Wife Denies Affinity Charge and Sues for Divorce.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 20. -- The sleuth with the jelly glass proved to be Edward McPhun, employed by a lumber company, whose wife, Sadie McPhun, filed suit for divorce.
So jealous was McPhun of his son-in-law, she declares, that at night after others had retired, he spread jelly on the floor between the bedrooms of the wife and the son-in-law in order to have imprints of their bare feet should they undertake during the night to visit each other.
Mrs. McPhun further alleges her husband would hide in closets for hours at a time and jump out at her when she chanced to open the closet door.
They were married in 1898 and separated ten days ago, she says. He accuses her of intimacy with the son-in-law and [she] alleges he searched the house for affinities with a searchlight, and recently broke two of her fingers in a quarrel. She asks for $65 a month alimony, the custody of their two minor children and all of the community property.
--The Saturday Blade, Chicago, May 22, 1920, page 1.
Antique humor and clippings, randomly discovered ephemera and interesting things! A lot of the things here are from before 1950, maybe way before. There will be things not politically correct today, ethnic humor, and enemies called names. The past is very messy.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
A School For Dogs, To Prance With Their Mistresses
A school for dogs has been established in Paris with the object of teaching politeness. The schoolroom is furnished with chairs, tables and rags to give the necessary "local color" to the surroundings. The dog pupils are trained to welcome visitors by jumping up, wagging the tail and giving a low bark. When the visitor leaves the dog accompanies him to the door and bows his farewell by bending his head to the floor. He is trained likewise to pick up a handkerchief, glove, or fan that has dropped and to return it to the owner. He is taught, further, to walk with "proud and prancing steps" when out with his mistress.
People of refinement in Evansville, Illinois, do not like the use of the word "hello" as a telephone salutation. They say that it savors of brusqueness, and that it would not be employed as a greeting under any other circumstance by persons familiar with the usages of good society. "Good morning" is the substitute they prefer. But like other reformers they are finding difficulties in the way.
In the tenth district of Kentucky Mary Burkhardt says that she's running for congress. She lives in Lone Wolf county -- a mountain county. She is a prohibitionist in her politics. She is making her canvass on horseback. She is described as young, unmarried, with $100,000 in her own right, and good-looking. "If I get a majority of the votes I'll enter congress all right," she says, "and there's no law to prevent me."
--Naugatuck Daily News, Naugatuck, Connecticut, April 11, 1902, page 2.
A school for dogs has been established in Paris with the object of teaching politeness. The schoolroom is furnished with chairs, tables and rags to give the necessary "local color" to the surroundings. The dog pupils are trained to welcome visitors by jumping up, wagging the tail and giving a low bark. When the visitor leaves the dog accompanies him to the door and bows his farewell by bending his head to the floor. He is trained likewise to pick up a handkerchief, glove, or fan that has dropped and to return it to the owner. He is taught, further, to walk with "proud and prancing steps" when out with his mistress.
People of refinement in Evansville, Illinois, do not like the use of the word "hello" as a telephone salutation. They say that it savors of brusqueness, and that it would not be employed as a greeting under any other circumstance by persons familiar with the usages of good society. "Good morning" is the substitute they prefer. But like other reformers they are finding difficulties in the way.
In the tenth district of Kentucky Mary Burkhardt says that she's running for congress. She lives in Lone Wolf county -- a mountain county. She is a prohibitionist in her politics. She is making her canvass on horseback. She is described as young, unmarried, with $100,000 in her own right, and good-looking. "If I get a majority of the votes I'll enter congress all right," she says, "and there's no law to prevent me."
--Naugatuck Daily News, Naugatuck, Connecticut, April 11, 1902, page 2.
Attempted Suicide by Freezing
Syracuse, New York, 1902
A New Method of Suicide.
Syracuse, April 11. -- Joseph T. Boylen tried a new method of suicide yesterday and was unsuccessful. He lay on the bank of Onondaga creek, dangled his legs in the ice-cold water and endeavored to freeze to death. He was discovered when unconscious from the cold, and revived by stimulants. He said he was out of work and discouraged. He did not have the nerve to jump --
--Naugatuck Daily News, Naugatuck, Connecticut, April 11, 1902, page 1.
A New Method of Suicide.
Syracuse, April 11. -- Joseph T. Boylen tried a new method of suicide yesterday and was unsuccessful. He lay on the bank of Onondaga creek, dangled his legs in the ice-cold water and endeavored to freeze to death. He was discovered when unconscious from the cold, and revived by stimulants. He said he was out of work and discouraged. He did not have the nerve to jump --
--Naugatuck Daily News, Naugatuck, Connecticut, April 11, 1902, page 1.
Wife Reveals Husband's Terrible Cruelty
Beacon Falls, Connecticut, 1902
Said Her Husband Knocked Her Down, Stuck a Fishhook into Her Breast and Stabbed Her With a Penknife – The Assault Is Said to Have Been Committed in the Town of Bethany – Sanford Placed Under Arrest on Charges of Assault – Found Guilty of a Charge of Theft – Assault Case May Be Tried in Bethany.
A tale of human cruelty that is really shocking in its recital was related by Mrs. James Sanford of Oxford to Constable George Butz of Beacon Falls yesterday afternoon and resulted in the arrest of the woman's husband on a serious charge. Some of the domestic affairs of Sanford and his wife have been told in the public prints before but never has such a charge been preferred against the husband as that made yesterday by his wife.
It was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon when Constable Butz saw Mr. and Mrs. Sanford walking along one of the streets of Beacon Falls, and having suspected Sanford of being implicated in the theft of some tools which were taken from Fred Smith's carpenter shop a few days since, he decided to follow the couple. Mr. Sanford left his wife on the street and went over to the house of an acquaintance.
Constable Butz came along shortly afterward and Mrs. Sanford informed him that she desired to prefer a charge of assault against her husband. She said that she left home last Wednesday and went to the home of a friend in Bethany; that the husband followed her and compelled her to return with him, that on the way to Beacon Falls he took her to a by-path off the road, knocked her down and stuck a fishhook into her left breast. She said he worked the fishhook in such a way as to cause her terrible pain and that finding it impossible to get the implement of torture out by working it he cut it out with his knife. She said he then sank his teeth into her flesh and stabbed her twice between the breasts remarking that he might as well finish her then as at any time. She said he also pricked her just above the right breast with the fishhook and then let her up. She then walked on to Beacon Falls with him.
After hearing her story Constable Butz placed Sanford under arrest and took Mrs. Sanford to his home where she showed the wounds on her breast. She appeared to be in great pain. She was made as comfortable as possible by Mrs. Butz. Sanford when questioned denied having cut his wife or stuck a fishhook into her but admitted the ownership of the knife which his wife said he had used. It is a pocketknife with a three-inch blade. He said his wife had lain down on the ground and that he had gently kicked and slapped her but that he had done nothing more.
He was brought before Justice Allen in Beacon Falls this morning and tried on a charge of assault. During the trial there arose a question as to whether the alleged assault was committed in Beacon Falls or in Bethany, and it was decided to adjourn court until it could be determined in which town the offense was committed. The court officials and Mrs. Sanford and her husband drove to the place.
Previous to the adjournment of court for this purpose Mr. Sanford was tried on a charge of theft. It was alleged that he had entered Fred Smith's carpenter shop and carried away eight steel bits, a glass cutter and a package of nails. Sanford pleaded not guilty to the charge.
Constable Butz told how he had learned from Mrs. Sanford that her husband had come home between 2 and 3 o'clock Sunday morning and had among other things some steel bits, a glass cutter and some nails and that when she asked him where he got them he replied that some one had been trying to do some "monkeywork" with them; that he had hidden the steel bits about a quarter of a mile from the house. Mr. Butz said he went to the place mentioned and found the bits. He found the glass cutter and nails in Sanford's house. Mrs. Sanford corroborated the testimony given by Constable Butz.
Sanford claimed to have bought the cutter and nails but said he knew nothing about the bits. He was found guilty of the charge of theft, but sentence was reserved until after the trial of the other charges.
The court officials returned shortly after 1 o'clock this afternoon and stated that the place where the alleged assault was committed was in the town of Bethany. It was decided to bring the case to the attention of the Bethany authorities. The Beacon Falls officials intend to do all in their power to bring the case to trial and will give the Bethany authorities all the assistance they can.
Late this afternoon Sanford was fined $5 and costs and sentenced to serve 10 days in jail for theft. It was stated this afternoon that residents of Beacon Falls became quite excited when they learned of the statement made by Mrs. Sanford, and the feeling against her husband ran high.
About two years ago it was alleged that Sanford had committed a brutal assault upon his wife, in the town of Oxford but if he did he was not given the punishment he deserved. The Oxford officials were subjected to some sharp criticism for the apparently listless manner in which they acted on the case at the time.
--Naugatuck Daily News, Naugatuck, Connecticut, April 4, 1902, page 4.
Could Get No One to Pay the Fine Imposed on Him for Theft – Bethany Officials to Prosecute Him on the Charge of Assault Preferred by His Wife.
James Sanford of Oxford, the man who is charged by his wife with having brutally assaulted her in the town of Bethany while the couple were on their way home to Oxford was taken to New Haven this morning by Constable Butz in default of payment of a fine of $7 and costs imposed on Sanford yesterday by Justice Allen of Beacon Falls after finding Sanford guilty of a charge of theft of some carpenter's tools from a building owned by Fred Smith of Beacon Falls. The justice at first declared his intention of making the penalty $5 and costs and 10 days in jail but later decided to make it $7 and costs. Sanford could find no one to pay his fine.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Sanford in company with a Beacon Falls official went to Bethany where formal complaint against Sanford on the charge of assault was made. Mrs. Sanford decided to remain in Bethany and is there at present. Grand Juror Swander who came to Beacon Falls from Bethany this morning said Mrs. Sanford was feeling as well as could be expected. It is not thought that her injuries will result seriously. The grand juror informed Constable Butz that the officials of Bethany had determined to prosecute Sanford on the assault charge as soon as the latter was released from jail. He said he would immediately prepare the papers.
Sanford still claims that he did not cut his wife with a knife or stick a fishhook into her breast. He expressed the opinion that the woman was not in her right mind. Constable Butz stated to a News reporter to-day that Mrs. Sanford's injuries were fully as bad as reported and that there was no doubt that the woman had been roughly handled. He said Sanford appeared to be very much out of spirits this morning because he had to go to jail.
--Naugatuck Daily News, Naugatuck, Connecticut, April 12, 1902, page 4.
Said Her Husband Knocked Her Down, Stuck a Fishhook into Her Breast and Stabbed Her With a Penknife – The Assault Is Said to Have Been Committed in the Town of Bethany – Sanford Placed Under Arrest on Charges of Assault – Found Guilty of a Charge of Theft – Assault Case May Be Tried in Bethany.
A tale of human cruelty that is really shocking in its recital was related by Mrs. James Sanford of Oxford to Constable George Butz of Beacon Falls yesterday afternoon and resulted in the arrest of the woman's husband on a serious charge. Some of the domestic affairs of Sanford and his wife have been told in the public prints before but never has such a charge been preferred against the husband as that made yesterday by his wife.
It was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon when Constable Butz saw Mr. and Mrs. Sanford walking along one of the streets of Beacon Falls, and having suspected Sanford of being implicated in the theft of some tools which were taken from Fred Smith's carpenter shop a few days since, he decided to follow the couple. Mr. Sanford left his wife on the street and went over to the house of an acquaintance.
Constable Butz came along shortly afterward and Mrs. Sanford informed him that she desired to prefer a charge of assault against her husband. She said that she left home last Wednesday and went to the home of a friend in Bethany; that the husband followed her and compelled her to return with him, that on the way to Beacon Falls he took her to a by-path off the road, knocked her down and stuck a fishhook into her left breast. She said he worked the fishhook in such a way as to cause her terrible pain and that finding it impossible to get the implement of torture out by working it he cut it out with his knife. She said he then sank his teeth into her flesh and stabbed her twice between the breasts remarking that he might as well finish her then as at any time. She said he also pricked her just above the right breast with the fishhook and then let her up. She then walked on to Beacon Falls with him.
After hearing her story Constable Butz placed Sanford under arrest and took Mrs. Sanford to his home where she showed the wounds on her breast. She appeared to be in great pain. She was made as comfortable as possible by Mrs. Butz. Sanford when questioned denied having cut his wife or stuck a fishhook into her but admitted the ownership of the knife which his wife said he had used. It is a pocketknife with a three-inch blade. He said his wife had lain down on the ground and that he had gently kicked and slapped her but that he had done nothing more.
He was brought before Justice Allen in Beacon Falls this morning and tried on a charge of assault. During the trial there arose a question as to whether the alleged assault was committed in Beacon Falls or in Bethany, and it was decided to adjourn court until it could be determined in which town the offense was committed. The court officials and Mrs. Sanford and her husband drove to the place.
Previous to the adjournment of court for this purpose Mr. Sanford was tried on a charge of theft. It was alleged that he had entered Fred Smith's carpenter shop and carried away eight steel bits, a glass cutter and a package of nails. Sanford pleaded not guilty to the charge.
Constable Butz told how he had learned from Mrs. Sanford that her husband had come home between 2 and 3 o'clock Sunday morning and had among other things some steel bits, a glass cutter and some nails and that when she asked him where he got them he replied that some one had been trying to do some "monkeywork" with them; that he had hidden the steel bits about a quarter of a mile from the house. Mr. Butz said he went to the place mentioned and found the bits. He found the glass cutter and nails in Sanford's house. Mrs. Sanford corroborated the testimony given by Constable Butz.
Sanford claimed to have bought the cutter and nails but said he knew nothing about the bits. He was found guilty of the charge of theft, but sentence was reserved until after the trial of the other charges.
The court officials returned shortly after 1 o'clock this afternoon and stated that the place where the alleged assault was committed was in the town of Bethany. It was decided to bring the case to the attention of the Bethany authorities. The Beacon Falls officials intend to do all in their power to bring the case to trial and will give the Bethany authorities all the assistance they can.
Late this afternoon Sanford was fined $5 and costs and sentenced to serve 10 days in jail for theft. It was stated this afternoon that residents of Beacon Falls became quite excited when they learned of the statement made by Mrs. Sanford, and the feeling against her husband ran high.
About two years ago it was alleged that Sanford had committed a brutal assault upon his wife, in the town of Oxford but if he did he was not given the punishment he deserved. The Oxford officials were subjected to some sharp criticism for the apparently listless manner in which they acted on the case at the time.
--Naugatuck Daily News, Naugatuck, Connecticut, April 4, 1902, page 4.
Could Get No One to Pay the Fine Imposed on Him for Theft – Bethany Officials to Prosecute Him on the Charge of Assault Preferred by His Wife.
James Sanford of Oxford, the man who is charged by his wife with having brutally assaulted her in the town of Bethany while the couple were on their way home to Oxford was taken to New Haven this morning by Constable Butz in default of payment of a fine of $7 and costs imposed on Sanford yesterday by Justice Allen of Beacon Falls after finding Sanford guilty of a charge of theft of some carpenter's tools from a building owned by Fred Smith of Beacon Falls. The justice at first declared his intention of making the penalty $5 and costs and 10 days in jail but later decided to make it $7 and costs. Sanford could find no one to pay his fine.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Sanford in company with a Beacon Falls official went to Bethany where formal complaint against Sanford on the charge of assault was made. Mrs. Sanford decided to remain in Bethany and is there at present. Grand Juror Swander who came to Beacon Falls from Bethany this morning said Mrs. Sanford was feeling as well as could be expected. It is not thought that her injuries will result seriously. The grand juror informed Constable Butz that the officials of Bethany had determined to prosecute Sanford on the assault charge as soon as the latter was released from jail. He said he would immediately prepare the papers.
Sanford still claims that he did not cut his wife with a knife or stick a fishhook into her breast. He expressed the opinion that the woman was not in her right mind. Constable Butz stated to a News reporter to-day that Mrs. Sanford's injuries were fully as bad as reported and that there was no doubt that the woman had been roughly handled. He said Sanford appeared to be very much out of spirits this morning because he had to go to jail.
--Naugatuck Daily News, Naugatuck, Connecticut, April 12, 1902, page 4.
Prohibition Discussed - Public Must Regard Alcohol as Evil
Atlanta, Georgia, 1906
Prohibition Discussed -- Public Must Be Taught to Regard Alcohol as Evil.
The Atlanta Sociological Society held an interesting meeting last night in the Carnegie library, having for discussion the subject of prohibition.
Interesting talks were made by Dr. R. R. Kime, Dr. Charles E. Dowman, Dr. E. C. Cartledge, Dr. R. J. Parks, J. D. Cleaton and others.
The process of thorough education, demonstrating to the public at large through this process the utter evil of alcohol in all forms, was advocated as the best method to be pursued.
The unanimous sentiment of the meeting was that prohibition, if effectual, was heartily to be desired, and to make prohibition effectual and possible, the public must be educated up to the point where they will look upon whisky and alcohol in all forms at all times and for all purposes of utmost evil, and nothing else.
--The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, November 9, 1906, page 6.
Prohibition Discussed -- Public Must Be Taught to Regard Alcohol as Evil.
The Atlanta Sociological Society held an interesting meeting last night in the Carnegie library, having for discussion the subject of prohibition.
Interesting talks were made by Dr. R. R. Kime, Dr. Charles E. Dowman, Dr. E. C. Cartledge, Dr. R. J. Parks, J. D. Cleaton and others.
The process of thorough education, demonstrating to the public at large through this process the utter evil of alcohol in all forms, was advocated as the best method to be pursued.
