Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Toys of the Zuni Indians

Zuni Toys
Zuni Indians make their toys out of clay and bake them hard so that they will not crumble. They know how to model dolls and goats and frogs and cows, and birds that warble when one fills the hollow body with water and blows through a tube inserted in the back. And they make all kinds of curious clay rattles.
The Imagination of Corot
Imagination and invention are often taken as the same thing, whereas they are as different as wit and humor. The question of imagination in a painter's work is not to be estimated in terms of literature, but in terms of paint. The delicate silver grays and cool, translucent greens of Corot are of the essence of imagination, as I understand the word. -- R. B. Cunninghame Graham.
Horse for Sale (Advertised in 1911)
Mildon 41876. This handsome six year old standard bred and registered, sound trotting stallion for sale. Sired by Don Roma 27667. As pretty as a peacock, good disposition, and will be sold at a great bargain. Will sell on all or part time for good paper. Call and see him at Hays, Kansas, at my barn. This horse holds a certificate from the Kansas State Live Stock Registry Board. If you want to buy a first-class horse cheap, call, write or phone, E. F. MADDEN, Hays, Kansas.

--The Ellis Review-Headlight, Ellis, Kansas, 1911.

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