Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Husbands Thrive on Spanking (Some Wives, Too)

1916, Click graphic for bigger version

According to Recent Testimony of Their Wives


Lemon Squeezers and Bread Boards Favorite Substitutes for Birch of Boyhood – Policeman Fears Wife May Attack Him on His Beat – Piano Tuner Finds It Hard to Keep Ear for Harmony.

Victims Hold Various Views as to Efficacy of Household Treatment, but May Unite in Alumni Club. Weaker Vessel Also Tanned and Cheerfully Admits She Likes It.


Herewith the silly season is formally declared open. From this day on till the hot weather is over wise New Yorkers will not burden their sizzling brains with the Mexican problem, the presidential election or the success of the new offensive of the Allies. To spank or not to spank is the question of the hour. It's much too warm to think. If you don t believe it, read the letters which have been written in the last few days by husbands and wives who favor or oppose spanking as a first aid to conjugal concord.

Grown-Ups Need Birch.

The controversy was started by an innocent little document from a wife, who declared frankly that grown persons as well as children are the better for an occasional whipping, adding that her own husband had been changed from a drinker and smoker into a model man, with a good job, money saved and a fine home by the judicious application of these wifely principles.

Spare the rod and spoil the husband was this matron's recipe for domestic happiness. Many husbands, doubtless, would rather be spanked than nagged. Spanking, like war is only one form of the force argument, in many cases not so objectionable and not nearly so efficacious as hysterics or tears. The pacifists of the home, like those of the larger world, don't seem to realize that to put an end to physical warfare won't put an end to war.

Money as Weapon.

War can be and is made with money all the time, though every sword is sheathed and every bayonet sleeps in its scabbard. And war is made, pressure amounting to tyranny is exerted in many homes wherein the word spank is so discredited that it would not be let in the back door. Persons who decry the rod and the slipper as corrective agents may use meaner weapons. It has been proved that small boys when given a choice between a licking and a milder but longer and more boresome penance elect always to take the licking.

Boys Prefer Licking.

After all when you're licked for going fishing you can take the licking and go fishing again. So husbands given their choice between being lectured or spanked for staying out late at the club might choose the shorter and more merciful punishment.

Still, the husbands who have written their views do not seem to be as philosophical about their spankings as they should be. They do not take the broad, impersonal view of the wife, for instance, who writes that her husband has spanked her frequently and that she feels that her home is happier and she herself a better woman for the spankings.

The letter which started the spanking controversy and those written in answer to it are printed below.

Origin of Controversy.

"On the needs of spanking which were discussed in the world. I would say that grown people should be spanked, as well as children. Whipping has reformed my husband from a drinker and smoker into a model man.

"After a few months of misery I decided to take matters in my own way. So one night when he was half drunk and his pay half gone I lost my temper, took him over my knee and gave him a sound thrashing. I have spanked him often since when I took notion. Now he has a good position, money saved and a fine home. MRS. N. McC."

Likes Being Tanned.

"I would say that while I have never had occasion to even think of punishing my husband, he has frequently spanked me, and I freely admit the result has made our home life happier. I had been careless in many things and caused my husband much worry until he took the advice of my mother and soundly spanked me. Since then I have realized that there are many things I should not do and I refrain from doing them, knowing that if I am caught doing them my husband will not hesitate to place me over his lap and spank me. While he is never brutal in punishing me, he has tanned me many times, and I feel I am the better for it.

"I think there would be more happy couples if more husbands would do the same thing. I freely admit that my life has been made happier since I have been called to an accounting for my misdoings. MRS. A."

Spanked Twice Daily.

"Those very energetic wives who spank their husbands should keep that fact to themselves. My wife read their letters and was very much interested -- too much so for me. Last night I stayed out rather late at my club, and when I returned home received the surprise of my married life when my wife handed me the first spanking I received since my boyhood days.

"This morning at breakfast I remonstrated with her and attempted to stick up for my rights, whereupon I was taken from my meal and given another introduction to my wife's riding crop. A spanking at night is bad enough, but to start the day with one is simply indescribable. Aside from the humiliating fact of a man's discussing war at his club and then going home to be spanked by his wife, it will make husbands invent lies to tell their wives rather than take the spanking. My wife will in future get more fibs from me than truths. INDIGNANT HUSBAND."

Sees Trouble Ahead.

"Honest and truly I hate to write this letter, but the letters you've been printing about wives spanking their husbands makes me want to write this, because I'm always getting spanked by my wife. Honest, Mr. Editor, you don't know how ashamed I feel to tell this to the public but I'm just so full of it I can't help it.