The unanimous sentiment of the meeting was that prohibition, if effectual, was heartily to be desired, and to make prohibition effectual and possible, the public must be educated up to the point where they will look upon whisky and alcohol in all forms at all times and for all purposes of utmost evil, and nothing else.
--The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, November 9, 1906, page 6.
Trouble In Store Fer This Ol' Country
Atlanta, Georgia, 1906
"Uncle Billy" -- Philosopher.
"Yes, sir," said old "Uncle" Billy, who comes in occasionally with country produce, via the East Point road, "I shore do see wonders in the sky these cool November nights. Only last night I seen sixteen stars fall -- all at one time, an' one of 'em come so clost to me my hat wuz knocked one-sided, an' a hole burnt in the brim. Night before that, whilst I wuz a-surveyin' of the heavens -- so to speak -- I seen a perfect pictur' of a sword, just 'bout where the moon would 'a' ben at that time, ef she hadn't been late; then there wuz a big crack in the sky, like a winder-shutter suddenly throwed wide open, an' I hearn sweet singin', an' harp-playin', most distinct. Oh, there's wonderful things goin' on above you that you don't know nuthin' about -- I tell you! An' there's trouble in store fer this ol' country, shore's you're born. You'd better hold yer cotton fer 10 cents an' better. An' do you want any fresh eggs this mornin', at 30 cents?"
--The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, November 9, 1906, page 6.
"Uncle Billy" -- Philosopher.
"Yes, sir," said old "Uncle" Billy, who comes in occasionally with country produce, via the East Point road, "I shore do see wonders in the sky these cool November nights. Only last night I seen sixteen stars fall -- all at one time, an' one of 'em come so clost to me my hat wuz knocked one-sided, an' a hole burnt in the brim. Night before that, whilst I wuz a-surveyin' of the heavens -- so to speak -- I seen a perfect pictur' of a sword, just 'bout where the moon would 'a' ben at that time, ef she hadn't been late; then there wuz a big crack in the sky, like a winder-shutter suddenly throwed wide open, an' I hearn sweet singin', an' harp-playin', most distinct. Oh, there's wonderful things goin' on above you that you don't know nuthin' about -- I tell you! An' there's trouble in store fer this ol' country, shore's you're born. You'd better hold yer cotton fer 10 cents an' better. An' do you want any fresh eggs this mornin', at 30 cents?"
--The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, November 9, 1906, page 6.
Grocer Swindled by Small Boy
San Antonio, Texas, 1906
Lad Worked on Groceryman's Sympathies and Got a Loaf of Bread.
A small boy about seven years old went into Earnest Broggie's grocery store on South Laredo street the other day. The lad was crying in a strangled sort of way, and, when asked what was the matter, he said that he had a pin in his throat.
The groceryman started to phone for a doctor, but the boy wouldn't hear of that. He said that if he could get something soft to swallow, it would be all right. The scared groceryman gave the lad a cake, but that didn't seem to remove the pin.
By this time the boy seemed in a bad way, but he managed to gasp out for some bread and a little oil. The excited groceryman rushed around and procured the bread and oil, in haste to relieve the boy, who was a son of one of his customers. When the loaf of bread and bottle of oil was given the boy he promptly removed the pin -- and himself, also, from the store, and gave the laugh at the kind groceryman.
Mr. Broggi, the groceryman, now ponders often on the wisdom of the young.
--The San Antonio Daily Light, San Antonio, Texas, June 28, 1906, page 8.
Comment: The grocer's name is given both as Broggi and Broggie. In the original article the boy manages "to kasp out," which doesn't sound right.
Lad Worked on Groceryman's Sympathies and Got a Loaf of Bread.
A small boy about seven years old went into Earnest Broggie's grocery store on South Laredo street the other day. The lad was crying in a strangled sort of way, and, when asked what was the matter, he said that he had a pin in his throat.
The groceryman started to phone for a doctor, but the boy wouldn't hear of that. He said that if he could get something soft to swallow, it would be all right. The scared groceryman gave the lad a cake, but that didn't seem to remove the pin.
By this time the boy seemed in a bad way, but he managed to gasp out for some bread and a little oil. The excited groceryman rushed around and procured the bread and oil, in haste to relieve the boy, who was a son of one of his customers. When the loaf of bread and bottle of oil was given the boy he promptly removed the pin -- and himself, also, from the store, and gave the laugh at the kind groceryman.
Mr. Broggi, the groceryman, now ponders often on the wisdom of the young.
--The San Antonio Daily Light, San Antonio, Texas, June 28, 1906, page 8.
Comment: The grocer's name is given both as Broggi and Broggie. In the original article the boy manages "to kasp out," which doesn't sound right.
Ministerial Alliance Against Dancing
Deming, New Mexico, 1920
Last Sunday a petition was presented after the services at the Christian, Methodist and Baptist churches of the city, and members of the respective congregations were asked to sign their names for the purpose of making a protest against the modern dance, and especially against the indulgence of the dance by the members of the faculty of the public schools. We have learned that 20 members of the Christian church signed the petition, 60 members of the Methodist, and ---- members of the Baptist denomination.
At the regular meeting of the school board, which was held Tuesday night, the presentation of the petition had not reached that body. Following is the petition that was drawn up by members of the Ministerial Alliance:
"Believing that the influence of the modern dance is inimical to the highest interest of the young life of the community, and whereas the influence of the teachers of the public schools vitally affect and influence the social life of any community, therefore, we the undersigned, without questioning the right of every individual to their personal views upon this as all other questions, do respectfully petition the board of trustees of the Deming public schools, from the standpoint of public policy, to pass such rules or regulations prohibiting the teachers from engaging in dancing during the school term."
The teachers of the public schools signed the following protest in answer to the action of the ministers of the city in circulating the petition given above[*]. They are exceedingly indignant at the measures taken to curtail their actions and all but two signed the instrument:
"We, as teachers, are willing to be condemned because of inefficiency in our work or because of conduct unbecoming a teacher, but we desire to enter vigorous protest against the action called for by this petition as undemocratic, an insult to each of us personally, a reflection upon the teaching profession and entirely subversive of the best interests of the public schools."
Answering the attack made upon his administration of the public schools, Superintendent Martin presents the following:
"In general I am opposed to public dances of any kind. In particular I regard the promiscuous obscenity that, I am told, is often found in connection with the modern dance as dangerous to the young life of the community, and I am sure that anyone guilty of such forms of dancing, whether teacher or not, should be absolutely condemned.
"I challenge the gentlemen who formulated the petition in question to present a constructive program tending to improve the amusements of the community, and I guarantee the hearty co-operation of the teaching body as a whole."
--The Deming Headlight, Deming, New Mexico, May 14, 1920, page 1.
[*] They meant "below."
Apropos of the publicity given the circulation of petitions asking the school directors to restrain the teachers from dancing during the next school year, as a matter of public policy, the undersigned would like to give the reasons which actuated him to join in a movement of the kind. First, may I say of the school teachers personally that I like every one of them whom I have met, and I have found some of them charming. I believe, however, the question is of too great importance to permit personality to enter into it.
First, may I say, this is an age of specialists. Not a man in town, however much he may think of the blacksmith, will go there to have his watch repaired or the nerve in his tooth killed. Preachers are moral specialists, and while it is possible for them to be mistaken, as specialists in all lines disagree at times, it is practically a unanimous deduction from years of observation by ministers of all communions that the one who indulges much in the dance loses spirituality. The dance differs from all other so-classed amusements in that it is the great passion play of the world. Like poison oak, some people may handle with harm, others may handle without harm part of the time but at other times be susceptible to its poison, still others are always harmed by its contact, and yet others cannot pass close by without coming under its influence.
"What you do speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say," is a terse statement of the observation of the race. Should one of the preachers dance as some of the teachers have danced right along in Deming, his resignation would be requested -- and properly. Yet, the preacher's influence with a possible hour or so a week is vastly less over the child and adolescent -- the plastic stage of life -- than is that of the teacher with her 15 to 30 hours weekly. Then what of the teacher? When the school board undertakes to look for a teacher of "good moral character," does the influence of that teacher count for naught? "Why, mother, teacher does it," says the child, and mother's efforts at discipline are weakened yet further though already the district judge -- not a preacher, mind you -- has threatened to bring action against the parents of this community unless there is less trouble with Deming boys in the future, and he says "contributing to juvenile delinquency" may be either by overt act or omission. Of course, he was discussing neither the dance nor the teacher, but these are community influences we dare not overlook.
What are the facts? Many of the teachers dance. Has there ever been a case where the dance was too objectionable to the teacher? Has a teacher ever left the dance hall because of the program? We have never heard of such a case but very, very much to the contrary. Yet the dances "pulled off" in our little city are the same ones that have been legislated out of community after community all through our land from coast to coast. Even San Francisco, once holding the criminal record of the world, found the "shimmy" too tough. How about our teachers? Bunny hug, turkey trot, wiggly worm -- tommy rot. But what are we to do? School patron, has a teacher with too little initiative to plan clean entertainment, sufficient ability to teach your little ones? Think it over. When they have shown that they have not sufficient moral fiber to put out the most objectionable dance, I personally feel we should not trust them to dance at all -- for the protection of our young. N. J. REASONER.
--The Deming Headlight, Deming, New Mexico, May 14, 1920, page 1.
Comment: N. J. Reasoner wasn't the editor or publisher, but this is apparently simply a letter to the editor on page 1.
Last Sunday a petition was presented after the services at the Christian, Methodist and Baptist churches of the city, and members of the respective congregations were asked to sign their names for the purpose of making a protest against the modern dance, and especially against the indulgence of the dance by the members of the faculty of the public schools. We have learned that 20 members of the Christian church signed the petition, 60 members of the Methodist, and ---- members of the Baptist denomination.
At the regular meeting of the school board, which was held Tuesday night, the presentation of the petition had not reached that body. Following is the petition that was drawn up by members of the Ministerial Alliance:
"Believing that the influence of the modern dance is inimical to the highest interest of the young life of the community, and whereas the influence of the teachers of the public schools vitally affect and influence the social life of any community, therefore, we the undersigned, without questioning the right of every individual to their personal views upon this as all other questions, do respectfully petition the board of trustees of the Deming public schools, from the standpoint of public policy, to pass such rules or regulations prohibiting the teachers from engaging in dancing during the school term."
The teachers of the public schools signed the following protest in answer to the action of the ministers of the city in circulating the petition given above[*]. They are exceedingly indignant at the measures taken to curtail their actions and all but two signed the instrument:
"We, as teachers, are willing to be condemned because of inefficiency in our work or because of conduct unbecoming a teacher, but we desire to enter vigorous protest against the action called for by this petition as undemocratic, an insult to each of us personally, a reflection upon the teaching profession and entirely subversive of the best interests of the public schools."
Answering the attack made upon his administration of the public schools, Superintendent Martin presents the following:
"In general I am opposed to public dances of any kind. In particular I regard the promiscuous obscenity that, I am told, is often found in connection with the modern dance as dangerous to the young life of the community, and I am sure that anyone guilty of such forms of dancing, whether teacher or not, should be absolutely condemned.
"I challenge the gentlemen who formulated the petition in question to present a constructive program tending to improve the amusements of the community, and I guarantee the hearty co-operation of the teaching body as a whole."
--The Deming Headlight, Deming, New Mexico, May 14, 1920, page 1.
[*] They meant "below."
Apropos of the publicity given the circulation of petitions asking the school directors to restrain the teachers from dancing during the next school year, as a matter of public policy, the undersigned would like to give the reasons which actuated him to join in a movement of the kind. First, may I say of the school teachers personally that I like every one of them whom I have met, and I have found some of them charming. I believe, however, the question is of too great importance to permit personality to enter into it.
First, may I say, this is an age of specialists. Not a man in town, however much he may think of the blacksmith, will go there to have his watch repaired or the nerve in his tooth killed. Preachers are moral specialists, and while it is possible for them to be mistaken, as specialists in all lines disagree at times, it is practically a unanimous deduction from years of observation by ministers of all communions that the one who indulges much in the dance loses spirituality. The dance differs from all other so-classed amusements in that it is the great passion play of the world. Like poison oak, some people may handle with harm, others may handle without harm part of the time but at other times be susceptible to its poison, still others are always harmed by its contact, and yet others cannot pass close by without coming under its influence.
"What you do speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say," is a terse statement of the observation of the race. Should one of the preachers dance as some of the teachers have danced right along in Deming, his resignation would be requested -- and properly. Yet, the preacher's influence with a possible hour or so a week is vastly less over the child and adolescent -- the plastic stage of life -- than is that of the teacher with her 15 to 30 hours weekly. Then what of the teacher? When the school board undertakes to look for a teacher of "good moral character," does the influence of that teacher count for naught? "Why, mother, teacher does it," says the child, and mother's efforts at discipline are weakened yet further though already the district judge -- not a preacher, mind you -- has threatened to bring action against the parents of this community unless there is less trouble with Deming boys in the future, and he says "contributing to juvenile delinquency" may be either by overt act or omission. Of course, he was discussing neither the dance nor the teacher, but these are community influences we dare not overlook.
What are the facts? Many of the teachers dance. Has there ever been a case where the dance was too objectionable to the teacher? Has a teacher ever left the dance hall because of the program? We have never heard of such a case but very, very much to the contrary. Yet the dances "pulled off" in our little city are the same ones that have been legislated out of community after community all through our land from coast to coast. Even San Francisco, once holding the criminal record of the world, found the "shimmy" too tough. How about our teachers? Bunny hug, turkey trot, wiggly worm -- tommy rot. But what are we to do? School patron, has a teacher with too little initiative to plan clean entertainment, sufficient ability to teach your little ones? Think it over. When they have shown that they have not sufficient moral fiber to put out the most objectionable dance, I personally feel we should not trust them to dance at all -- for the protection of our young. N. J. REASONER.
--The Deming Headlight, Deming, New Mexico, May 14, 1920, page 1.
Comment: N. J. Reasoner wasn't the editor or publisher, but this is apparently simply a letter to the editor on page 1.
Dinty Moore Arrives
A letter was received from Dinty Moore this past week from his new home at Whipple Barracks, Ariz. He says in part: "This is a nice, clean place and a good climate. The food is just fair, but the rules are quite rigid ones. Have the Sand Storm Smile tell all my friends that Camp Cody, N. M., is if anything better than any of the hospitals that I saw in California or elsewhere." — Sand Storm Smile.
--The Deming Headlight, Deming, New Mexico, May 7, 1920, page 5.
Comment: Spelling of Whipple Barracks in the body of the original article was Whiple Barrakes. And about Dinty Moore, I wonder if he's the guy who came up with the canned stew we like.
A letter was received from Dinty Moore this past week from his new home at Whipple Barracks, Ariz. He says in part: "This is a nice, clean place and a good climate. The food is just fair, but the rules are quite rigid ones. Have the Sand Storm Smile tell all my friends that Camp Cody, N. M., is if anything better than any of the hospitals that I saw in California or elsewhere." — Sand Storm Smile.
--The Deming Headlight, Deming, New Mexico, May 7, 1920, page 5.
Comment: Spelling of Whipple Barracks in the body of the original article was Whiple Barrakes. And about Dinty Moore, I wonder if he's the guy who came up with the canned stew we like.
This Woman Planned Self-Destruction
This Woman Planned Self-Destruction - Wholesale Poisoning.
Cincinnati, Dec. 17.-A woman calling herself Gladys Esmond committed suicide in a rooming house here. The suicide was most carefully planned. The bed upon which she was found dead had been dragged from the original position in order to bring it in close proximity to the gas jet. Over the face of the suicide was a miniature tent made from a piece of muslin upon which was stitched a quantity of cotton batting. Fitted upon the gas jet was a paper tube, the other end of which was under the face covering. The gas was turned on. Examination of the batting proved that it had been soaked with chloroform. On the bed within easy reach was a sharp knife. In a letter found in the room the woman said she hailed from Chicago, was an orphan, and tired of life.
--The Daily Herald, Delphos, Ohio, December 17, 1900, page 1.
A.E. Krause Had Leased a Saloon and Was About to Engage In Business.
The patrol wagon was summoned to Lakeside park at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening to pick up the remains of an unknown suicide, who had taken his life by swallowing a small vial of carbolic acid.
The unfortunate proved to be an Oshkosh laboring man by the name of A. E. Krause, whom ill health and misfortune had driven to take his own life by desperate means. A note book found on his person bore the above name on the fly leaf and the address, 248 Thirteenth street, Oshkosh, Wis.
The body was discovered lying in the weeds east of the southern extremity of the "dredge cut" at seven o'clock, by some boys who had been fishing. The discovery was reported to Jarvais Jewson, who telephoned from his boat livery for the patrol. The man was still living at this time, but breathed his last just before the arrival of the wagon. A small vial which had contained carbolic acid was found within a few feet of the body, and the odor of the acid could also be detected on the dead man's lips, showing conclusively the road he had chosen.
The remains were taken to the police station, where Dr. Mayham made an examination and announced that death had taken place at least fifteen minutes before. The only valuables found on the person of the suicide were a pocketbook containing eight dollars, and a chased gold ring. In the pocketbook was found the following note, which appeared to have been hastily written, as the characters were irregular and indistinct:
"Dear Frances: Worry over poor health is the cause. Forgive and may God comfort you, a true and faithful wife."
The note bore no signature and was unaddressed. The note book in which the name of the suicide was found contained no other writing, every page being blank.
Several Oshkosh people viewed the remains at the police station, but none was able to identify them. The wife arrived on a late Northwestern train, in response to a telegram informing her of her husband's death.
