a guarantee against fraud.

--The Ellis Review-Headlight, Ellis, Kansas, 1911.

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