Indiana Woman's Effort to Have Her Queer Pet's Injured Member Set.
The physicians at the city dispensary have all sorts of patients, but a new record was made the other day, says the Indianapolis News, when a woman brought a pig there to have its leg set. She drove up in a carriage, and exhibited a five-weeks-old pig with a broken leg, and entered into negotiations to have the injured member repaired. While she was talking she paused ever and anon to hold a milk bottle to the little sufferer's mouth, to stop its pitiful cries.
Dr. Kennedy informed her that it was not in their regular line to practice on pigs, but the case might be taken — for a consideration. Dr. Pink asked her why she did not go to a veterinary surgeon, and she said he would charge too much for the work. Dr. Pink offered to set the limb for 50 cents.
"Oh, you're awful high," the woman almost screamed. "I studied medicine myself, and have an idea of what you ought to charge. I'll give you a quarter." But Dr. Pink would not come down, and the woman finally consented to pay the price. The doctor was about to begin the operation, and had given the pig's leg a preliminary pull, which made the bottle again necessary, when the woman was struck with an idea.
"I suppose you guarantee your work," she said. "I think so much of the little fellow, and I want to know that his leg won't be crooked when he gets well."
Dr. Pink would not agree to guarantee the job without additional pay. He informed the woman that it would cost an additional dollar to guarantee it. This almost caused the woman to faint, and as soon as she could recover from the shock, she grabbed the reins and drove away.
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