Justice of the Peace Thomas Watson convened the following coroner's jury: Chief Schaefer, Officers Nolan and Ecke, Chief Fire Marshal Frank Parker, E. R. Paterick and H. L. McDonald. After an examination of the remains the inquest was adjourned until two o'clock, when a verdict of suicide by swallowing carbolic acid was rendered.
The remains of Mr. Krause were taken to Oshkosh, being accompanied by his wife, a sister-in-law and a nephew. It was learned that Mr. Krause had leased the saloon south of the No. 5 engine house and was planning to engage in the business with his nephew who, until recently, tended bar for the Rechaud Brewing company.--Fond du Lac Commonwealth.
--The Daily Northwestern, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, June 22, 1900, page 3.
This Woman Planned Self-Destruction - Wholesale Poisoning.
Cincinnati, Dec. 17.-A woman calling herself Gladys Esmond committed suicide in a rooming house here. The suicide was most carefully planned. The bed upon which she was found dead had been dragged from the original position in order to bring it in close proximity to the gas jet. Over the face of the suicide was a miniature tent made from a piece of muslin upon which was stitched a quantity of cotton batting. Fitted upon the gas jet was a paper tube, the other end of which was under the face covering. The gas was turned on. Examination of the batting proved that it had been soaked with chloroform. On the bed within easy reach was a sharp knife. In a letter found in the room the woman said she hailed from Chicago, was an orphan, and tired of life.
--The Daily Herald, Delphos, Ohio, December 17, 1900, page 1.
A.E. Krause Had Leased a Saloon and Was About to Engage In Business.
The patrol wagon was summoned to Lakeside park at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday evening to pick up the remains of an unknown suicide, who had taken his life by swallowing a small vial of carbolic acid.
The unfortunate proved to be an Oshkosh laboring man by the name of A. E. Krause, whom ill health and misfortune had driven to take his own life by desperate means. A note book found on his person bore the above name on the fly leaf and the address, 248 Thirteenth street, Oshkosh, Wis.
The body was discovered lying in the weeds east of the southern extremity of the "dredge cut" at seven o'clock, by some boys who had been fishing. The discovery was reported to Jarvais Jewson, who telephoned from his boat livery for the patrol. The man was still living at this time, but breathed his last just before the arrival of the wagon. A small vial which had contained carbolic acid was found within a few feet of the body, and the odor of the acid could also be detected on the dead man's lips, showing conclusively the road he had chosen.
The remains were taken to the police station, where Dr. Mayham made an examination and announced that death had taken place at least fifteen minutes before. The only valuables found on the person of the suicide were a pocketbook containing eight dollars, and a chased gold ring. In the pocketbook was found the following note, which appeared to have been hastily written, as the characters were irregular and indistinct:
"Dear Frances: Worry over poor health is the cause. Forgive and may God comfort you, a true and faithful wife."
The note bore no signature and was unaddressed. The note book in which the name of the suicide was found contained no other writing, every page being blank.
Several Oshkosh people viewed the remains at the police station, but none was able to identify them. The wife arrived on a late Northwestern train, in response to a telegram informing her of her husband's death.
Justice of the Peace Thomas Watson convened the following coroner's jury: Chief Schaefer, Officers Nolan and Ecke, Chief Fire Marshal Frank Parker, E. R. Paterick and H. L. McDonald. After an examination of the remains the inquest was adjourned until two o'clock, when a verdict of suicide by swallowing carbolic acid was rendered.
The remains of Mr. Krause were taken to Oshkosh, being accompanied by his wife, a sister-in-law and a nephew. It was learned that Mr. Krause had leased the saloon south of the No. 5 engine house and was planning to engage in the business with his nephew who, until recently, tended bar for the Rechaud Brewing company.--Fond du Lac Commonwealth.
--The Daily Northwestern, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, June 22, 1900, page 3.
The Razor Was Still Clutched in Her Hand
Suicide of the Wife of a Young Morgan County Farmer.
And Her Suicide Is Attributed to Insanity.
The Razor Was Still Clutched in the Hand -- Suicide Caused a Sensation.
Madison, Ga., January 13.-(Special.)- News was received over a private telephone wire from Moxeys, Ga., this morning concerning a sensational suicide which occurred there last night. Mrs. T. B. Bailey, wife of a prominent young farmer, who resided at Moxeys, cut her throat with a razor. When found about 9 o'clock her body was in a woodshed cold and stiff in death, the razor still in her hand. Her mind is supposed to have been unbalanced, as she was gloomy and despondent several days previous to her death. She leaves a little babe two months old. The affair created quite a sensation in that section.
--The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, January 14, 1900, page 4.
Miss Lena Mierson of Marinette, Takes a Dose of Corrosive Sublimate.
Marinett, Wis., Jan. 26-[Special Telegram] - Miss Lena Mierson, a domestic employed at the home of A. D. Curtis, committed suicide last night. She took corrosive sublimate. She refused to take antidotes. Disappointment over a love affair was the cause.
--The Daily Gazette, Janesville, Wisconsin, January 26, 1900, page 1.
Kills Baby and Self.
Mrs. Valentine Roullier, committed suicide at Two Rivers by drowning, taking with her her two-year-old daughter. The bodies were recovered. The cause of the deed is attributed to constant worrying because her husband intended to take up farming, to which she had a decided aversion.
--Monroe Weekly Times, Monroe, Wisconsin, October 18, 1900, page 3.
Suicide of the Wife of a Young Morgan County Farmer.
And Her Suicide Is Attributed to Insanity.
The Razor Was Still Clutched in the Hand -- Suicide Caused a Sensation.
Madison, Ga., January 13.-(Special.)- News was received over a private telephone wire from Moxeys, Ga., this morning concerning a sensational suicide which occurred there last night. Mrs. T. B. Bailey, wife of a prominent young farmer, who resided at Moxeys, cut her throat with a razor. When found about 9 o'clock her body was in a woodshed cold and stiff in death, the razor still in her hand. Her mind is supposed to have been unbalanced, as she was gloomy and despondent several days previous to her death. She leaves a little babe two months old. The affair created quite a sensation in that section.
--The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia, January 14, 1900, page 4.
Miss Lena Mierson of Marinette, Takes a Dose of Corrosive Sublimate.
Marinett, Wis., Jan. 26-[Special Telegram] - Miss Lena Mierson, a domestic employed at the home of A. D. Curtis, committed suicide last night. She took corrosive sublimate. She refused to take antidotes. Disappointment over a love affair was the cause.
--The Daily Gazette, Janesville, Wisconsin, January 26, 1900, page 1.
Kills Baby and Self.
Mrs. Valentine Roullier, committed suicide at Two Rivers by drowning, taking with her her two-year-old daughter. The bodies were recovered. The cause of the deed is attributed to constant worrying because her husband intended to take up farming, to which she had a decided aversion.
--Monroe Weekly Times, Monroe, Wisconsin, October 18, 1900, page 3.
He Bought Strychnine Three Times: Looks Like Suicide
Believe He Killed Himself.
Marshall, Mich., Feb. 15.-Harry Dickey, son of Col. F. W. Dickey, died at his home west of this city under circumstances that make the suicide theory plausible. He came to town as usual and told his employer he was ill and would go home. He bought strychnine in three places. His mother found him dying in convulsions. He died without regaining consciousness. Dickey was 21 years old and served through the Spanish war as a bugler for company K, Thirty-fifth Michigan regiment.
--The Daily Gazette, Janesville, Wisconsin, February 15, 1900, page 3.
Tolland Farmer Becoming Despondent Takes His Life.
Rockville, July 17.-Lemuel B. Joslyn, an old Tolland farmer, committed suicide Sunday afternoon at his home, about a mile from Tolland street.
He was last seen alive just before noon by his nearest neighbor, James Staples, who frequently called upon him. About 3 o'clock Mr. Staples again went over to the Joslyn house and not finding the old man there went to the barn, the doors of which stood open. He found Mr. Joslyn hanging to the stationary ladder leading to the haymow. He had tied a rope about his neck and then fastened the other end to a rung of the ladder. He evidently stood on his toes to tie the knot, for when found his knees almost touched the barn floor.
Despondency over ill health is supposed to have caused the old man to take his life. His health had been poor ever since he had the grip, which was followed by rheumatism. He lived alone, his second wife having died some months ago. For some time he had a housekeeper, but of late had been without one.
He cooked and ate dinner Sunday, as was evidenced by the dishes on the table. Mr. Joslyn was 77 years old and had been a farmer in this section for the last 25 or 30 years. He was a brother of Edmund Joslyn, first selectman of the town of Tolland.
Coroner Phelps investigated the case and found that it was a case of suicide. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at his late home.
--Naugatuck Daily News, Naugatuck, Connecticut, July 17, 1900, page 1.
Excitement Caused Suicide.
Frank Whitehead, aged 30, son of David Whitehead, a farmer living three miles north of Whitewater, committed suicide at the home of his father by shooting. He was to have been married the next day to Miss Lily Taylor, daughter of Henry Taylor, of Whitewater, and all preparations had been made for the wedding. Excitement over the coming wedding is supposed to have been the cause of the deed.
--Monroe Weekly Times, Monroe, Wisconsin, October 18, 1900, page 3.
Believe He Killed Himself.
Marshall, Mich., Feb. 15.-Harry Dickey, son of Col. F. W. Dickey, died at his home west of this city under circumstances that make the suicide theory plausible. He came to town as usual and told his employer he was ill and would go home. He bought strychnine in three places. His mother found him dying in convulsions. He died without regaining consciousness. Dickey was 21 years old and served through the Spanish war as a bugler for company K, Thirty-fifth Michigan regiment.
--The Daily Gazette, Janesville, Wisconsin, February 15, 1900, page 3.
Tolland Farmer Becoming Despondent Takes His Life.
Rockville, July 17.-Lemuel B. Joslyn, an old Tolland farmer, committed suicide Sunday afternoon at his home, about a mile from Tolland street.
He was last seen alive just before noon by his nearest neighbor, James Staples, who frequently called upon him. About 3 o'clock Mr. Staples again went over to the Joslyn house and not finding the old man there went to the barn, the doors of which stood open. He found Mr. Joslyn hanging to the stationary ladder leading to the haymow. He had tied a rope about his neck and then fastened the other end to a rung of the ladder. He evidently stood on his toes to tie the knot, for when found his knees almost touched the barn floor.
Despondency over ill health is supposed to have caused the old man to take his life. His health had been poor ever since he had the grip, which was followed by rheumatism. He lived alone, his second wife having died some months ago. For some time he had a housekeeper, but of late had been without one.
He cooked and ate dinner Sunday, as was evidenced by the dishes on the table. Mr. Joslyn was 77 years old and had been a farmer in this section for the last 25 or 30 years. He was a brother of Edmund Joslyn, first selectman of the town of Tolland.
Coroner Phelps investigated the case and found that it was a case of suicide. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at his late home.
--Naugatuck Daily News, Naugatuck, Connecticut, July 17, 1900, page 1.
Excitement Caused Suicide.
Frank Whitehead, aged 30, son of David Whitehead, a farmer living three miles north of Whitewater, committed suicide at the home of his father by shooting. He was to have been married the next day to Miss Lily Taylor, daughter of Henry Taylor, of Whitewater, and all preparations had been made for the wedding. Excitement over the coming wedding is supposed to have been the cause of the deed.
--Monroe Weekly Times, Monroe, Wisconsin, October 18, 1900, page 3.
Philadelphia Pastor: 'Suicide the Disease of Today'
Philadelphia Pastor Terms It the Disease of To-Day.
A prominent Philadelphia clergyman pronounced a scathing denunciation upon the view now taken by society of suicide. He called suicide the disease of to-day, a growing epidemic of self-destruction. He quoted from statistics the manner in which suicides of earlier days were treated and stated that the body of a suicide was impaled upon a stake.
He considered it high time that some one should record a Christian protest against the leniency with which society to-day treats the crime of suicide. In the eyes of Christ the man who takes his own life, the preacher continued, is the veriest coward that walks the earth -- a deserter and a skulker of the battle of life, and deserves to be pilloried in the stocks of public infamy.
The pastor referred to the deaths of three Christian young men from this cause within one year in Newton, and also to the prevalence of the crime elsewhere, and he noted several causes for the growing tendency to self-destruction. The first was the increase of rank materialism. The second he would call the "dying of death." The fear of death was beginning to cease to cast its shadow on life, and was being supplanted by the joy of life. The third reason he would call "life's closing doors." Many, as they looked over their lives, concluded that the "game was not worth the candle."
--The Daily Herald, Delphos, Ohio, September 6, 1900, page 3.
Philadelphia Pastor Terms It the Disease of To-Day.
A prominent Philadelphia clergyman pronounced a scathing denunciation upon the view now taken by society of suicide. He called suicide the disease of to-day, a growing epidemic of self-destruction. He quoted from statistics the manner in which suicides of earlier days were treated and stated that the body of a suicide was impaled upon a stake.
He considered it high time that some one should record a Christian protest against the leniency with which society to-day treats the crime of suicide. In the eyes of Christ the man who takes his own life, the preacher continued, is the veriest coward that walks the earth -- a deserter and a skulker of the battle of life, and deserves to be pilloried in the stocks of public infamy.
The pastor referred to the deaths of three Christian young men from this cause within one year in Newton, and also to the prevalence of the crime elsewhere, and he noted several causes for the growing tendency to self-destruction. The first was the increase of rank materialism. The second he would call the "dying of death." The fear of death was beginning to cease to cast its shadow on life, and was being supplanted by the joy of life. The third reason he would call "life's closing doors." Many, as they looked over their lives, concluded that the "game was not worth the candle."
--The Daily Herald, Delphos, Ohio, September 6, 1900, page 3.
Every Town Has
A liar.
A sponger.
A blatherskite.
A smart Alec.
Its richest man.
Some pretty girls.
A weather prophet.
A girl who giggles.
Half a dozen lunatics.
A woman who tattles.
One Lincoln Republican.
A man who knows it all.
One Jacksonian Democrat.
More loafers than it needs.
Men who see every dog fight.
A boy who acts up in church.
A few meddlesome old women.
A "thing" who stares at women.
A mutton head who tries to run everything.
A few who try to run the affairs of the country.
A girl who goes to the post office every time the mail comes in.
A legion of smart fellows who can tell the editor how to run his paper.
Scores of men with the caboose of their trousers worn smooth as glass. --Exchange.
--The Deming Headlight, Deming, New Mexico, May 7, 1920, page 4.
A liar.
A sponger.
A blatherskite.
A smart Alec.
Its richest man.
Some pretty girls.
A weather prophet.
A girl who giggles.
Half a dozen lunatics.
A woman who tattles.
One Lincoln Republican.
A man who knows it all.
One Jacksonian Democrat.
More loafers than it needs.
Men who see every dog fight.
A boy who acts up in church.
A few meddlesome old women.
A "thing" who stares at women.
A mutton head who tries to run everything.
A few who try to run the affairs of the country.
A girl who goes to the post office every time the mail comes in.
A legion of smart fellows who can tell the editor how to run his paper.
Scores of men with the caboose of their trousers worn smooth as glass. --Exchange.
--The Deming Headlight, Deming, New Mexico, May 7, 1920, page 4.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Charged With Insanity, Man Kills Himself In Jail

Jacob Cline, in Prison Awaiting a Hearing on Charge of Insanity, Takes his Own Life.
Jacob Cline committed suicide by hanging himself at the county jail some time during Thursday night. The victim of his own hand had been placed in the county jail on the charge of insanity on Wednesday and was to have had his hearing today. He was a married man and had a wife and five children.
Cline is about 52 years of age. He had no trade so far as is known, but formerly worked steadily at anything he could get to do. A part of the time be worked for the street commissioner cleaning streets.
About a year ago he first began to show signs of insanity by acting in a peculiar manner. The malady developed on the man gradually until his family was obliged to make complaint to the authorities against him. The trouble became so serious for the members of the family that in June last he was arrested and confined in the county jail on the charge of being insane.
At that time Cline was not considered dangerous and when it came to the hearing, after he had been locked up in the jail a few days, Mrs. Cline, who had had him arrested, appeared in probate court and withdrew the charge against him, after which he was released.
Cline's conduct was all right for a short time after this episode, but he soon began to become obstreperous again. He abused his wife and the children so that they found it necessary to take steps again to deprive him of his liberty. On Wednesday morning, Mrs. Cline sent for her attorney. A. A. Douglass, and complained of the conduct of her husband. When the attorney reached the house he was told that Cline had gotten up during the night and rambled about the house in a dangerous fashion to the terror of his folks. The wife and one of his daughters attempted to induce him to return to bed, but he refused to do so. Then when Mrs. Cline insisted on his going back to bed, she told the attorney that the head of the family had turned and beat her and the one daughter in a shameful manner. The side of Mrs. Cline's face was bruised and swollen, while both of the daughter's eyes were blacked and swollen. It was stated that Cline had used his fists in assaulting the two members of his family. Mrs. Cline wanted the attorney to have her husband taken into custody, but the attorney declined to do so at once, or at least until the man had been thoroughly examined by the doctors. Mr. Douglass sent Dr. Harding and Dr. Boles to the Cline home and as a result of their investigation and examination, he appeared in probate court and made affidavit agaist Cline on the charge of insanity.
