Monday, April 28, 2008

U. S. Will Retaliate Only as Last Report.


Washington, Sept. 6 — What shall be the attitude of the Entente Allies toward American trade relation legislation, will be determined by the Grand Trade Council of the 10 belligerent Governments at Paris.

Entente diplomats here said tonight no action will be taken until authorization has been received from the council, and in the meantime all information on the subject obtainable is being forwarded to Paris.

Formal notes of protest from the various Governments are not expected. It is thought no formal action will be taken unless the President actually puts into force the discretionary power of refusing clearance papers to ships discriminating against American goods, withholding the use of telegraphs and cable lines from subjects of discriminating Governments and denying import privileges to countries which restrict American trade.

—The Fryeburg Post, Fryeburg, Maine, Sept. 12, 1916, p. 7.

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