Monday, April 30, 2007

"Left Clothes on Ship by Mistake," Says Paris Actress Noted for Legs

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American Legs Shapely

French Girl With Million Dollar Limbs Won't Compete With American Women

NEW YORK, March 3. — The French girl with the "million dollar legs" won't bet a cent on 'em against American competition.

Mlle. Andre Spinelli, who walked into the European hall of fame on "the most shapely limbs in the world," looked down from the balcony on a scantily clad Zeigfeld chorus girl going through rehearsal steps and said:

"No, I will not say I have ze best."

And the conversation turned to legs.

Whereupon the noted little French danseuse freed herself of some personal secrets.

"On ze other side it es ze whole shape," with a sweeping gesture from the shoulders down.

"Ze Americans also zink ze leg is only from here to here," pointing from a dainty bare ankle to a dimpled knee that peeped out below a flaming pair of wildly combined colors in crepe de chine junior breeches.

"But on ze other side zey call it ze leg from here down" marking the start at the hip where a brief white "hug-me-tight" sweater reached its farthest.

"Most of my clothes got on ze Adriatic by mistake and aren't here yet," she added and no one questioned it.

"Ze papers say I have ze most beautiful legs in ze world. Well, I do not know. I will let ze Americans judge for themselves. I never say I have ze best but I do say I have ze fine shape. So have all ze American girls I have seen. Oh, oui, oui.

"I do not like ze talk about ze legs. Ze people will zink zat's all I have, I have ze whole shape. And I sing and I act. I like to do ze comedy and I am going to do it.

"What are ze ideal limbs? I could not say. I am not ze man. Look, what you say?"

The reporter didn't say.

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