Jacob Cline was arrested at his home on Glessner avenue Wednesday morning about 10 o'clock by Deputy Sheriff Tom Bell and lodged in the county jail. When Cline was in jail last June on the charge of insanity he bothered the other prisoners by continually calling them during the night time and keeping them from their sleep. He also called up Sheriff Pulver repeatedly until the thing got very tiresome, so when he was arrested Wednesday morning Sheriff Pulver ordered him locked up in the female department on the second floor of the jail. There were no prisoners in this part of the jail. The man kept complaining to Sheriff Pulver about his bowels, while to Deputy Bell he complained of a severe pain in his head. He appeared to be fairly cheerful, however, and nothing unusual was noticed in his conduct. Thursday night at 6 o'clock the girl took Cline's supper to him as usual and afterward got the dishes and he appeared to be all right. There is a corridor leading to the three cells in the female department from the hallway in the upper story. The door of Cline's room or cell was left open and he was allowed to come to the grating outside for his meals, which were handed in to him through the bars.
This morning when the girl carried his meal to him at 6 o'clock Cline did not come out. She called to him, but still he did not appear or answer, so the matter was at once reported to Sheriff Pulver. That official ascended to Cline's room and on opening the door found him stone dead. He had hanged himself during the night with the chain of the flush closet inside the room. Cline's bed looked as though it had not been slept in, although the sheriff states that he was in the habit of sleeping with his clothing all on. Cline had removed his shoes. Then he had apparently stepped upon the stool of the water closet, placed the chain of the flush box overhead around his neck and slid off the stool. That he was determined to suicide was shown by the fact that Cline could easily have prevented being strangled by landing erect upon his feet.
It is supposed that in putting the chain about his neck and slipping off the stool Ciine got the middle finger of his right hand caught in the chain, as it was torn and there was a little pool of blood on the floor of the cell at his side, which had dripped down from the lacerated finger. There was nothing uncanny about the corpse as in usual with most cases of suicide, his face bearing a reposeful aspect, just as though he were sleeping.
Sheriff Pulver at once notified Coroner Bushnell of the finding of the suicide. The coroner appeared at the jail about 8:30 o'clock and after viewing the remains ordered the body taken down and prepared for burial.
Mrs. Cline was also notified of the suicide of her husband. When she appeared at the jail and saw the body of the deceased she was attacked with hysterics and was calmed with considerable difficulty.
The deceased, it is stated, has a brother, Jackson Cline by name, residing north of the city. There was also another brother, John Cline, a mute, who was killed on the railroad a few years ago. Cline owned two properties adjacent to each other on Glessner avenue. He resided at No. 144 Glessner avenue. A short time ago he sued the city of Mansfield on a claim for damages by reason of a change in the grade of the thoroughfare on which is property is located and secured a verdict of $250.
The oldest child in the family is a daughter 19 years of age. Cline's sad end was not unlooked for by those who knew him as the neighbors on the same street state that he and his wife have had trouble for some time past, principally about the children. The remains of the suicide were taken to Schroer's undertaking rooms about 9:30 o'clock this morning and prepared for burial. The body will be removed to the residence on Glessner avenue some time this afternoon. The funeral will take place from the family residence Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
--The Mansfield News, Mansfield, Ohio, November 16, 1900, page 6.
Edna Brown Despondent Over Mother's "Career," Drowns Herself
Pretty Edna Brown, Well Known in Newark and Granville, Despondent Over Her Mother's Career Drowns Herself at Zanesville in the Muskingum River.
Word was received in Newark late Friday of the suicide of Miss Edna Brown, a charming young woman who was a student in Shepardson college from 1894-96, frequently visited Newark friends. The story of the sad affair follows:
Miss Edna Brown aged 22 years committed suicide by jumping into the Muskingum river. The body was recovered at about noon and was taken to the home of her aunt, Mrs. Orville N. Townsend, with whom she lived for the past 12 years. The motive ascribed for the suicide is temporary insanity caused by constant morbidness due to the conduct of her mother, Mrs. Lizzie Brown.
Thursday evening about 9 o'clock the young woman, with her sister Miss Cora, retired for the night, occupying separate beds in the same room. Not until breakfast was ready was she missed. As soon as her absence was learned an investigation was begun and at about the same time it was reported that a woman's hat and a ten-cent piece were found on the river bank. They were identified and a search of the river bed was begun.
Before leaving the Townsend residence Edna placed a new pair of gloves, her purse and a photograph on the hall stand and moved the stand to the front of the steps. She took only the ten cent piece with her and it is presumed that she started out with the intention of purchasing some drug, but finding the stores closed went to the river.
The young woman, who attended the Shepardson college at Granville, and graduated from the Putnam Seminary three years ago, has been employed in the art studio of the Weller Pottery for the past two years. While going back and forth to the seminary and the pottery she was compelled to pass the resort kept by her mother, and she frequently returned to the Townsend house in tears, and exclaimed that she would have to turn her face in an opposite direction to keep from seeing the shameful life which her mother leads, the Brown House on Muskingum avenue being most notorious.
It was this constant shame and disgrace from which she could not escape that caused Edna Brown to become despondent, and when she was stricken ill a week ago from the effects of a carbuncle on her forehead she appeared to give more thought to her mother's career. The swelling caused from the carbuncle prevented her from reading, sewing or painting, and she had much time to think of her troubles.
Edna Brown, a pretty little brunette, was a social favorite in Zanesville, no function in society circles being considered complete without the presence of herself and her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend took the Brown sisters from their mother 12 years ago, and have given them a home which wealth makes happy and refined. The young ladies have been carefully trained and educated and society has taken them in and treated them with a hearty consideration calculated to drive away their natural inclination to despondency. But Edna ever seemed to fear that the world in its baser mood kept a finger of shame pointing toward her. A bright companionable girl, she had little to wish for had it not been for the influence which her mother's life had upon her. It was the one great sorrow that overshadowed her every pleasure. The unfortunate mother, upon learning of her daughter's sad death, became hysterical, but her grief was quite in contrast with the tears of love and affection that streamed from the eyes of Mrs. Townsend when the frail little body was carried into her home. Mrs. Brown's wailings aroused the neighborhood, but there was none to sympathize with her grief.
It has even been said that Mrs. Brown with one or more of her boon companions, has been wont to promenade in front of the Townsend residence frequently. Her husband, who was of a good family, died about 15 years ago, and it was after his death that the woman adopted the life she now leads.
Before leaving her home Edna put on a walking skirt, a silk waist, jacket, walking shoes and white kid gloves. She was scantily clad.
At the last ball of the Assembly Dancing Club two weeks ago, Edna Brown wore a fashionable gown of pale blue, and her dark hair was dressed in Janice Meredith style. Her splendid beauty was frequently commented upon. She seemed unusually happy and bright. Her tragic death and the sad circumstances surrounding it have caused universal gloom.
A sequel of the tragedy may be found in the threats against her mother. The woman will probably be compelled to leave the city.
--Newark Daily Advocate, Newark, Ohio, December 15, 1900, page 7.
Pretty Edna Brown, Well Known in Newark and Granville, Despondent Over Her Mother's Career Drowns Herself at Zanesville in the Muskingum River.
Word was received in Newark late Friday of the suicide of Miss Edna Brown, a charming young woman who was a student in Shepardson college from 1894-96, frequently visited Newark friends. The story of the sad affair follows:
Miss Edna Brown aged 22 years committed suicide by jumping into the Muskingum river. The body was recovered at about noon and was taken to the home of her aunt, Mrs. Orville N. Townsend, with whom she lived for the past 12 years. The motive ascribed for the suicide is temporary insanity caused by constant morbidness due to the conduct of her mother, Mrs. Lizzie Brown.
Thursday evening about 9 o'clock the young woman, with her sister Miss Cora, retired for the night, occupying separate beds in the same room. Not until breakfast was ready was she missed. As soon as her absence was learned an investigation was begun and at about the same time it was reported that a woman's hat and a ten-cent piece were found on the river bank. They were identified and a search of the river bed was begun.
Before leaving the Townsend residence Edna placed a new pair of gloves, her purse and a photograph on the hall stand and moved the stand to the front of the steps. She took only the ten cent piece with her and it is presumed that she started out with the intention of purchasing some drug, but finding the stores closed went to the river.
The young woman, who attended the Shepardson college at Granville, and graduated from the Putnam Seminary three years ago, has been employed in the art studio of the Weller Pottery for the past two years. While going back and forth to the seminary and the pottery she was compelled to pass the resort kept by her mother, and she frequently returned to the Townsend house in tears, and exclaimed that she would have to turn her face in an opposite direction to keep from seeing the shameful life which her mother leads, the Brown House on Muskingum avenue being most notorious.
It was this constant shame and disgrace from which she could not escape that caused Edna Brown to become despondent, and when she was stricken ill a week ago from the effects of a carbuncle on her forehead she appeared to give more thought to her mother's career. The swelling caused from the carbuncle prevented her from reading, sewing or painting, and she had much time to think of her troubles.
Edna Brown, a pretty little brunette, was a social favorite in Zanesville, no function in society circles being considered complete without the presence of herself and her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend took the Brown sisters from their mother 12 years ago, and have given them a home which wealth makes happy and refined. The young ladies have been carefully trained and educated and society has taken them in and treated them with a hearty consideration calculated to drive away their natural inclination to despondency. But Edna ever seemed to fear that the world in its baser mood kept a finger of shame pointing toward her. A bright companionable girl, she had little to wish for had it not been for the influence which her mother's life had upon her. It was the one great sorrow that overshadowed her every pleasure. The unfortunate mother, upon learning of her daughter's sad death, became hysterical, but her grief was quite in contrast with the tears of love and affection that streamed from the eyes of Mrs. Townsend when the frail little body was carried into her home. Mrs. Brown's wailings aroused the neighborhood, but there was none to sympathize with her grief.
It has even been said that Mrs. Brown with one or more of her boon companions, has been wont to promenade in front of the Townsend residence frequently. Her husband, who was of a good family, died about 15 years ago, and it was after his death that the woman adopted the life she now leads.
Before leaving her home Edna put on a walking skirt, a silk waist, jacket, walking shoes and white kid gloves. She was scantily clad.
At the last ball of the Assembly Dancing Club two weeks ago, Edna Brown wore a fashionable gown of pale blue, and her dark hair was dressed in Janice Meredith style. Her splendid beauty was frequently commented upon. She seemed unusually happy and bright. Her tragic death and the sad circumstances surrounding it have caused universal gloom.
A sequel of the tragedy may be found in the threats against her mother. The woman will probably be compelled to leave the city.
--Newark Daily Advocate, Newark, Ohio, December 15, 1900, page 7.
Civil Engineer Inhales Gas, Dies
Noted Engineer a Suicide.
Chicago, Oct. 1.- W. T. Casgrain, for the last 15 years in the employ of the federal government as a civil engineer, committed suicide by inhaling gas in his room at the La Vita hotel. Last Saturday Casgrain registered at the hotel as W. H. Becker of Fort Wayne, Ind. A widow and two children are left. Mr. Casgrain had an office in the Monadnock building, and lived at 1026 Greenleaf street, Evanston. He was at one time one of the best-known engineers in the west. Recently he has been engaged in work at Fort Wayne.
--The Daily Gazette, Janesville, Wisconsin, October 1, 1900, page 6.
A Mysterious Double Tragedy in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, August 5 -- Robert W. Sinclair, aged 51 years, a fruit commission merchant in this city, with his wife, Annie, aged 32, were found dead last night with a bullet hole in the head of each, in the garden in front of their summer home at Green Tree station, near this city. Whether it was a case of mutual suicide or murder with suicide will probably never be known.
The couple has frequently quarreled and some time ago separated. Last week the wife returned to her husband's home. Sinclair and wife each carried a pistol. Last night as the husband reached home and was entering the gate, the neighbors heard him exclaim, "Don't shoot," and a few seconds later two shots in quick succession were heard. Several of the neighbors rushed into the garden and in the darkness found Mrs. Sinclair lying dead. Close by her head was her husband's revolver. The wife's pistol was found about three feet from Sinclair's body.
--The Anaconda Standard, Anaconda, Montana, August 6, 1900, page 10.
Crawfordsville, Ind., April 7. -- The body of Elmer Meyers, an 18-year-old farmer, was found yesterday morning near here on the highway. It was found within 200 yards of the home of his fiancee, Miss Alice Hendricks, whom he had promised to wed next Sunday. He called on her Thursday evening and stayed until midnight, when she remarked, "It's 12 o'clock." He replied, "That's a good hint." He remained until 2 o'clock, however, and left, saying, "I'll be back Sunday." The young lady says they had no quarrel and she can think of no cause for the suicide. Meyers ended his life by taking carbolic acid.
-- The Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, April 11, 1900, page 3.
Noted Engineer a Suicide.
Chicago, Oct. 1.- W. T. Casgrain, for the last 15 years in the employ of the federal government as a civil engineer, committed suicide by inhaling gas in his room at the La Vita hotel. Last Saturday Casgrain registered at the hotel as W. H. Becker of Fort Wayne, Ind. A widow and two children are left. Mr. Casgrain had an office in the Monadnock building, and lived at 1026 Greenleaf street, Evanston. He was at one time one of the best-known engineers in the west. Recently he has been engaged in work at Fort Wayne.
--The Daily Gazette, Janesville, Wisconsin, October 1, 1900, page 6.
A Mysterious Double Tragedy in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, August 5 -- Robert W. Sinclair, aged 51 years, a fruit commission merchant in this city, with his wife, Annie, aged 32, were found dead last night with a bullet hole in the head of each, in the garden in front of their summer home at Green Tree station, near this city. Whether it was a case of mutual suicide or murder with suicide will probably never be known.
The couple has frequently quarreled and some time ago separated. Last week the wife returned to her husband's home. Sinclair and wife each carried a pistol. Last night as the husband reached home and was entering the gate, the neighbors heard him exclaim, "Don't shoot," and a few seconds later two shots in quick succession were heard. Several of the neighbors rushed into the garden and in the darkness found Mrs. Sinclair lying dead. Close by her head was her husband's revolver. The wife's pistol was found about three feet from Sinclair's body.
--The Anaconda Standard, Anaconda, Montana, August 6, 1900, page 10.
Crawfordsville, Ind., April 7. -- The body of Elmer Meyers, an 18-year-old farmer, was found yesterday morning near here on the highway. It was found within 200 yards of the home of his fiancee, Miss Alice Hendricks, whom he had promised to wed next Sunday. He called on her Thursday evening and stayed until midnight, when she remarked, "It's 12 o'clock." He replied, "That's a good hint." He remained until 2 o'clock, however, and left, saying, "I'll be back Sunday." The young lady says they had no quarrel and she can think of no cause for the suicide. Meyers ended his life by taking carbolic acid.
-- The Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, April 11, 1900, page 3.
Live To Face Shame
Couple Tried To Dodge Disgrace By Suicide In Kansas City.
Kansas City, Aug. 17.-Overcome by remorse on account of the disgrace they had brought upon their families, Mrs. Nora Bradley and Charles Dunbar, both of New Albany, Ind., attempted to commit suicide by taking morphine, in their rooms at 903 Troost avenue, yesterday. They were discovered before the drug had done its deadly work, and by prompt and hard work Dr. Snider and Dr. Bell, assistant police surgeons, saved their lives. Mrs. Bradley is now at St. Joseph's hospital. Both are convalescent, and with a few days' quiet will be able to leave for home, where they expect to go.
About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon E. Pofenberg, proprietor of the apartment house at 903 Troost avenue heard groans and heavy breathing coming from the room occupied by Dunbar and Mrs. Bradley. Looking over the transom he saw the man, and woman lying on the bed in an unconscious condition. He immediately summoned aid and the police ambulance was sent for. Both were so near death that the physicians were in great doubt about saving the life of either. It was nearly 10 o'clock before they showed signs of improvement.
Until a few weeks ago Dunbar was a druggist in New Albany. He is married and is the father of three children. Mrs. Bradley is the daughter of D. W. Carpenter, a manufacturer of the same place. She is married, too, and has two children. Dunbar and Mrs. Bradley became infatuated with each other and finally left together. They went to Omaha, where they remained two weeks and then came to Kansas City. They engaged rooms first at 903 Troost avenue as man and wife, and remained there until the national convention, when Dunbar went to work for Gus Lund, a druggist at 635 Minnesota avenue, Kansas City, Kan., and lived across the state line. Recently he found employment with C. A. McCampbell at Sixth street and Minnesota avenue. They returned to live at the Troost avenue house about a month ago.
A reporter called at the city hospital this morning and talked to Dunbar. He is a slender man with dark eyes and hair and a sharp, protruding chin. He discussed the attempted suicide freely. "Some persons," he said, "advance the theory that a man is crazy who attempts suicide. This is not true, at least in my case. I was just as sane when I took that morphine as you are now or any man of your acquaintance. I am also positive that the same applies to Mrs. Bradley. It was simply a case of having made up our minds that nothing except death would relieve the terrible remorse we felt."
"Who first suggested that you end your lives?" he was asked.
"She did," he answered. "It was her idea several weeks ago. Ever since she first suggested it, it seemed to be the one thought uppermost in her mind. I did all I could to dissuade her. I argued that everything would come out all right in some way, but it was of no use.
"Finally I gave in last Monday. We had only $2 left. I went out to a drug store and bought a sixty-grain bottle of morphine. In the meantime we had made all of our preparations for death. That is, we had written all our letters. I took the morphine to the house and dissolved it in water. This solution I divided in two equal parts -- almost to the drop. It was 1 o'clock Tuesday morning when I prepared the poison. I also brought back with me a bottle of chloroform. We each drank his portion of the morphine solution. We saturated handkerchiefs with the chloroform and she placed hers over her face as she lay on the bed beside me. I intended to do the same, but don't remember whether I did so or not. We lay there for, it seemed like an eternity before the morphine began to take effect. Anyhow, it must have been two hours. Then the light faded."