"None of our relatives or friends dreams of the way she works off her tantrums on me. And the funny part of it is I'm a good husband. Well, you can see for yourself -- I don't gamble, drink or chew or smoke (save once in a while I smoke a cornsilk cigarette for fun, but as corn ain't ripe now I haven't smoked any this season.) Don't that sound like I am a good husband?

"I'm a piano tuner and work steady and give her my envelope every week, but a man ain't in much humor to tune pianos when his wife's spanking him all the time, is he? Outside of that one fault, though, she's a fine wife. Sometimes I think she's crazy on the subject because right in the middle of a quiet talk she'll grab me and lay me across her knee and let me have it. One thing about her she don't use no board or nothing, but gee, how she can hit! She's almost twice as big as I am. It's all right to say I made a mistake in marrying a big woman, but I thought the world of her. I do yet, and that fact makes me sore at her treatment. I stole down to the Polo grounds Fourth morning to see the Giants and Brooklyn play, telling her I had to work. I came home with a score card in my pocket and she choked the truth out of me. Then she took me on her knee upside down, Glorious Fourth for me! I don't think, I know I'll be sorry. I wrote this because she'll see it and when she does -- me for the arnica. The only hope I see is that she's getting rhoomatism. BELOW THE BELT."

Victims May Unite.

"And me grieving all these years in the belief that I was the only boob husband who was getting spanked! From the letters you've been getting I'm sure there are enough of us to organize an alumni. What a chance to swap experiences and exchange alleviation ideas! You can see from the letter I write I'm not a mushhead. Furthermore, I'm that much bigger than my wife that it might be fatal if I ever sought to retaliate. That and the fear of our domestic battles becoming public is what makes me put up with it. Then there is a financial reason.

"First along in our married life of nine years, when I tried to curb her furious attacks she used to smash the household articles. I found it was cheaper to let her strike me. I got to bending over and covering my head to save my face, and her spanking developed as a matter of course. While I'm at it I might as well tell the whole humiliating truth. She uses a wooden lemon squeezer. I'm a railroad clerk. We have two children and a Ford, but she never lays a hand on the youngsters. Anyhow, I feel better now to think I'm not the only husband who's getting walloped. OUCH."

Policeman Henpecked.

"Think of a policeman who permits his wife to spank him. Yes, I'm the policeman, I'm sorry to say, and I'm a member of a West Side precinct. Not only that, but I've got a medal for bravery. That's a laugh, ain't it. Those spanking letters you've been running hit me in the same place as they hit the other fellows.

"Here's my case: I've got only a few years to go to get on the pension list, and as I've got a good rep with the members of the force I don't like to spoil everything by dragging my family troubles into print. My wife knows she has me in a hole and that I dare not squeal. She even dares me to arrest her. Ain't that a fine fix? I'm sure some of the neighbors know she spanks me, although I try to stall by laughing out loud when she spanks me. It's hard to laugh, though, when you're getting soaked with a bread board. I got a terrible spanking the night of the last police parade because I didn't wave my hand at her when the parade was passing the library. Several times she's come to my post and threatened to attack me. Some night I'm afraid she will. I wonder how many policemen are getting spanked. PATIENT COP."

--The Washington Post, Sunday, August 20, 1916, Magazine Section, page 1. [Page 37 in microfilm archive.]


  1. i truly believe that getting my bottom spanked is often justified due to misdoings which get her very upset. when i misbehave i find that getting my bottom tanned with her hairbrush is very painful but is over and done quickly. in the past she made my life unbearable scolding me with endles remarks or not speaking to me for hours. when i suggested a spanking she obliged and it worked.

  2. I once got a bare bottom spanking across my wife's lap right in front of her girlfriend..humiliating! Especially when her girlfriend laughed at me.

  3. Once I received a bare bottomed spanking in front of my sister in-law! It all started one day when my wife started to give me a bare bottomed spanking. She started with me naked over her knee using her hand after 50 swats we heard the door bell ring. When she peeked out the window to see who it was she discoveder it was her sister from out of town. She told me th slip on sweat pants while she greeted her sister at the door. Once she was inside her sister could tell that she had stopped us from something. my wife looked at me and then at her sister took a big breath and said she was spanking me and wanted to know if her sister wanted to help her!Gane on and the rest is great!

