Saturday, April 26, 2008


Maine, 1916

Walter Lord carried in his auto, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Manning of North Waterford and their daughter, Mrs. George Holt, of this place, to Lovell Sunday to see Mrs. Manning's aunt, Mrs. Brackett Ayers of Pennsylvania, who is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Stearns.

Otis and Lester Cobb and Thankfull Adams and Vira McAllister camped at Speckled Mountain Saturday night.

Miss Thankfull Adams began teaching school in the Plummer district at Waterford Monday.

Mr. W. H. Plummer has had his auto overhauled and painted. It looks very fine.

Mrs. W. H. Plummer went to Norway Saturday night to visit with her daughters until after the fair there.

Mrs. Catherine Grover is having the ell of her house shingled.

C. N. Eastman was at Lovell Saturday on business.

Mrs. Georgia McAllister is working at Norway.

Charles Marston is working in the corn shop at East Waterford.

Mrs. Charles Marston visited her mother, Mrs. E. J. Paige of North Waterford last week.

Fred Littlefield has bought Leslie McAllister's team of work horses.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Guptill and daughter, Minnie, of Haystrings were at Mrs. Guptill's sister's, Miss Minnie McKeen, Sunday.

Mr. Silas Stearns and family of Norway were at his daughter's, Mrs. Fred J. McKeen's, Sunday.

Montie Grover, who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Catherine Grover, started for his home in Flint, Mich., Friday morning.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 12, 1916, p. 2.

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