"Why did you select morphine?"
"It was all left to me. I selected morphine because I thought it would be sure and blissful."
"Didn't you think of shooting?"
"I had a revolver, but to end it all that way never occurred to me. It would have been too harsh."
"Are you glad you didn't succeed?"
"Yes, I am. I have had all I want of that. I expect to go home so soon as I am able to travel and hope to receive forgiveness there."
"How much money did you have when you left New Albany?"
"Exactly $110. They said back there that we took $1,000 with us, but that's not true."
The reporter then visited St. Joseph's hospital to see Mrs. Bradley. She is good looking with light hair and blue eyes. She is still too weak to talk much although the physicians say she is out of danger.
She was asked who first suggested the "double suicide."
"I don't know," she answered wearily, "we had been talking it over for some time. After we had decided to die together I left the means of dying to him. He selected morphine. We drank it Tuesday morning at 1 o'clock and I put the handkerchief saturated with chloroform over my face and supposed he did the same."
"Are you glad your life was saved?"
"Oh, so glad," she replied, her face brightening, with a smile. "I'll never try it again. I'll bear my cross hereafter, however heavy it happens to be. Mother has been telegraphed for and she will be here tomorrow. I'll know then what it is best for me to do."
Having determined to die Dunbar and Mrs. Bradley wrote numerous letters. Dunbar recited that he was a member of the Elks, Masons, and Knights of Pythias and requested these organizations to take charge of the funeral. Mrs. Bradley's letters were to Miss Poffenburg and simply gave directions as what should be done when she was found dead. Dunbar's letters follow:
Exalted Ruler, K.C. Lodge:
Dear Brother-I want to ask a favor of you. Will you please wire the parties named below of my death; also of that of Mrs. Bradley, as found on another paper.
We deserted our families about six weeks ago; has been nothing but suffering since the time we left, and to think or know we could never return or right the wrong to our loved ones at home we think it justice to them that we should die. C. DUNBAR.
Dear Brother - I may have been expelled from Lodge of Elks, but you will find my card. I also have been member of Jefferson lodge of Masons No. 104, New Albany; and Ivanhoe lodge, Knights of Pythias, in good standing when I left home.
I ask you to help and assist my wife and children toward having an undertaker to take charge of my body and ship home without the expense of having someone come here.
Please wire George Steinhauer, New Albany lodge 270. Have him confer with Masons and Knights of Pythias to have the lodge to guarantee undertaker bill here; if not the lodge have as individuals to do so, to take the worry off my wife until she gets insurance money. Please telephone Mr. C. A. McCampbell, Sixth and Minnesota avenue, Kansas City, Kan., as he is a Knight of Pythias, and I have worked for him. The undertaker bill will be paid, but wish to take the worry from her at present. If you can possibly make arrangements, Mr. Carpenter will pay for Mrs. Bradley, his daughter.
Wire Dr. C. P. Cook, East Spring street, New Albany, Ind., of my death, and have him tell my wife. C. DUNBAR.
The letters left by Mrs. Bradley were as follows:
To Miss Nellie Poffenberg - Nellie: If you all think best in the morning, put my black skirt and shirt waist on me; If not, leave me as I am until you hear from my mother. Give all my love. Good-by.
Nellie, please send my father this telegram first thing in morning: "New Albany, Ind., Mr. D. W. Carpenter - "Nora is dead. 903 Troost avenue." When clothes are sent for, send everything, both Charlie's and mine, and oblige your loving friend, Nora.
Use this money for telegrams and express package.
Please wire D. W. Carpenter, East Third street, New Albany, Ind.:" "Nora is dead." Wire to guarantee undertaker's bill. Will send remains. Please have exalted ruler of Elks to send message.
Dear Nellie (the daughter of Mrs: Poffenberg, landlady at 903 Troost avenue); I did not have the money to pay this week's rent, but have sent home for it. My mother will send it to you, and you please express my things to her. You will find them already packed. She will write you where to send them. Yours lovingly, FRIEND NORA.
Dunbar and Mrs. Bradley eloped from New Albany, June 26. Both were members of good families, and their elopement caused a big sensation. Their names were constantly linked together and several months ago Mr. Bradley attacked Dunbar with a revolver, but his aim was bad.
--Dubuque Daily Herald, Dubuque, Iowa, August 18, 1900, page 4.
Comment: Poffenberg is spelled three different ways in the original article.
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 15.-Charles Dunbar, a druggist, thirty-five years of age, and Mrs. Nora Bradley, thirty years of age, both well known in New Albany, Ind. were yesterday found in an unconscious condition in a lodging house in this city, as a result of each having taken thirty grains of morphine with suicidal intent. Dunbar, who has a wife and four children in New Albany, is said to have eloped on June 26 with Mrs. Bradley, who is the mother of two children and wife of a prominent citizen of New Albany. They went from New Albany to Omaha, where they remained until the first of July, when they came here. Dunbar secured a position in a drugstore, where he worked but a short time. Later he was employed as a cigar salesman, but he did not succeed at that, and soon found himself without employment or money. In despair he and Mrs. Bradley decided to end their lives, but they were discovered in time and will recover.
A lengthy letter was found in their room. It contained a detailed statement of how and where Dunbar wanted to he buried and a request that a message be sent to Rev. C. P. Cook at New Albany, Ind., asking him to tell his (Dunbar's) wife of his death. The letter also contained this startling sentence:
"We have taken poison because of the wrong done to our loved ones."
--The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, August 15, 1900, page 25.
Kansas City, Aug. 17.-Overcome by remorse on account of the disgrace they had brought upon their families, Mrs. Nora Bradley and Charles Dunbar, both of New Albany, Ind., attempted to commit suicide by taking morphine, in their rooms at 903 Troost avenue, yesterday. They were discovered before the drug had done its deadly work, and by prompt and hard work Dr. Snider and Dr. Bell, assistant police surgeons, saved their lives. Mrs. Bradley is now at St. Joseph's hospital. Both are convalescent, and with a few days' quiet will be able to leave for home, where they expect to go.
About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon E. Pofenberg, proprietor of the apartment house at 903 Troost avenue heard groans and heavy breathing coming from the room occupied by Dunbar and Mrs. Bradley. Looking over the transom he saw the man, and woman lying on the bed in an unconscious condition. He immediately summoned aid and the police ambulance was sent for. Both were so near death that the physicians were in great doubt about saving the life of either. It was nearly 10 o'clock before they showed signs of improvement.
Until a few weeks ago Dunbar was a druggist in New Albany. He is married and is the father of three children. Mrs. Bradley is the daughter of D. W. Carpenter, a manufacturer of the same place. She is married, too, and has two children. Dunbar and Mrs. Bradley became infatuated with each other and finally left together. They went to Omaha, where they remained two weeks and then came to Kansas City. They engaged rooms first at 903 Troost avenue as man and wife, and remained there until the national convention, when Dunbar went to work for Gus Lund, a druggist at 635 Minnesota avenue, Kansas City, Kan., and lived across the state line. Recently he found employment with C. A. McCampbell at Sixth street and Minnesota avenue. They returned to live at the Troost avenue house about a month ago.
A reporter called at the city hospital this morning and talked to Dunbar. He is a slender man with dark eyes and hair and a sharp, protruding chin. He discussed the attempted suicide freely. "Some persons," he said, "advance the theory that a man is crazy who attempts suicide. This is not true, at least in my case. I was just as sane when I took that morphine as you are now or any man of your acquaintance. I am also positive that the same applies to Mrs. Bradley. It was simply a case of having made up our minds that nothing except death would relieve the terrible remorse we felt."
"Who first suggested that you end your lives?" he was asked.
"She did," he answered. "It was her idea several weeks ago. Ever since she first suggested it, it seemed to be the one thought uppermost in her mind. I did all I could to dissuade her. I argued that everything would come out all right in some way, but it was of no use.
"Finally I gave in last Monday. We had only $2 left. I went out to a drug store and bought a sixty-grain bottle of morphine. In the meantime we had made all of our preparations for death. That is, we had written all our letters. I took the morphine to the house and dissolved it in water. This solution I divided in two equal parts -- almost to the drop. It was 1 o'clock Tuesday morning when I prepared the poison. I also brought back with me a bottle of chloroform. We each drank his portion of the morphine solution. We saturated handkerchiefs with the chloroform and she placed hers over her face as she lay on the bed beside me. I intended to do the same, but don't remember whether I did so or not. We lay there for, it seemed like an eternity before the morphine began to take effect. Anyhow, it must have been two hours. Then the light faded."
"Why did you select morphine?"
"It was all left to me. I selected morphine because I thought it would be sure and blissful."
"Didn't you think of shooting?"
"I had a revolver, but to end it all that way never occurred to me. It would have been too harsh."
"Are you glad you didn't succeed?"
"Yes, I am. I have had all I want of that. I expect to go home so soon as I am able to travel and hope to receive forgiveness there."
"How much money did you have when you left New Albany?"
"Exactly $110. They said back there that we took $1,000 with us, but that's not true."
The reporter then visited St. Joseph's hospital to see Mrs. Bradley. She is good looking with light hair and blue eyes. She is still too weak to talk much although the physicians say she is out of danger.
She was asked who first suggested the "double suicide."
"I don't know," she answered wearily, "we had been talking it over for some time. After we had decided to die together I left the means of dying to him. He selected morphine. We drank it Tuesday morning at 1 o'clock and I put the handkerchief saturated with chloroform over my face and supposed he did the same."
"Are you glad your life was saved?"
"Oh, so glad," she replied, her face brightening, with a smile. "I'll never try it again. I'll bear my cross hereafter, however heavy it happens to be. Mother has been telegraphed for and she will be here tomorrow. I'll know then what it is best for me to do."
Having determined to die Dunbar and Mrs. Bradley wrote numerous letters. Dunbar recited that he was a member of the Elks, Masons, and Knights of Pythias and requested these organizations to take charge of the funeral. Mrs. Bradley's letters were to Miss Poffenburg and simply gave directions as what should be done when she was found dead. Dunbar's letters follow:
Exalted Ruler, K.C. Lodge:
Dear Brother-I want to ask a favor of you. Will you please wire the parties named below of my death; also of that of Mrs. Bradley, as found on another paper.
We deserted our families about six weeks ago; has been nothing but suffering since the time we left, and to think or know we could never return or right the wrong to our loved ones at home we think it justice to them that we should die. C. DUNBAR.
Dear Brother - I may have been expelled from Lodge of Elks, but you will find my card. I also have been member of Jefferson lodge of Masons No. 104, New Albany; and Ivanhoe lodge, Knights of Pythias, in good standing when I left home.
I ask you to help and assist my wife and children toward having an undertaker to take charge of my body and ship home without the expense of having someone come here.
Please wire George Steinhauer, New Albany lodge 270. Have him confer with Masons and Knights of Pythias to have the lodge to guarantee undertaker bill here; if not the lodge have as individuals to do so, to take the worry off my wife until she gets insurance money. Please telephone Mr. C. A. McCampbell, Sixth and Minnesota avenue, Kansas City, Kan., as he is a Knight of Pythias, and I have worked for him. The undertaker bill will be paid, but wish to take the worry from her at present. If you can possibly make arrangements, Mr. Carpenter will pay for Mrs. Bradley, his daughter.
Wire Dr. C. P. Cook, East Spring street, New Albany, Ind., of my death, and have him tell my wife. C. DUNBAR.
The letters left by Mrs. Bradley were as follows:
To Miss Nellie Poffenberg - Nellie: If you all think best in the morning, put my black skirt and shirt waist on me; If not, leave me as I am until you hear from my mother. Give all my love. Good-by.
Nellie, please send my father this telegram first thing in morning: "New Albany, Ind., Mr. D. W. Carpenter - "Nora is dead. 903 Troost avenue." When clothes are sent for, send everything, both Charlie's and mine, and oblige your loving friend, Nora.
Use this money for telegrams and express package.
Please wire D. W. Carpenter, East Third street, New Albany, Ind.:" "Nora is dead." Wire to guarantee undertaker's bill. Will send remains. Please have exalted ruler of Elks to send message.
Dear Nellie (the daughter of Mrs: Poffenberg, landlady at 903 Troost avenue); I did not have the money to pay this week's rent, but have sent home for it. My mother will send it to you, and you please express my things to her. You will find them already packed. She will write you where to send them. Yours lovingly, FRIEND NORA.
Dunbar and Mrs. Bradley eloped from New Albany, June 26. Both were members of good families, and their elopement caused a big sensation. Their names were constantly linked together and several months ago Mr. Bradley attacked Dunbar with a revolver, but his aim was bad.
--Dubuque Daily Herald, Dubuque, Iowa, August 18, 1900, page 4.
Comment: Poffenberg is spelled three different ways in the original article.
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 15.-Charles Dunbar, a druggist, thirty-five years of age, and Mrs. Nora Bradley, thirty years of age, both well known in New Albany, Ind. were yesterday found in an unconscious condition in a lodging house in this city, as a result of each having taken thirty grains of morphine with suicidal intent. Dunbar, who has a wife and four children in New Albany, is said to have eloped on June 26 with Mrs. Bradley, who is the mother of two children and wife of a prominent citizen of New Albany. They went from New Albany to Omaha, where they remained until the first of July, when they came here. Dunbar secured a position in a drugstore, where he worked but a short time. Later he was employed as a cigar salesman, but he did not succeed at that, and soon found himself without employment or money. In despair he and Mrs. Bradley decided to end their lives, but they were discovered in time and will recover.
A lengthy letter was found in their room. It contained a detailed statement of how and where Dunbar wanted to he buried and a request that a message be sent to Rev. C. P. Cook at New Albany, Ind., asking him to tell his (Dunbar's) wife of his death. The letter also contained this startling sentence:
"We have taken poison because of the wrong done to our loved ones."
--The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, August 15, 1900, page 25.
Book Agent Routed By Lawyer's Quiz
Caller Was Selling Bibles, but Couldn't Name Author.
Vice President Marshall, when still a struggling lawyer in Indiana, was sitting in his little office when a genial book agent entered and undertook to sell him a new edition of the Bible, "full morocco, annotated," etc.
Before the agent was through with his description of the merits of the new volume, Marshall interrupted him to ask who the author was.
"W-h-y, this is the Bible," explained the agent.
"I am fully aware of that," answered Marshall, in full soberness, "but I ask again, who is the author?"
Again the salesman explained that he was offering the Bible. Again, Marshall demanded the name of the author, and the demand and the explanation were repeated in varying forms again and again.
Finally the man of the books gathered up his samples, retreated to the door, and then, with one hand on the knob, turned around and shouted:
"You pinheaded fool and blithering idiot, it's the Bible."
--The Saturday Blade, Chicago, May 22, 1920, page 9.
Vice President Marshall, when still a struggling lawyer in Indiana, was sitting in his little office when a genial book agent entered and undertook to sell him a new edition of the Bible, "full morocco, annotated," etc.
Before the agent was through with his description of the merits of the new volume, Marshall interrupted him to ask who the author was.
"W-h-y, this is the Bible," explained the agent.
"I am fully aware of that," answered Marshall, in full soberness, "but I ask again, who is the author?"
Again the salesman explained that he was offering the Bible. Again, Marshall demanded the name of the author, and the demand and the explanation were repeated in varying forms again and again.
Finally the man of the books gathered up his samples, retreated to the door, and then, with one hand on the knob, turned around and shouted:
"You pinheaded fool and blithering idiot, it's the Bible."
--The Saturday Blade, Chicago, May 22, 1920, page 9.
Ravages of Old Age Kept At Bay
Prof. Julian Huxley Checks Senility for 19 Generations of Worms.
Elixir of Life So Long Sought in the Middle Ages at Last Been Found, but, Alas! Only for Flatworms -- Case of Regression Cited.
London. -- Popular interest in the oft-discussed question whether or not it is possible to keep old age at bay indefinitely and correspondingly prolong the span of life has been revived by Prof. Julian Huxley of Oxford. Julian is a grandson of the great Huxley and inherits no inconsiderable measure of his talent for painstaking scientific research.
"The common-sense view of the life cycle, drawn from the observation of man and the familiar animals," said Prof. Huxley, "is that it proceeds always and inevitably in a definite direction, with a definite plan. The normal life cycle of man, for instance, is as follows: The individual starts as a minute single cell, then follows a period of rapid growth, accompanied by differentiation, then senility, and finally death, which supervenes as a natural phenomenon, even if not through disease or accident."
Process Not "Irreversible."
Experiments had shown, however, that this process was not irreversible, he said, and was not inevitably similar in all animals; that it was possible to modify the rate of growth and the length of the period of growth and thus prolong life.
"It has been shown," Prof. Huxley continued, "that by alternately starving and feeding planarian flatworms they can be kept not only within certain definite limits of size, as was to be expected, but also within certain definite limits of age. One animal has thus been kept of the same age--that is, the same lively activity, the same form, the same type of behavior--for a time during which the rest of the brood have passed through 19 generations; a period which, translated into human terms, would take us back to Chaucer. Thus, age does not merely depend on the lapse of time; it is the expression of internal processes.
"The elixir of life so long sought in the Middle ages has at last been found--but, alas! only for flatworms."
Cites Case of Regression.
As an illustration of reversal in mental life Prof. Huxley mentioned that in some shell-shock and neuralgia cases the patients revert to an earlier stage of mental existence, having the minds of children in the bodies of adults. "The most striking case," he said, "was that of an Australian soldier who reverted to the condition of an infant, unable to walk or talk, and taking no food except milk. This is known as mental regression."
