Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Brother Oliver Preaches Great Sermon on Noah's Flood

Ada, Oklahoma, 1906

Bro. Oliver was at his best at the Tuesday night service, and his sermon was one of the best that we have ever heard in Ada. His text, "And the Lord said unto Noah, 'Come thou and all thy family into the ark'" is found in Gen., vii, 1.

Mr. Oliver began by reviewing the results of scientific investigation as to the age of the earth and the date of the creation. He concluded this by saying that no two scientists agree upon the age of the earth. The estimates vary from a few thousands to many hundreds of millions of years. We must, therefore, reach the inevitable conclusion that we only know that man was created and not when. Mr. Oliver gave a brief review of man's history from the day of his creation to his destruction by the flood. The basic thought of the sermon was that as God called Noah into the ark before the great flood, He is now calling all into the ark of salvation.

"People made fun of Noah when he responded to the command of his God to build an ark. Perhaps his family was snubbed by the social leaders of his neighborhood. People called him an old stogy, and mocked and scoffed at him. But Noah said, 'God will send plenty of water.' He will always flood the soul when his children obey his commands. You will not get a blessing while you are playing the hypocrite." Mr. Oliver quit his line of thought just here long enough to condemn hypocrisy in the local church. He said that those who drive to Byrd's mill or any other mill on Sunday ought to be turned out of the churches. "There are hypocrites right here in Ada who are dragging men and women to hell." Mr. Oliver asked, "Are you fulfilling the command God has made of you?"

"Just as the people were indifferent and reveling in sin while Noah was building the ark, people are today turning an indifferent ear to the warning that God will again destroy this old world and all with it who do not take heed now and make their eternity secure in the ark of the blood of Jesus Christ."

Mr. Oliver attacked the theory of the Universalists, who say that God is too good to punish his people. "The same devil who told Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit, that no harm would come to her, tells the Universalists that God is too good to punish those who disobey Him."

Mr. Oliver's description of the filling of the ark with birds, beast and man; the dastardly work of the uncompromising waters and the awful end that befell all living creatures was eloquent, graphic and picturesque. He painted a lifelike picture, which will always be remembered by those who heard him.

Mr. Oliver pleaded that the families of Ada let God shut them in the ark of salvation just as He shut Noah and his family in the literal ark. "It means eternity security. I pray God that He save you from the storm of judgment."

Mr. Oliver will preach a farewell sermon to the Christian people Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit."

On Sunday afternoon he will preach to men only. Subject, "Manhood."

--The Evening News, Ada, Oklahoma, August 8, 1906, page 1.

Comment: This is a great article. I like how Mr. Oliver dispenses with the whole issue of the age of the earth. Then the mocking that Noah must have received is a nice part. As for Byrd's mill, I don't know what that is, but apparently some worldly behavior went on there, dancing, maybe drinking, I'd guess. Finally, the article writer's review of the sermon, one of the best ever heard and to be remembered always, is classic. I love it.

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