Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Chas A. Brannen and Mergie Hatfield Married

Leon, Iowa area, probably 1904 (maybe 1910)


One of the most attractive events of the season took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Hatfield Wednesday, March 7th, at high noon when their only daughter, Miss Mergie Hatfield, and Chas. A. Brannen were united in bonds of holy matrimony by Eld. D. F. Sellards, pastor of the Christian church. Promptly at high noon, while the wedding march was being played by Miss Workman, the bridal party entered the parlor and stood before the beautiful window. Miss Mamie Kimport acted as bride's maid and Milt Manchester as best man, while little Miss Floy Hughes becomingly attired in pink over white silk acted as ring bearer, carrying the ring on a beautiful silver tray. For one so small she performed her part to perfection.

The bride was becomingly attired in blue silk, while the groom wore the conventional black. The bride's maid was attired in a light suit and the best man in black. After the ceremony and congratulations the guests were invited to the dining room to partake of the bountiful repast awaiting them. To say that the table groaned under the good things to eat would be no joke, and when the 23-pound turkey presented by Capt. and Mrs. J. D. Brown was placed on the table it groaned louder than ever. After dinner some very fine selections were played on the organ and then all went into the yard and had their pictures taken in a group. The bride, groom, bride's maid, the best man, little Miss Floy and Eld. Sellards had their pictures taken separately. The guests present numbered about fifty.

The contracting parties were the recipients of many beautiful and useful presents. They will be at home to their friends on the Capt. J. D. Brown farm after March 11th. May the lives of this wedded pair be as bright as their wedding day is the wish of their many friends.

Note: D.F. Sellards, it would appear the exact same one, can be found online, at this link and others.

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