Thursday, April 5, 2007

Mule on Car's Radiator


BARBOURVILLE, Kentucky, May 20. -- An automobile driven by Ellsworth Henson ran into a mule ridden by Jack Lewis. Lewis landed in the rear seat of the car and the mule was carried 200 feet on the radiator. Nobody was hurt.

Rats Spoil a Pumpkin Record

CYNTHIA, Kentucky, May 20. -- J. L. Garnett has just had cut and made into pies a pumpkin which he kept for two years. It was in a prime state of preservation and he says it would have lasted much longer if rats had not gnawed it.

Defamed Beauty Wins Suit

French Cartoonist Must Pay the Woman 1 Franc

PARIS, France, May 20. -- Jan Catulle Mendes, the writer, who gave lectures in America during the war, was cartooned in a Paris magazine in 1914 by Roubeyre. The cartoon displeased her, and she indignantly sued the artist for damages, alleging defamation of beauty. The suit has just ended with an awared to Mlle. Mendes of 1 franc.

--The Saturday Blade, Chicago, May 22, 1920, page 4.

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