Thursday, April 5, 2007

Moonshiner's Remote Hideaway, Loot Discovered

Oxnard, California, 1922--

Henry Helmold Tells Finding Moonshiner's Santa Clara Shelter

Constable-elect Henry Helmond is already on the job, for yesterday he participated in the capture of a moonshiner's camp in the Santa Clara river bed, where a large amount of loot apparently stolen by the moonshiner, was found. Helmond said one never would have noticed the camp unless he had been shown the spot. It was surrounded by high blackberry bushes and other trees.

E. L. Gardner of Saticoy had been robbed Saturday and while trying to figure out who committed the robbery, he traced some footprints to the Santa Clara river bed, near the Saticoy bridge. He learned that someone had a camp in the river bed, somewhere, so decided to hunt for it. With Pete Donion, and Constable Helmold they searched for a long time. Undersheriff Sullivan also went with them. They searched for a long time among thickets of trees and blackberry bushes before Sullivan spotted the corner of a tent just above the top of a blackberry bush. He saw the small bit of tent after the party had been attracted to the scene by a strong smell of liquor.

Arming themselves with revolvers the party expected to engage in a hard gun battle, but when they came upon the tent no one was there. Possibly the moonshiner had heard them approaching and made a get-away.

Around the tent were found two barrels of mash, which were broken up. Many bottles of "jack-ass brandy" were found and several large five-gallon bottles of recently manufactured booze were found, and smashed. Much of it was thrown down a well the moonshiner had dug in the river bed.

Constable Helmold found a large lard pail. Taking off the lid he noticed what he thought was lard, but on closer observation, found it was cotton. Under the layer of cotton was found two gold watches, in cases. 12 other ladies' watches, a pearl necklace, a pair of dimaond earrings, some gold lockets and much jewelry. It is believed that the articles were stolen from places here. Three valises filled with clothes also were unearthed, besides two good overcoats, two guns, a revolver and some school books stolen from the El Rio school. In some of the books the name of Charles Grubb is written.

So far as is known, no trace of the moonshiner has been found. Men from the sheriff's office are making every effort to find a trace of the man or men who operated the place. That probably only one man was living there recently was shown by the presence of only one cot, covered with army blankets. The tent, cot and blankets had evidently been stolen from some store selling army goods.

--The Oxnard Daily Courier, Oxnard, California, November 28, 1922, page 1.

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