Professor Huxley held that numerous other examples showed that the irreversibility of the life cycle was only apparent and that the ordinary type of life cycle had been adopted as the most convenient but not as the only possible method of grappling with existence. In the case of mammals the normal life of rats had been prolonged about 40 per cent.
"Observation of life process," said Prof. Huxley in conclusion, "has given way to experiment as the chief method of research and experiment is leading to control."
--The Bessemer Herald, Bessemer, Michigan, April 13, 1921, page 4.
Elixir of Life So Long Sought in the Middle Ages at Last Been Found, but, Alas! Only for Flatworms -- Case of Regression Cited.
London. -- Popular interest in the oft-discussed question whether or not it is possible to keep old age at bay indefinitely and correspondingly prolong the span of life has been revived by Prof. Julian Huxley of Oxford. Julian is a grandson of the great Huxley and inherits no inconsiderable measure of his talent for painstaking scientific research.
"The common-sense view of the life cycle, drawn from the observation of man and the familiar animals," said Prof. Huxley, "is that it proceeds always and inevitably in a definite direction, with a definite plan. The normal life cycle of man, for instance, is as follows: The individual starts as a minute single cell, then follows a period of rapid growth, accompanied by differentiation, then senility, and finally death, which supervenes as a natural phenomenon, even if not through disease or accident."
Process Not "Irreversible."
Experiments had shown, however, that this process was not irreversible, he said, and was not inevitably similar in all animals; that it was possible to modify the rate of growth and the length of the period of growth and thus prolong life.
"It has been shown," Prof. Huxley continued, "that by alternately starving and feeding planarian flatworms they can be kept not only within certain definite limits of size, as was to be expected, but also within certain definite limits of age. One animal has thus been kept of the same age--that is, the same lively activity, the same form, the same type of behavior--for a time during which the rest of the brood have passed through 19 generations; a period which, translated into human terms, would take us back to Chaucer. Thus, age does not merely depend on the lapse of time; it is the expression of internal processes.
"The elixir of life so long sought in the Middle ages has at last been found--but, alas! only for flatworms."
Cites Case of Regression.
As an illustration of reversal in mental life Prof. Huxley mentioned that in some shell-shock and neuralgia cases the patients revert to an earlier stage of mental existence, having the minds of children in the bodies of adults. "The most striking case," he said, "was that of an Australian soldier who reverted to the condition of an infant, unable to walk or talk, and taking no food except milk. This is known as mental regression."
Professor Huxley held that numerous other examples showed that the irreversibility of the life cycle was only apparent and that the ordinary type of life cycle had been adopted as the most convenient but not as the only possible method of grappling with existence. In the case of mammals the normal life of rats had been prolonged about 40 per cent.
"Observation of life process," said Prof. Huxley in conclusion, "has given way to experiment as the chief method of research and experiment is leading to control."
--The Bessemer Herald, Bessemer, Michigan, April 13, 1921, page 4.
Forced To Clothe Cattle in Africa
Animals In Certain Parts of Africa Have to Be Protected From the Deadly Tsetse Fly.
Files in certain parts of Africa mean something more to cattle than a mere seasonal annoyance, for the pestilential tsetse visits disease and death upon those that enter its domains. The avid attacks of the dangerous insect were circumvented in a curious manner recently, reports Popular Mechanics Magazine.
A number of shorthorn bulls were driven overland through three tsetse-fly belts, one 21 miles wide. The bulls were completely clothed, from muzzle to hoofs, in sewn suits of heavy fabric, and their noses, eyes, horns and hoofs, the only parts exposed, were coated with wagon grease. Encased in this remarkable armor, and traveling only at night, when the tsetse is least active, they succeeded in escaping the menace.
--The Bessemer Herald, Bessemer, Michigan, April 9, 1921, page 3.
Short Notes
We never knew until the election returns were in that there were 40 adherents of the Prohibition party in Bessemer. But election night also showed there were many on the other side.
A few weeks ago we were wishing that we had an attack of the spring fever and we take this form of announcement to say that we've got it.
There are a lot of fine folks in this town but some of the so-called "big guns" can jump in Lake Superior and wouldn't be missed.
What is hard to understand is how those politicians in Ironwood could throw mud at each other at election time like a lot of Charlie Chaplins and then expect to work in harmony until next election.
Time for the automobile accidents to begin. The "silent policeman" is stationed on the corner of Lead and Sophia street.
--The Bessemer Herald, Bessemer, Michigan, April 9, 1921, page 4.
Ups and Downs
This is the season when the poet's output should reach its peak.
Why the Scrapps Scrap.
Mrs. Scrapp -- John, I've invited one of my old sweethearts to dinner. Do you mind?
Scrapp -- Certainly not. I always like to meet lucky people.
Peevish, At Last.
"I had to kill my dog this morning."
"Was he mad?"
"Well, he didn't seem any too well pleased."
Wanted to Know.
Queeni -- Have you ever kissed a girl?
Oswald -- Is that an invitation or are you gathering statistics? -- Cornell Widow.
Sure Sign.
She (tenderly) -- "When did you first know you loved me?"
He -- "When I began to get mad when people said you were brainless and unattractive." -- Brown Bull.
It's often a man's strong right arm that favorably impresses a woman.
You can't make a man believe it, but the most tragic moment of marriage is that in which his wife asks him how she looks in her new hat -- and he stops to consider!
Suffering Johnny.
"Does anyone know why Johnny Jones is not in school to-day," the teacher asked her class.
"Yessum," replied Willie Smith eagerly, "he's got a saleratus tooth and has to go to the dentist."
The Compositor Gets Funny.
Western paper -- The Wiseman wedding was solomonized at the home of the bride's parents. -- Boston Transcript.
A Solid Fact.
"What is the hardest thing about skating when you're learning?"
"The ice." -- Boston Transcript.
For the Inevitable.
"Let me show you our new correspondence paper for ladies," said the stationer. "We consider this the greatest novelty of the season."
"It's very pretty," said Mrs. Barlow, "but why is it specially for ladies?"
"It has the letters P.S. -- postscript -- engraved at the top of the inner sheet," said the stationer. -- Pearson's Weekly.
"You did me a favor ten years ago," said the stranger, "and I have never forgotten it."
"Ah," replied the good man with a grateful expression on his face; "and you have come back to repay me?"
"Not exactly," replied the stranger. "I've just got into town and need another favor, and I thought of you right away." -- Detroit Free Press.
--The Bessemer Herald, Bessemer, Michigan, April 9, 1921, page 4.
Animals In Certain Parts of Africa Have to Be Protected From the Deadly Tsetse Fly.
Files in certain parts of Africa mean something more to cattle than a mere seasonal annoyance, for the pestilential tsetse visits disease and death upon those that enter its domains. The avid attacks of the dangerous insect were circumvented in a curious manner recently, reports Popular Mechanics Magazine.
A number of shorthorn bulls were driven overland through three tsetse-fly belts, one 21 miles wide. The bulls were completely clothed, from muzzle to hoofs, in sewn suits of heavy fabric, and their noses, eyes, horns and hoofs, the only parts exposed, were coated with wagon grease. Encased in this remarkable armor, and traveling only at night, when the tsetse is least active, they succeeded in escaping the menace.
--The Bessemer Herald, Bessemer, Michigan, April 9, 1921, page 3.
Short Notes
We never knew until the election returns were in that there were 40 adherents of the Prohibition party in Bessemer. But election night also showed there were many on the other side.
A few weeks ago we were wishing that we had an attack of the spring fever and we take this form of announcement to say that we've got it.
There are a lot of fine folks in this town but some of the so-called "big guns" can jump in Lake Superior and wouldn't be missed.
What is hard to understand is how those politicians in Ironwood could throw mud at each other at election time like a lot of Charlie Chaplins and then expect to work in harmony until next election.
Time for the automobile accidents to begin. The "silent policeman" is stationed on the corner of Lead and Sophia street.
--The Bessemer Herald, Bessemer, Michigan, April 9, 1921, page 4.
Ups and Downs
This is the season when the poet's output should reach its peak.
Why the Scrapps Scrap.
Mrs. Scrapp -- John, I've invited one of my old sweethearts to dinner. Do you mind?
Scrapp -- Certainly not. I always like to meet lucky people.
Peevish, At Last.
"I had to kill my dog this morning."
"Was he mad?"
"Well, he didn't seem any too well pleased."
Wanted to Know.
Queeni -- Have you ever kissed a girl?
Oswald -- Is that an invitation or are you gathering statistics? -- Cornell Widow.
Sure Sign.
She (tenderly) -- "When did you first know you loved me?"
He -- "When I began to get mad when people said you were brainless and unattractive." -- Brown Bull.
It's often a man's strong right arm that favorably impresses a woman.
You can't make a man believe it, but the most tragic moment of marriage is that in which his wife asks him how she looks in her new hat -- and he stops to consider!
Suffering Johnny.
"Does anyone know why Johnny Jones is not in school to-day," the teacher asked her class.
"Yessum," replied Willie Smith eagerly, "he's got a saleratus tooth and has to go to the dentist."
The Compositor Gets Funny.
Western paper -- The Wiseman wedding was solomonized at the home of the bride's parents. -- Boston Transcript.
A Solid Fact.
"What is the hardest thing about skating when you're learning?"
"The ice." -- Boston Transcript.
For the Inevitable.
"Let me show you our new correspondence paper for ladies," said the stationer. "We consider this the greatest novelty of the season."
"It's very pretty," said Mrs. Barlow, "but why is it specially for ladies?"
"It has the letters P.S. -- postscript -- engraved at the top of the inner sheet," said the stationer. -- Pearson's Weekly.
"You did me a favor ten years ago," said the stranger, "and I have never forgotten it."
"Ah," replied the good man with a grateful expression on his face; "and you have come back to repay me?"
"Not exactly," replied the stranger. "I've just got into town and need another favor, and I thought of you right away." -- Detroit Free Press.
--The Bessemer Herald, Bessemer, Michigan, April 9, 1921, page 4.
Amateur "Fixes" Gas Tank
Hot Iron-Then Neighbors Called the Police Reserves and the Fire Department.
New York.-"Now then, doggie, we'll have this thing fixed in a jiffy," said William S. Grey to his dog, as he placed a hot soldering iron on a partly filled gasoline tank in the kitchen of his home.
The tank on his auto had been leaking and he decided to fix it.
He had scarcely finished the sentence when the top of the tank went up to the ceiling.
Tenants on the three upper floors rushed to the street, police reserves, firemen and detectives were called and Inspector Callahan of the bureau of combustibles, who was in the neighborhood, ran to the house.
The police entered the apartment to take charge of a corpse, but found only a broken window, a dismembered tank and a perfectly healthy man.
--The Bessemer Herald, Bessemer, Michigan, April 9, 1921, page 2.
New York.-"Now then, doggie, we'll have this thing fixed in a jiffy," said William S. Grey to his dog, as he placed a hot soldering iron on a partly filled gasoline tank in the kitchen of his home.
The tank on his auto had been leaking and he decided to fix it.
He had scarcely finished the sentence when the top of the tank went up to the ceiling.
Tenants on the three upper floors rushed to the street, police reserves, firemen and detectives were called and Inspector Callahan of the bureau of combustibles, who was in the neighborhood, ran to the house.
The police entered the apartment to take charge of a corpse, but found only a broken window, a dismembered tank and a perfectly healthy man.
--The Bessemer Herald, Bessemer, Michigan, April 9, 1921, page 2.
Found Guilty, Later Acquitted of Hog Stealing
Pearl Yeothers was found guilty of stealing hogs from Dr. Ernest Stubbs during the flood and was fined $5 and costs in Judge Smith's court in Jackson township Tuesday. An appeal was taken to the Livingston county court.
--The Chillicothe Constitution, Chillicothe, Missouri, August 4, 1909, page 1.
Defendant Was Charged With Stealing Two Hogs From Ernest Stubbs During the Flood.
The jury in the case of the State of Missouri vs. Pearl Yeothers, charged with petit larceny, brought in a verdict of not guilty just before noon Thursday.
The jury was out five hours.
--The Chillicothe Constitution, Chillicothe, Missouri, January 13, 1910, page 3.
Comment: Pearl's last name is spelled both Yoethers and Yeothers in both articles.
Pearl Yeothers was found guilty of stealing hogs from Dr. Ernest Stubbs during the flood and was fined $5 and costs in Judge Smith's court in Jackson township Tuesday. An appeal was taken to the Livingston county court.
--The Chillicothe Constitution, Chillicothe, Missouri, August 4, 1909, page 1.
Defendant Was Charged With Stealing Two Hogs From Ernest Stubbs During the Flood.
The jury in the case of the State of Missouri vs. Pearl Yeothers, charged with petit larceny, brought in a verdict of not guilty just before noon Thursday.
The jury was out five hours.
--The Chillicothe Constitution, Chillicothe, Missouri, January 13, 1910, page 3.
Comment: Pearl's last name is spelled both Yoethers and Yeothers in both articles.
Platte City: Man Taken From Jail, Lynched
Murderer Lynched.
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 2. - George Johnson, who killed J. W. Moore, a farmer, June 20, was taken from jail at Platte City this morning and lynched. Johnson had been in jail in Kansas City for safekeeping, but was taken to Platte City yesterday to be in readiness for his trial which was set for today. Johnson shot Moore from ambush.
--The Marion Weekly Star, Marion, Ohio, August 7, 1909, page 9.
Lynch Law In Missouri.
Platte City, Mo., Aug. 3. - George Johnson, white, who on June 20 murdered John W. Moore, a farmer, was lynched here.
Feeling ran so high at the time of the killing that Johnson was taken to Kansas City for safekeeping and he had just been returned to Platte City for trial. About daylight two men took a third man to the jail, representing him to be a prisoner. When the sheriff opened the jail door the three overpowered him. Fifty other men quickly appeared and battered down the door of Johnson's cell. He was taken to a tree opposite the jail and strung up.
--Weekly State Spirit and Dakota Huronite, Huron, South Dakota, August 12, 1909, page 4.
A Reward of $300 Offered by the State for the Arrest and Conviction of Mob Members.
Kansas City, Aug. 3. - A dispatch was received last night from Jefferson City saying that Governor Hadley had telegraphed from Estes Park Colo., to Jacob Gmelich, acting governor, instructing him to offer a reward of $300 for the arrest and conviction of the members of the mob that lynched George Johnson at Platte City, Mo., early yesterday morning. The Governor has also telegraphed the authorities at Platte City ordering a thorough investigation of the lynching of Johnson.
Platte City, Mo., Aug. 3. - George Johnson, who was lynched early Monday was buried in the afternoon in the Potter's field and with his burial Platte City has chosen to forget that there ever was a lynching here. If there is an investigation, no matter how "searching" it may be, the indications are that little will come of it. Platte City liked J. W. Moore, the murdered man; it hated George Johnson with all the hatred that a crime in a small town can cause. And therefore when Platte City awoke this morning to find the body of Johnson swaying beneath the big tree at the Wells Bank corner, it had only one remark to make:
"It's horrible, this lynching." Then, sotto voce: "It served him right. He ought to have been hanged."
No Feeling of Regret.
And so last night there was no indignation in the voices of the men who happened to mention the hanging in the evening conversation. A mob hanged George Johnson, murderer. Well, he would have been hanged anyway if he had not taken a change of venue from Platte county, and so really what's the difference? That's the sentiment of Platte City and that's the reason that Platte City has paid little more than morbid attention to the fact that a human being was dragged from the jail without time to prepare himself for death and made to die by slow strangulation.
--The Chillicothe Constitution, Chillicothe, Missouri, August 3, 1909, page 1.
Murderer Lynched.
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 2. - George Johnson, who killed J. W. Moore, a farmer, June 20, was taken from jail at Platte City this morning and lynched. Johnson had been in jail in Kansas City for safekeeping, but was taken to Platte City yesterday to be in readiness for his trial which was set for today. Johnson shot Moore from ambush.
--The Marion Weekly Star, Marion, Ohio, August 7, 1909, page 9.
Lynch Law In Missouri.
Platte City, Mo., Aug. 3. - George Johnson, white, who on June 20 murdered John W. Moore, a farmer, was lynched here.
Feeling ran so high at the time of the killing that Johnson was taken to Kansas City for safekeeping and he had just been returned to Platte City for trial. About daylight two men took a third man to the jail, representing him to be a prisoner. When the sheriff opened the jail door the three overpowered him. Fifty other men quickly appeared and battered down the door of Johnson's cell. He was taken to a tree opposite the jail and strung up.
--Weekly State Spirit and Dakota Huronite, Huron, South Dakota, August 12, 1909, page 4.
A Reward of $300 Offered by the State for the Arrest and Conviction of Mob Members.
Kansas City, Aug. 3. - A dispatch was received last night from Jefferson City saying that Governor Hadley had telegraphed from Estes Park Colo., to Jacob Gmelich, acting governor, instructing him to offer a reward of $300 for the arrest and conviction of the members of the mob that lynched George Johnson at Platte City, Mo., early yesterday morning. The Governor has also telegraphed the authorities at Platte City ordering a thorough investigation of the lynching of Johnson.
Platte City, Mo., Aug. 3. - George Johnson, who was lynched early Monday was buried in the afternoon in the Potter's field and with his burial Platte City has chosen to forget that there ever was a lynching here. If there is an investigation, no matter how "searching" it may be, the indications are that little will come of it. Platte City liked J. W. Moore, the murdered man; it hated George Johnson with all the hatred that a crime in a small town can cause. And therefore when Platte City awoke this morning to find the body of Johnson swaying beneath the big tree at the Wells Bank corner, it had only one remark to make:
"It's horrible, this lynching." Then, sotto voce: "It served him right. He ought to have been hanged."
