Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Horse Aged 41 Years Dies


Was Thoroughbred Animal Known as John Paul Jones

MIDDLEBURY, Vermont — John Paul Jones, full-blooded Morgan horse, driven for years by Frank R. Stone, known as one of the oldest-in-service hotel porters in the country, is dead. Mr. Stone found John Paul dead in his stable.

The horse was in his 42nd year, according to his owner, and up to the time of his death seemed in south health, eating cracked corn and hay as well as any young horse.

He had been used in drawing baggage between the Middlebury depot and the Addison House, where Mr. Stone had been employed since 1866.

Prison if He Weds Within Two Years


LOS ANGELES — Gordon D. Mills, who, according to Prohibition Officer Dodds' report, stole 146,519 nickels, 6,443 dimes and 796 quarters from telephone booths, will be on probation for two years, provided he does not marry Mrs. Florence McAllister or any other woman during that time. Mrs. McAllister said he thought Mills honest and that he was tempted and could not be blamed.

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