Monday, April 28, 2008

Saturday's Summary


London, Sept. 8 — An ever increasing cannonade by the British and French on the most intense scale is in progress along more than 30 miles of the fighting front on the Somme, preparatory to another rush through the Kaiser's "iron wall."

Repeated counter attacks by heavy bodies of Germans last night failed to move the French, who today pushed further into Vermandovillers Village below the river.

Meanwhile in the complicated struggle of southeastern Europe, where the fighting in large in open field and new developments arise every day, there stand out three great battles, whose result will count heavily before Winter benumbs war-like activity.

First in immediate interest comes the fighting in south Rumania, where a large Russian army has reached the victorious German-Bulgar-Turkish forces and is attacking them from the Black Sea to the Danube River.

Today's announcement of this new Russian offensive relieves Entente Allied capitals of anxiety over Rumania's sudden reverse at Tutrukai.

Lemberg's fate hangs in the balance while Brussiloff's armies drive Von Bothmer steadily across country from the southeast and press on its protecting forces on the east and north. The Germanic troops, retreating 25 miles in three days, have crossed the Guita Lipa River and are attempting to hold their pursuers to its eastern bank.

Passing the broad Dvina River near the Baltic, Russian troops have made good their foothold in the German lines on the western bank, for the first time since last Fall.

Another Austrian defeat at the hands of Rumanians is confessed by Vienna, involving further retreat 50 miles north of Kronstadt.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 12, 1916, p. 7.

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