No Feeling of Regret.
And so last night there was no indignation in the voices of the men who happened to mention the hanging in the evening conversation. A mob hanged George Johnson, murderer. Well, he would have been hanged anyway if he had not taken a change of venue from Platte county, and so really what's the difference? That's the sentiment of Platte City and that's the reason that Platte City has paid little more than morbid attention to the fact that a human being was dragged from the jail without time to prepare himself for death and made to die by slow strangulation.
--The Chillicothe Constitution, Chillicothe, Missouri, August 3, 1909, page 1.
Bride Fools Many As Fake Heiress

Girl-Wife's Acts Inspired By Famous Novel.
Law Steps in When Winsome Fabricator Gets to "End of Her String."
TWO RIVERS, Wis., May 20. - Day dreams of a winsome lass, coming true for three thrilling months by reason of her own forceful imagination and convincing inventions, went all to smash when detectives brought Mrs. Harold Haltaufderheide here to face charges of obtaining money by false pretenses.
It was revolt against the unmusical names of Herzog and Haltaufderheide and against the prosaic role of a factory worker's wife that impelled Helen, whose name before her marriage last summer was Herzog, to enter upon her romantic adventure.
This is the story, as Helen constructed it:
Helen, the beautiful daughter of a stolid farmer, lives and toils in obscurity until she is 16. In an amusement park she meets the clean-cut, tall, wavy-haired youth whom, at a glance, she recognizes as the man of her heart.
Heroine Elopes With Harold.
From the dull farm, her hard-working father and an unsympathetic stepmother she elopes with Harold. Harold returns to his labor in a veneer mill. The honeymoon wanes and the high cost of living gets in its deadly work. Helen and Harold live with Harold's family in Two Rivers. The girl feels out of place, a bit neglected.
One evening at the supper table she appears in a state of intense excitement.
"Harold," she says, "you didn't marry a poor girl after all!"
A letter from her aunt, Mrs. Ben Strupp of Manitowoc, has informed Helen that her name was not Herzog, but that she is actually the daughter of Herbert Earle, a wealthy opera star. her mysterious father has left her a vast estate - a ranch in Montana, a plantation in Virginia and much other valuable property.
Helen at once insists that Harold quit his factory job, and his parents, overjoyed at their daughter-in-law's good fortune, are prevailed upon to purchase a new home.
Draws All His Money.
Mr. Haltaufderheide draws money from the bank to keep the heiress supplied until her own shall come rolling in. The girl travels about the State on important errands, scorning the interurban for hired touring cars. Her slender beauty is arrayed in becoming and costly garments.
Then Harold and Helen go to Milwaukee for a second honeymoon and nothing is heard from them day after day. Suspicion and finally panic invade the serenity of the Haltaufderheide household. The police are notified. At the home of Adam Horning, Helen's cousin in Milwaukee, Helen and Harold are found by large, unsentimental detectives.
Helen confesses and weeps; Harold embraces her and weeps. They weep together and Helen sobs.
St. Elmo Is Responsible.
"I thought you'd love me more if I was rich," she explained as she weeps on Harold's manly breast. "I got the name Herbert Earle out of a book called 'St. Elmo.' I wrote the letter to myself and I fixed up the lawyer's paper and everything myself. I am all to blame."
Behind is a trail of notes signed at the bank, of grim attorneys chagrined at the revelation that a slip of a girl has fooled them and, worst of all, the exasperated family.
"Why," gasped Papa Haltaufderheide, "the little minx had even ordered a special limousine from the factory. No ordinary automobile would do for her when she got her million."
And Helen, in the midst of her troubles, says she is sure John Herzog, plodding farmer, and her honest-to-goodness father, will come to her aid, even tho he has to mortgage the family acres.
--The Saturday Blade, Chicago, May 22, 1920, page 3.
--Picture from The Ogden Standard Examiner, May 16, 1920, page 6.
Girl, 20, Missing; Legless Man Held
Divorced Bride Disappears After Passing a Night With Her Former Aged Husband.
Two things Helen O'Leary said just before she disappeared in Chicago a few days ago are the expressions upon which her father and mother are basing their theory of her whereabouts. She said:
"I'd rather commit suicide than have any more said about me and Eugene."
"Mother, I can just feel him influencing me. I can just feel him drawing my brains out of my head with his own."
And so they arrested Eugene - "Col." Eugene Edward Seymour, 60, legless and huge-handed, at one time strange mate of the 20-year-old girl who continues to fascinate her, altho she has been divorced from him.
The legless "colonel" was released upon his own recognizance and upon his promise to appear in court at a later date. Meantime the hunt is on for the girl.
Had Girl in Power for Years.
"For several years we have been worried to death," said the missing girl's stepmother, "over the spell this man Seymour seems to exert over her.
"We allowed her to marry him two years ago when she insisted that she loved him. But she came home after five days, was reconciled again, lived with him twenty-eight days and then stayed home again. She was afraid of him, she would tell him, and related revolting tales. I begged her to get a divorce and forget him.
"After she was divorced I got desperate sometimes about Helen trying to run around with boys she didn't know, and once she was mad about a married man. I took her to a physician for a mental examination and he told me that she had the mind of a 12-year-old - that she was weak and could not exert her own will. Which is true."
Tells Strange Story and Disappears.
Helen disappeared on her way to church on Sunday. On the previous Thursday she had vanished and came dashing in, says her stepmother, with a strange tale of having smelled a heavy perfume while she was downtown and knew no more until she woke up in a hotel in Milwaukee, with her ex-husband beside her. She stole away while he slept, taking $87 from under his pillow.
"I believe no such story," said her father wearily in court. "There was no heavy perfume and she was not kidnapped. I guess she went of her own accord."
"She did," said Seymour. "We had decided to be re-married. She told me she thought she had wronged me by getting a divorce and we wanted to get married at Waukegan. We got there at 5 and the courthouse was closed, so she suggested we go on to Milwaukee. The next day, under pretext of buying some newspapers, she left the room, and I found she had gone to Chicago."
--The Saturday Blade, Chicago, May 22, 1920, page 3.
Two things Helen O'Leary said just before she disappeared in Chicago a few days ago are the expressions upon which her father and mother are basing their theory of her whereabouts. She said:
"I'd rather commit suicide than have any more said about me and Eugene."
"Mother, I can just feel him influencing me. I can just feel him drawing my brains out of my head with his own."
And so they arrested Eugene - "Col." Eugene Edward Seymour, 60, legless and huge-handed, at one time strange mate of the 20-year-old girl who continues to fascinate her, altho she has been divorced from him.
The legless "colonel" was released upon his own recognizance and upon his promise to appear in court at a later date. Meantime the hunt is on for the girl.
Had Girl in Power for Years.
"For several years we have been worried to death," said the missing girl's stepmother, "over the spell this man Seymour seems to exert over her.
"We allowed her to marry him two years ago when she insisted that she loved him. But she came home after five days, was reconciled again, lived with him twenty-eight days and then stayed home again. She was afraid of him, she would tell him, and related revolting tales. I begged her to get a divorce and forget him.
"After she was divorced I got desperate sometimes about Helen trying to run around with boys she didn't know, and once she was mad about a married man. I took her to a physician for a mental examination and he told me that she had the mind of a 12-year-old - that she was weak and could not exert her own will. Which is true."
Tells Strange Story and Disappears.
Helen disappeared on her way to church on Sunday. On the previous Thursday she had vanished and came dashing in, says her stepmother, with a strange tale of having smelled a heavy perfume while she was downtown and knew no more until she woke up in a hotel in Milwaukee, with her ex-husband beside her. She stole away while he slept, taking $87 from under his pillow.
"I believe no such story," said her father wearily in court. "There was no heavy perfume and she was not kidnapped. I guess she went of her own accord."
"She did," said Seymour. "We had decided to be re-married. She told me she thought she had wronged me by getting a divorce and we wanted to get married at Waukegan. We got there at 5 and the courthouse was closed, so she suggested we go on to Milwaukee. The next day, under pretext of buying some newspapers, she left the room, and I found she had gone to Chicago."
--The Saturday Blade, Chicago, May 22, 1920, page 3.
Calls Tornado Visitation of Wrath of God
Griffin, Ind., Mar. 23. -- "God visited affliction on the wicked and it was atonement for wickedness that caused the tornado to wipe Griffin off the map," the Rev. Harold M. Corbell, captain of the Volunteers of America, told the few remaining residents of Griffin yesterday in the first and only religious service held in the stricken town since the storm. A number of Corbell's listeners lost relatives in the wreckage. None of them joined in the song sung by the preacher.
--The Bismarck Tribune, Bismarck, North Dakota, March 23, 1925, page 1.
--The Bismarck Tribune, Bismarck, North Dakota, March 23, 1925, page 1.
Farmer Admits He Shot 8 To Death
Family of Seven and Chore Boy His Victims.
Slayer Is Sentenced to Life Term in Prison -- Has Wife and Six Children.
WASHBURN, N. D., May 20 - Henry Layer, a farmer, has confessed to the killing of Jacob Wolf, his wife and five children and a chore boy, Jake Hofer, on the Wolf farm, three miles west of Turtle Lake, N. D., on April 22, it was announced here by J. E. Williams, State's attorney for McLean County.
Ill feelings of long standing, culminating in a quarrel over injuries administered to Layer's cattle by Wolf's dog, was responsible for the crime, according to Layer's confession.
Gets Life Sentence.
Layer, who is married and has six children, and who owns a farm one and a half miles from the Wolf place, was arrested at his home. He was arraigned before Judge W. L. Nuessele in District Court and sentenced to life imprisonment in the State penitentiary.
According to his confession, Layer said he went to the Wolf farm shortly before noon on Thursday, April 22. Layer said an argument followed. Wolf demanded that Layer leave.
Layer refused and Wolf went into the house and returned with a double barreled shotgun. Layer grasped the gun and attempted to wrest it from Wolf, he said, and the weapon was discharged twice.
One of the shots killed Mrs. Wolf and the other Hofer, 12-year-old chore boy, Layer said. By this time Layer had taken the gun away from Wolf, went into the sitting-room, obtained a handful of shells from a bureau drawer and hurried outside. Wolf was running toward the barn and Layer fired, the charge striking Wolf in the back. Layer then shot Wolf in the back as he lay on the ground.
Hides the Bodies.
Layer said he ran to a barn and shot two of the girls while they pleaded for mercy.
Attracted by the screams of three little girls in the house, Layer shot two of them and killed the third with a hatchet.
After the seven members of the family and Hofer had been killed Layer went to the barn, covered the two bodies with hay, and dragged Wolf's body into the shed and buried it under a pile of hay. He then went to the kitchen, opened the cellar door and threw in the bodies of Mrs. Wolf, three children and Hofer.
--The Saturday Blade, Chicago, May 22, 1920, page 3.
Signed Confession Made by Murderer in Early Morning Hours; Describes Horrible Details of Crime
(By Staff Correspondent)
Sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor for life, Henry Layer, self-confessed slayer of eight persons at Turtle Lake, N. D., April 22, started serving his prison term at 4 o'clock this afternoon, less than 48 hours after he was arrested. Layer was brought from Washburn, where he pleaded guilty before Judge W. L. Nuessle in district court, to Bismarck by automobile and committed to the state penitentiary here.
At no time during the brief trial or the trip to Bismarck did the slayer express the slightest concern over the eight persons he murdered exactly three weeks ago. Given every opportunity to change his plea or repudiate his confession, and warned by Judge Nuessle of the seriousness of the charge to which he confessed and later plead guilty, Layer stoically refused the services of a lawyer and only asked that "let it be over with as fast as possible."
Washburn, N. D., May 13. – Henry Layer early this morning confessed to the killing of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wolf, their five small daughters and the chore boy, Jake Hofer, on the Wolf farm three miles from Turtle Lake, N. D., on April 22.
Ill feeling of long standing culminated in a quarrel over injuries administered one of Layer's cows by Wolf's dog.
Layer went to Wolf's farm home shortly before noon, and heated words, followed by Wolf's demand that Layer leave the place immediately, were the events leading up to the murder of the eight people, according to Layer's confession to the authorities.
Used Shot Gun
When Layer refused to leave the place Wolf went into the sitting room, got his double barreled shot gun and loaded two shells into the breech. Layer grasped the gun and attempted to wrest it away from Wolf. The struggle took place in the entrance to the kitchen during which the gun was discharged twice.
Two Deaths Accidental
Layer claims in his confession that one of these shots killed Mrs. Wolf and the other the thirteen-year-old chore boy.
By this time Layer had succeeded in wresting the gun away from Wolf, the murderer darted into the sitting room, got a handful of shells from the bureau and hurried back to the kitchen entrance.
Wolf was running towards the barn and Layer fired the shots striking Wolf in the back. Wolf fell to the ground and Layer ran up to him and placed the muzzle of the gun against the wounded man's side and fired again, tearing a huge hole in Wolf's body.
Frightened Girls Run
Two of the smaller daughters, frightened at the fighting and seeing their mother and the boy fall dead in the kitchen, ran into the adjoining bedroom and escaped from the house, running to the nearby cow shed. Arrested by the screams of two girls, Layer rushed into the barn, firing one shot which cut a furrow in one of the girls' head.
The shot splintered the wall. Layer jammed the muzzle of the shotgun against the head of the other girl, who also was screaming and pleading for mercy, and pressed the trigger. He then placed another shell into the gun, put the muzzle against the head of the first child shot, who was now dead, and fired again.
Deliberately Kills Three
The three little girls in the house were screaming. Layer returned to the kitchen and deliberately killed the children, two of them with the shotgun, placing the muzzle against the curly heads and the third with a smashing blow of a hatchet.
After seven members of the family and the chore boy had been killed, Layer went to the cowshed, covered up two bodies of the girls with hay, dragged Wolf's body into the cowshed and covered it with hay.
He then went to the kitchen, opened the trap door leading into the cellar and dumped the five bodies into the basement.
Taking the gun which he broke in order to better conceal it, he went to a nearby slough, threw part of the gun and some shells into the water and by a circular route returned to his home. He did not say anything to his wife and five young children. While at the slough he washed his hands and removed all traces of blood from his clothing.
Bismarck Chief Praised
The solution of the mystery, which had been baffling the authorities, handicapped as they were because no clue had been left by the murderer and two days had elapsed between the time the murders were committed and the bodies were found, was in a large measure due to Chris Martineson, chief of the Bismarck police department, who has been working on the case together with Sheriff Ole Stefford of McLean county constantly since the murders were discovered. Chief Martineson was the first to suspect the guilty man, who was finally arrested Tuesday and by more than eight hours of continuous examination last night, forced the confession from his lips.
Murderer Not Worried
Layer has failed to show any concern over his revolting deed. Within ten minutes after his confession had been obtained the murderer was sleeping soundly on his cot in the county jail at Washburn. His memory on many of the details connected with the eight murders is very vague and he told the authorities he did not remember killing the youngest child with an ax, but supposed he did it.
The murderer acknowledged that the only reason he did not kill eight months old Emma Wolf, the sole survivor of the dreadful tragedy, was because he did not know she was in the bedroom, where she was sleeping during the time the horrible deeds were committed.
Goes Back to Field
After returning home from the scene of the murder, Layer resumed his plowing, his farm being one half mile from Wolf's property. He plowed all day Friday and Saturday morning. When a neighbor told him Saturday that the Wolf family had been killed he went to the Wolf farm and was there all Saturday afternoon and most of the evening, volunteering information about self evident details concerning the killings.
A morbid curiosity overcame his better judgment on Sunday morning and he went to the Wolf farm at daybreak to see the bodies of Wolf and the two little girls in the cowshed.
Even though Wolf's face and part of his arm had been eaten by hogs, Layer failed to show any sign of a strain, although he had been warned by Chief Martinson's appearance.
Attended the Funeral
Layer, accompanied by his wife and one of his daughters attended the funeral of his eight victims the following Thursday.
The coffins were placed in a row in front of the Wolf farm house. Layer, watched by the authorities, insisted on lifting the lids off each of the coffins and gazed into the faces of the persons, five of whom were between three and thirteen years of age, whom he had horribly murdered. During the funeral services, Layer continued to maintain his calm demeanor.
The authorities watched his every move for a suspicious action. They were doomed to disappointment, however, for Layer failed to show as much feeling as the hundreds of other farmers present.
Kissed Children Farewell
Obtaining a number of depositions from people living in the neighborhood of the Wolf farm, the authorities tightened the yoke around the suspected man. Finally, sufficient circumstantial evidence had been obtained to indicate that Layer had committed the crime. On Tuesday afternoon the authorities went to Layer's home and told him he would have to go to Washburn with them. After hitching up a team of horses for his wife, who was afraid to spend the night on the Layer farm, he kissed his wife and each of the children farewell.
The murder was placed in jail at Washburn and continued to maintain that he was innocent of the Wolf murders.
Wednesday night Chief Martineson started a vigorous cross-examination. Layer was forced to gaze at pictures of the revolting murder scenes, together with that of baby Emma.
Strain is Too Great
The strain proved too great for the murderer and after several hours of this mental torture, Layer broke down and said he was the murderer. The confession, according to the police, was wormed out of him piece by piece until the entire story had been told. Layer is an American, farmer, 36 years of age and has lived near Turtle Lake for several years. He divorced his first wife. His eldest child, a girl, is about 12 years old, the authorities believe.
