Monday, April 30, 2007

Drink-Crazed He Used Hatchet To Demolish Home; Police Got Him

Cedar Rapids, IA, 1920

If a high-powered explosive shell had entered the apartment of John Edgington at Second avenue and eighth street, today it could not have done more damage than Edgington did himself while apparently laboring under the impression that he was Carrie Nation. Seizing a hatchet, Edgington broke up anything and everything he could lay his hands on. With one blow he completely demolished a china closet; he chopped holes in a dresser, broke a big mirror in his room, smashed dishes and created general havoc.

Armed with the axe as he was and almost crazed from the effects of protracted drinking, he also threw a considerable scare into his wife and persons living in the neighborhood. When Policeman Mikota and Butler arrived at the rooming house Edgington was still engaged in his work of destruction, but accompanied the police quietly enough to the police station. There he again became violent and repeatedly dashed his head against the door of his cell. His cries could be heard all over the building and his actions were so wild that another man who was in the cell with him begged to be taken out and placed in another cell.

Edgington is said to have been drinking steadily since July 4 last. His condition would not permit of his arraignment in police court this morning but he will, it is expected, appear before Judge Clark tomorrow.

–The Evening Gazette, Cedar Rapids, IA, Aug. 13, 1920, p. 3.

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