Maude Was There, Also Something Else With a "Kick"
VINCENNES, Indiana, March 18. — "White Mule for Sale." Thirsty ones who heeded this inviting sign, tacked to the door of a stable, found a real, somewhat alive white mule for sale. Here's the story, as told by one of the Federal agents who aided the State prohibition enforcement commissioner in a recent roundup of whiskey peddlers in this section of the State:
A clique of bootleggers purchased an old white mule, scoured the animal up, placed him in a stall and then hung out the sign.
Those interested enough to inquire were "sized up" thoroughly. If in doubt, the bootleggers' representative on duty displayed the mule's good "points" and quoted a price far beyond reason. If the prospect looked "safe," his thirst was quenched.
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