Leon, Iowa area, date unknown
T. J. Stephens has his new house nearly completed; it is quite a commodious residence.
Mrs. Knowles is having an addition built to her house.
John and Jim Newlin are home from Charles City visiting their families.
Clyde Rain was an over Sunday visitor at his father's in Woodland.
It is our sad duty this week to report the death of our young friend Evert Stephens, son of James Stephens, of this township which occurred last Sunday evening at 5. p. m. Evert had been sick for three months or more and all was done for him that could be done by kind hands and loving friends; but he had to go. He was born and grew to manhood in Decatur county. He was 18 years 2 months and 15 days old at the time of his death. He was a member of the Advent Christian church. I think I would be safe in saying he had no enemies, but his friends were legion. He leaves father, mother and two sisters to mourn his loss. The family have the sympathy of the entire community.
Rev. Foster filled his regular appointment here last Sunday.
Lawyer Jackson, of Mt. Ayr, is visiting his brother Dr. Jackson for a few days.
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