Saturday, April 26, 2008

South Waterford

Maine, 1916

Recent visitors at Mr. W. K. Hamlin's have been Mr. and Mrs. Tiley and son Morton of Essex, Conn., also Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Corno of East Auburn.

A. W. Hamlin has gone to Connecticut for a vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Knight of Harrison were recent guests of W. J. Greene and family.

Mrs. Abbie Adams is helping Mrs. James Sleeper for a few weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston of Bolster's Mills were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brown.

Mrs. Alice Spencer of Massachusetts and Mrs. Emma Murphy of California are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nelson.

Mr. and Mrs. Woodman Charles of Bridgton and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Riggs motored to Bethel Sunday to visit their niece, Mrs. Millie Clark.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Smith and family went to Turner Sunday to visit Mr. Smith's father and mother.

Work has begun in the corn shop.

A recent family gathering at Mr. Eugene Kilgore's were Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Hapgood and Mrs. Hapgood's sister and niece, also Mr. and Mrs. George Scribner and two daughters, Fern and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scribner, all of Portland, and Miss Abbie Adams and Miss Beulah Kilgore.

Maria Hapgood is not quite as well.

A number from this place are planning on attending the fair at Norway this week.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 12, 1916, p. 2.

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