  4. My wife is 6'2" 190 lbs., I am 5'10" and 165 lbs. on my 50th b'day we went out to dinner and her mom joined us who is also a big lady 6'3" 225 lbs. and 75 years old. After dinner and drinks we went home for cake and shortly there after Barbara got up and left. No sooner had the door closed behind her Amanda came over to me and said that there was one more present that she wanted to give me as she took my hand and guided me over to the couch sat down and started stripping me. Thinking we were going to make love I helped her and in 10 seconds was completely naked as she grabbed my left wrist and pulled me down across her knee and sang happy b'day to me as my spanking started. Just then the door opened and my mother-in-law walked in looking for her car keys. She stopped dead in her tracks as she took in the sight that lay before her. Then she started to laugh as she told me this was a whole different side of me that she hadn't seen before. I tried getting up but my wife is too strong as she held me down. Saying where do you think you are going? It's too late to hide mom has already seen me giving you your b'day spanking. Then her mom chimed in with oh, honey could I wish little markie a happy birthday as well? To my complete embarrassment she said of course. And with that it was over my mother-in-laws knee I went and was spanked to tears with her just using her hand. When she finally let me up she said well me thinks he protests to much as my wife saw what her moms thighs felt. The she sat down sat me on her lap pulled out a breast and had me suck on it. Then out of nowhere I felt her other cold hand grab my manhood and started stroking me with hand cream. NOOOOOO I cried as I lost control right there in front of her mother. She found her keys and bid us a good night as she left. That was the most embarrassing night of my life.

  5. After seeng an article on Project Happily Ever After, I caught my husband in a situaion, I was furious and upset and remembered the articl.
    My husband went over my knee! There was real remorse and a positive change in our marriage.
    I've continued to spank him when I feel it's needed and the results have been fabulous.

  6. A teenage boy's heart is filled with untreated foolishness(Prv 22, 16) This foolishness causes that the boy makes irrational things asking subconsciously for punishment! I remember feeling an unexplained thrilling sensation in crawling among bushes, in plain dailight,near the town's chief police's house, in the countryside, snatching a young goat, skinning it right there behind a bush, with the intent of taking it home for dinner. His daughter, however, saw me just as I was plunging the knife in the goat's throat. She yelled for help and the officer came running with a rifle. The goat was already dead. He took me to the house, made me drop my pants and lie down on a stool. Then, in front of all his family he proceeded to give me the spanking of my life with a strap for more than 15 minutes. The scene became imprinted in my mind forever. Since I had no father, he said that he would be my father for a month, and ordered me to come for a spanking for the next four weeks. After four weeks, I was a changed person! I never approached any house to steal, again! The foolishness lodged in my heart was miraculously gone, as the Bible says!

  7. My wife caught me coming out of the shower on our wedding night, she was already naked as she showered first. She grabbed my handle and brought me ouer to our hotel bed where she sat down and in one quick motion turned me over her knee for my first bare bottomed spanking from her. markiee

  8. My wife has spanked me several times. Of course as I am bigger than her I have submitted to her willingly at first. She started using a hair brush which hurt a lot but has now taken to using a tawse. These are not playful spankings they leave me feeling reallly punished. Recently she felt I was rude while visiting her sister. She told me to be quiet but I persisted. Without further comment she asked her sister if she would excuse us as she was going to spank me. Her sister at first thought it a joke but when my wife took her hair brush from her purse she simply pointed to the rear of the house. I protested and my wife asked if I wanted to be spanked right there. So I went with her and she blistered my behind. When we came back to where her sister was waiting all she said was "very interesting" I was very embarrassed but now watch every word

  9. I don't nag, I don't yell, I don't sulk, I Spank! After 2.5 years of marriage we were heading in the wrong direction as a couple. After another Friday nite at the bar with co-workers I met my husband at the door with a suitcase and an ultimatum. There would be changes starting immediatly or he could move in with co-workers! He opted for changes and followed me upstairs where I had him take off his clothes and lay over my lap or pack his bag.
    I spanked my husband very very good and promised him another everytime he needed it. I hugged him and let him know I loved him,forgave him and really wanted our marriage to be strong. That was five years ago. We're still together, happy and yes I still spank him when I think it is useful. It has worked greatly! Jen

  10. My wife of 24 years gives me regular spankings with a slipper, hairbrush, cane, paddle, or ruler, and I love it! At first she was hesitant, but she knows now that I have a psychological need for discipline, and it is a huge turn-on for me. She has come to enjoy putting me across her lap in nylon or rubber panties, and sometimes makes me play maid for her. It has made our relationship stronger and more loving, and I know I could never really be happy in any other type of marriage.

  11. I enjoy spanking my husband. He has to wear panties all the time. I've thrown away his underwear.recently, he was across a table in his panties and I had just started to spank him with a hairbrush. I had not closed the door and so my neighbor walked in. She began to leave when I said you've seen it so stay if you want. She did. I asked her to lower my husband's panties which she happily did. When I got tired I let her spank him also. We then gave him corner time with his panties by his knees. He was extremely embarrassed. We've done this twice now. The sight of his red cheeks gets us both very wet
