Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Farmer Inherits Old Scrapbook of Distant Relative

Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1908


Record Kept by "Uncle Peter" Kiser Now Owned by Ossian Man.

L. F. Snyder, a farmer residing near Ossian, has in his possession an old scrap book made by "Uncle Peter" Kiser, one of the best known Fort Wayne pioneer merchants, whose death occurred some years ago. The volume was originally a canal register kept in Fort Wayne in early days, showing the movement of boats on the Wabash and Erie canal through this city. In the book, also, Mr. Riser pasted newspaper clippings of local historical events, election tickets of many years and specimens of the old state bank notes and the "shin-plaster" money which was in circulation years ago. Mr. Snyder is a distant relative of the Kisers, and the valuable old volume fell into his possession upon the death of Mr. Kiser.

—The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, October 3, 1908, page 4.

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