--The Bismarck Tribune, Bismarck, North Dakota, May 13, 1920, pages 1 and 3.
Comment: I corrected a few obvious typos and things, but left the spellings of Martineson or Martinson.
Man Who Killed Members of Wolf Family Succumbs to Heart Attack
Slayer, Who Confesses Crime Was Model Prisoner, Authorities Say
Henry Layer, confessed slayer of Jacob Wolf, wife, five daughters and the Wolf family choreboy, Jacob Hofer, on the Wolf farm, three miles from Turtle Lake, on April 22, 1920, who was serving a life sentence for the murders, in the state penitentiary here, died in the prison hospital at 3:10 this morning.
Layer was operated on for appendicitis in the St. Alexius hospital about ten days ago. He was taken to the prison hospital Wednesday. Heart trouble developed and a blood clot formed. Heart trouble was given as the cause of death.
Although Layer confessed and pleaded guilty to the crime, he later repudiated the confession and said that he admitted the murders only after being given the third degree.
Chris Martineson, Bismarck chief of police, who is given credit for solving the crime, declared today that third degree methods were not used to get a confession from Layer. "The first lead came from Layer himself," Chief Martineson said. "It was at the Wolf farm after the murders. Layer was roasting Wolf, declaring Wolf's dog killed one of his sheep. His actions were suspicious the morning the bodies were found and at the funeral. We suspected him from the first and he was constantly under surveillance. We placed him under arrest after more than a week of work on the case and after questioning him for a few hours he broke down and confessed the crime."
Chief Martineson was called in on the case by state and county officers.
The murders were the most cold blooded and fiendish in the history of North Dakota. Ill feeling had long existed between Wolf and Layer over injuries administered to one Layer's cows by Wolf's dog.
The Wolf and Layer families were neighbors, and according to Layer's confession, he went to Wolf's farm about noon on the day of the murders, and heated words, followed by Wolf's demand that Layer leave the place immediately, were the events leading up to the killing of the eight people.
When Layer refused to leave the place Wolf went into the sitting room, got his double barreled shot gun and loaded two shells into the breech. Layer grasped the gun and attempted to wrest it away from Wolf. The struggle took place in the entrance to the kitchen during which the gun was discharged twice.
Layer claimed in his confession that one of these shots killed Mrs. Wolf and the other the 13 year old choreboy.
By this time Layer had succeeded in wresting the gun away from Wolf. The murderer darted into the sitting room, got a handful of shells from the bureau and hurried back to the kitchen entrance.
Wolf was running towards the barn and Layer fired, the shots striking Wolf in the back. Wolf fell to the ground and Layer ran up to him and placed the muzzle of the gun against the wounded man's side and fired again, tearing a big hole in Wolf's body.
Two of the smaller daughters frightened at the fighting and seeing their mother and the boy fall dead in the kitchen, ran into an adjoining room and escaped from the house, fleeing to a cowshed. Arrested by the screams of the girls, Layer rushed into the barn, firing one shot which cut a furrow in one of the girl's head. Layer jammed the gun against the head of the other girl, who was pleading and screaming for mercy, and pressed the trigger.
The three little girls in the house were screaming. Layer returned to the kitchen and deliberately killed the children, two of them with the shot gun and the other with a hatchet.
After seven members of the family and the choreboy had been killed, Layer went to the cowshed, covered the two bodies of the girls with hay, dragged Wolf's body into the cowshed and covered it with hay. He then went to the kitchen, opened the trap door leading into the cellar and dumped the five bodies into the basement.
The crime was not discovered until two days after the murders, when John Kraft, a neighbor, called at the Wolf farm and found the members of the family dead.
The only member of the Wolf family that escaped the murderer's fury was the youngest girl just passed her first birthday. Mr. Kraft found the little tot in her cradle. She was almost famished and in a weakened condition. The little girl is living with her aunt, a sister of her mother, near Turtle Lake.
The murderer acknowledged in his confession that the only reason he did not kill the baby was because he did not know she was in the bed room where she was sleeping during the time the horrible crime was committed.
Layer was sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor for life and arrived at the prison here on April 13, less than 48 hours after he was arrested. Layer was a model prisoner, prison authorities said today. He acted as head man in the laundry.
Layer's mother and brother were called here by his illness and visited him in the prison hospital last night.
Layer was 40 years of age and was a native of Russia. He was divorced from his first wife but his second wife and several children survive.
No funeral arrangements have been made, but it is expected his mother will take charge of the body. An autopsy will be held late this afternoon.
--The Bismarck Tribune, Bismarck, North Dakota, March 21, 1925, pages 1 and 3.
Slayer Is Sentenced to Life Term in Prison -- Has Wife and Six Children.
WASHBURN, N. D., May 20 - Henry Layer, a farmer, has confessed to the killing of Jacob Wolf, his wife and five children and a chore boy, Jake Hofer, on the Wolf farm, three miles west of Turtle Lake, N. D., on April 22, it was announced here by J. E. Williams, State's attorney for McLean County.
Ill feelings of long standing, culminating in a quarrel over injuries administered to Layer's cattle by Wolf's dog, was responsible for the crime, according to Layer's confession.
Gets Life Sentence.
Layer, who is married and has six children, and who owns a farm one and a half miles from the Wolf place, was arrested at his home. He was arraigned before Judge W. L. Nuessele in District Court and sentenced to life imprisonment in the State penitentiary.
According to his confession, Layer said he went to the Wolf farm shortly before noon on Thursday, April 22. Layer said an argument followed. Wolf demanded that Layer leave.
Layer refused and Wolf went into the house and returned with a double barreled shotgun. Layer grasped the gun and attempted to wrest it from Wolf, he said, and the weapon was discharged twice.
One of the shots killed Mrs. Wolf and the other Hofer, 12-year-old chore boy, Layer said. By this time Layer had taken the gun away from Wolf, went into the sitting-room, obtained a handful of shells from a bureau drawer and hurried outside. Wolf was running toward the barn and Layer fired, the charge striking Wolf in the back. Layer then shot Wolf in the back as he lay on the ground.
Hides the Bodies.
Layer said he ran to a barn and shot two of the girls while they pleaded for mercy.
Attracted by the screams of three little girls in the house, Layer shot two of them and killed the third with a hatchet.
After the seven members of the family and Hofer had been killed Layer went to the barn, covered the two bodies with hay, and dragged Wolf's body into the shed and buried it under a pile of hay. He then went to the kitchen, opened the cellar door and threw in the bodies of Mrs. Wolf, three children and Hofer.
--The Saturday Blade, Chicago, May 22, 1920, page 3.
Signed Confession Made by Murderer in Early Morning Hours; Describes Horrible Details of Crime
(By Staff Correspondent)
Sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor for life, Henry Layer, self-confessed slayer of eight persons at Turtle Lake, N. D., April 22, started serving his prison term at 4 o'clock this afternoon, less than 48 hours after he was arrested. Layer was brought from Washburn, where he pleaded guilty before Judge W. L. Nuessle in district court, to Bismarck by automobile and committed to the state penitentiary here.
At no time during the brief trial or the trip to Bismarck did the slayer express the slightest concern over the eight persons he murdered exactly three weeks ago. Given every opportunity to change his plea or repudiate his confession, and warned by Judge Nuessle of the seriousness of the charge to which he confessed and later plead guilty, Layer stoically refused the services of a lawyer and only asked that "let it be over with as fast as possible."
Washburn, N. D., May 13. – Henry Layer early this morning confessed to the killing of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wolf, their five small daughters and the chore boy, Jake Hofer, on the Wolf farm three miles from Turtle Lake, N. D., on April 22.
Ill feeling of long standing culminated in a quarrel over injuries administered one of Layer's cows by Wolf's dog.
Layer went to Wolf's farm home shortly before noon, and heated words, followed by Wolf's demand that Layer leave the place immediately, were the events leading up to the murder of the eight people, according to Layer's confession to the authorities.
Used Shot Gun
When Layer refused to leave the place Wolf went into the sitting room, got his double barreled shot gun and loaded two shells into the breech. Layer grasped the gun and attempted to wrest it away from Wolf. The struggle took place in the entrance to the kitchen during which the gun was discharged twice.
Two Deaths Accidental
Layer claims in his confession that one of these shots killed Mrs. Wolf and the other the thirteen-year-old chore boy.
By this time Layer had succeeded in wresting the gun away from Wolf, the murderer darted into the sitting room, got a handful of shells from the bureau and hurried back to the kitchen entrance.
Wolf was running towards the barn and Layer fired the shots striking Wolf in the back. Wolf fell to the ground and Layer ran up to him and placed the muzzle of the gun against the wounded man's side and fired again, tearing a huge hole in Wolf's body.
Frightened Girls Run
Two of the smaller daughters, frightened at the fighting and seeing their mother and the boy fall dead in the kitchen, ran into the adjoining bedroom and escaped from the house, running to the nearby cow shed. Arrested by the screams of two girls, Layer rushed into the barn, firing one shot which cut a furrow in one of the girls' head.
The shot splintered the wall. Layer jammed the muzzle of the shotgun against the head of the other girl, who also was screaming and pleading for mercy, and pressed the trigger. He then placed another shell into the gun, put the muzzle against the head of the first child shot, who was now dead, and fired again.
Deliberately Kills Three
The three little girls in the house were screaming. Layer returned to the kitchen and deliberately killed the children, two of them with the shotgun, placing the muzzle against the curly heads and the third with a smashing blow of a hatchet.
After seven members of the family and the chore boy had been killed, Layer went to the cowshed, covered up two bodies of the girls with hay, dragged Wolf's body into the cowshed and covered it with hay.
He then went to the kitchen, opened the trap door leading into the cellar and dumped the five bodies into the basement.
Taking the gun which he broke in order to better conceal it, he went to a nearby slough, threw part of the gun and some shells into the water and by a circular route returned to his home. He did not say anything to his wife and five young children. While at the slough he washed his hands and removed all traces of blood from his clothing.
Bismarck Chief Praised
The solution of the mystery, which had been baffling the authorities, handicapped as they were because no clue had been left by the murderer and two days had elapsed between the time the murders were committed and the bodies were found, was in a large measure due to Chris Martineson, chief of the Bismarck police department, who has been working on the case together with Sheriff Ole Stefford of McLean county constantly since the murders were discovered. Chief Martineson was the first to suspect the guilty man, who was finally arrested Tuesday and by more than eight hours of continuous examination last night, forced the confession from his lips.
Murderer Not Worried
Layer has failed to show any concern over his revolting deed. Within ten minutes after his confession had been obtained the murderer was sleeping soundly on his cot in the county jail at Washburn. His memory on many of the details connected with the eight murders is very vague and he told the authorities he did not remember killing the youngest child with an ax, but supposed he did it.
The murderer acknowledged that the only reason he did not kill eight months old Emma Wolf, the sole survivor of the dreadful tragedy, was because he did not know she was in the bedroom, where she was sleeping during the time the horrible deeds were committed.
Goes Back to Field
After returning home from the scene of the murder, Layer resumed his plowing, his farm being one half mile from Wolf's property. He plowed all day Friday and Saturday morning. When a neighbor told him Saturday that the Wolf family had been killed he went to the Wolf farm and was there all Saturday afternoon and most of the evening, volunteering information about self evident details concerning the killings.
A morbid curiosity overcame his better judgment on Sunday morning and he went to the Wolf farm at daybreak to see the bodies of Wolf and the two little girls in the cowshed.
Even though Wolf's face and part of his arm had been eaten by hogs, Layer failed to show any sign of a strain, although he had been warned by Chief Martinson's appearance.
Attended the Funeral
Layer, accompanied by his wife and one of his daughters attended the funeral of his eight victims the following Thursday.
The coffins were placed in a row in front of the Wolf farm house. Layer, watched by the authorities, insisted on lifting the lids off each of the coffins and gazed into the faces of the persons, five of whom were between three and thirteen years of age, whom he had horribly murdered. During the funeral services, Layer continued to maintain his calm demeanor.
The authorities watched his every move for a suspicious action. They were doomed to disappointment, however, for Layer failed to show as much feeling as the hundreds of other farmers present.
Kissed Children Farewell
Obtaining a number of depositions from people living in the neighborhood of the Wolf farm, the authorities tightened the yoke around the suspected man. Finally, sufficient circumstantial evidence had been obtained to indicate that Layer had committed the crime. On Tuesday afternoon the authorities went to Layer's home and told him he would have to go to Washburn with them. After hitching up a team of horses for his wife, who was afraid to spend the night on the Layer farm, he kissed his wife and each of the children farewell.
The murder was placed in jail at Washburn and continued to maintain that he was innocent of the Wolf murders.
Wednesday night Chief Martineson started a vigorous cross-examination. Layer was forced to gaze at pictures of the revolting murder scenes, together with that of baby Emma.
Strain is Too Great
The strain proved too great for the murderer and after several hours of this mental torture, Layer broke down and said he was the murderer. The confession, according to the police, was wormed out of him piece by piece until the entire story had been told. Layer is an American, farmer, 36 years of age and has lived near Turtle Lake for several years. He divorced his first wife. His eldest child, a girl, is about 12 years old, the authorities believe.
--The Bismarck Tribune, Bismarck, North Dakota, May 13, 1920, pages 1 and 3.
Comment: I corrected a few obvious typos and things, but left the spellings of Martineson or Martinson.
Man Who Killed Members of Wolf Family Succumbs to Heart Attack
Slayer, Who Confesses Crime Was Model Prisoner, Authorities Say
Henry Layer, confessed slayer of Jacob Wolf, wife, five daughters and the Wolf family choreboy, Jacob Hofer, on the Wolf farm, three miles from Turtle Lake, on April 22, 1920, who was serving a life sentence for the murders, in the state penitentiary here, died in the prison hospital at 3:10 this morning.
Layer was operated on for appendicitis in the St. Alexius hospital about ten days ago. He was taken to the prison hospital Wednesday. Heart trouble developed and a blood clot formed. Heart trouble was given as the cause of death.
Although Layer confessed and pleaded guilty to the crime, he later repudiated the confession and said that he admitted the murders only after being given the third degree.
Chris Martineson, Bismarck chief of police, who is given credit for solving the crime, declared today that third degree methods were not used to get a confession from Layer. "The first lead came from Layer himself," Chief Martineson said. "It was at the Wolf farm after the murders. Layer was roasting Wolf, declaring Wolf's dog killed one of his sheep. His actions were suspicious the morning the bodies were found and at the funeral. We suspected him from the first and he was constantly under surveillance. We placed him under arrest after more than a week of work on the case and after questioning him for a few hours he broke down and confessed the crime."
Chief Martineson was called in on the case by state and county officers.
The murders were the most cold blooded and fiendish in the history of North Dakota. Ill feeling had long existed between Wolf and Layer over injuries administered to one Layer's cows by Wolf's dog.
The Wolf and Layer families were neighbors, and according to Layer's confession, he went to Wolf's farm about noon on the day of the murders, and heated words, followed by Wolf's demand that Layer leave the place immediately, were the events leading up to the killing of the eight people.
When Layer refused to leave the place Wolf went into the sitting room, got his double barreled shot gun and loaded two shells into the breech. Layer grasped the gun and attempted to wrest it away from Wolf. The struggle took place in the entrance to the kitchen during which the gun was discharged twice.
Layer claimed in his confession that one of these shots killed Mrs. Wolf and the other the 13 year old choreboy.
By this time Layer had succeeded in wresting the gun away from Wolf. The murderer darted into the sitting room, got a handful of shells from the bureau and hurried back to the kitchen entrance.
Wolf was running towards the barn and Layer fired, the shots striking Wolf in the back. Wolf fell to the ground and Layer ran up to him and placed the muzzle of the gun against the wounded man's side and fired again, tearing a big hole in Wolf's body.
Two of the smaller daughters frightened at the fighting and seeing their mother and the boy fall dead in the kitchen, ran into an adjoining room and escaped from the house, fleeing to a cowshed. Arrested by the screams of the girls, Layer rushed into the barn, firing one shot which cut a furrow in one of the girl's head. Layer jammed the gun against the head of the other girl, who was pleading and screaming for mercy, and pressed the trigger.
The three little girls in the house were screaming. Layer returned to the kitchen and deliberately killed the children, two of them with the shot gun and the other with a hatchet.
After seven members of the family and the choreboy had been killed, Layer went to the cowshed, covered the two bodies of the girls with hay, dragged Wolf's body into the cowshed and covered it with hay. He then went to the kitchen, opened the trap door leading into the cellar and dumped the five bodies into the basement.
The crime was not discovered until two days after the murders, when John Kraft, a neighbor, called at the Wolf farm and found the members of the family dead.
The only member of the Wolf family that escaped the murderer's fury was the youngest girl just passed her first birthday. Mr. Kraft found the little tot in her cradle. She was almost famished and in a weakened condition. The little girl is living with her aunt, a sister of her mother, near Turtle Lake.
The murderer acknowledged in his confession that the only reason he did not kill the baby was because he did not know she was in the bed room where she was sleeping during the time the horrible crime was committed.
Layer was sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor for life and arrived at the prison here on April 13, less than 48 hours after he was arrested. Layer was a model prisoner, prison authorities said today. He acted as head man in the laundry.
Layer's mother and brother were called here by his illness and visited him in the prison hospital last night.
Layer was 40 years of age and was a native of Russia. He was divorced from his first wife but his second wife and several children survive.
No funeral arrangements have been made, but it is expected his mother will take charge of the body. An autopsy will be held late this afternoon.
--The Bismarck Tribune, Bismarck, North Dakota, March 21, 1925, pages 1 and 3.